His Broken Promise

Like The Wind



*in a park*


            Kai – Yull… sorry I can’t be with you.


Yulli POV

            I can’t be with you.. those words rang again again in my ears..  the voice I used to love.. the voice that used to comfort me when I’m down.. now that voice is breaking my heart, crushing it into pieces..I can feel my heart aching so bad.. I can feel my eyes being filled with tears but I need to hold it back, I can’t show you I’m weak.. what should I say? I can’t speak if I do, I will break down, I can only look at you now oppa.. your cold eyes that used to look at only me




            Kai – I promise I will stay with you always… ok? So don’t you ever worry about me leaving you

            Yulii – promise oppa? Haha you know I take things seriously.. you can’t ever leave me!

            Kai – I won’t.. I will forever stay with you.

            Yulii – oppa forever is too long.. I will get tired of you

            Kai – haha, that’s too bad, cause I’m not planning on going anywhere my dear, even if your sick and tired of me.


*end flashback*



Yulli POV

            That moment, your promise, your warm hug, your smile… Why is it so different now oppa…? The promise to stay with me forever, you didn’t even give me the change to get tired of you.. why oppa? I want to ask you so badly why oppa. I want to ask you so many questions I wanted to tell you what I feel so bad.. but why.. only this words my mouth uttered..


            Yulli – sure thing. I wanted to break up too. *chuckles*


Yulli POV

            You smiled when I said that, you hate me that much? You want to get rid of me that much? I smiled back, giving you the sweetest smile I could ever give. How can you believe me? Why can’t you see what my heart truly says? Stupid, how can you be this stupid? Promises your stupid promises, how can I be this stupid. How can I believe you? How can I let you hurt me this much?


            Yulli – so I’ll go now oppa. Thanks for making it easy for me.


Yulli POV

            I turned my back and started to walk away.. away from you, away from the hurt.. the tears I tried my hardest to keep fell… with out a hint of stopping. Stupid! Do you know how much I wanted you to stop me? To tell me that you love me, that your only joking and that you would stick to your promise. Promise to keep me forever. Please please hold me back. Please stop me from leaving..


            Kai – yul.




Yulli POV

             That voice, your calling my name again.. I stopped at my tracks.. please tell me you love me oppa. Tell me please.


            Kai – yul please..

            Yulli – ye?


Yulli POV

            I said as I tried to keep my voice from shaking. Say you love me oppa, I won’t ever let go if you say it. Say it once please….


            Kai – if we meet each other again, please pass on by.. Like the wind


Yulli POV

            So this is how it feels to have your heart broken huh? It .. Like the wind? Yeah I should do that.. I raised my hand up and did a thumbs up sign.. I can feel my tears fall like theres no tomorrow. I hate this, I hate this pitiful me, I hate this me that loves you with all my heart, this me will hate you soon oppa. Like the wind please let my feelings be erased and be brought some where else.. Like the wind pass on by..



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pinklimepops23 #1
xD haha I was planning just haven't have time yet. :) <br />
but please do check out my other fics as well :)<br />
thank you
Bakpoplover #2
why do that pleaz do a sequel