I opened the door to the base and found Duizhang already looking through the videos from last night and jotting down his observations. "Morning" I greeted. he stopped writing and greeted back. we heard a sound which sounded like something rolling from the stairs so we hurried to see what it was just to see a rolling boazi on the steps and a laughing Chen at the top of the stairs. Kris helped Baozi up and faced Chen. "Chen whta did you do now?" Kris asked to our very own troll machine. "Hey, don't blame me! It's not my fault a certain Baozi trips over his own foot!" Chen said waving his hands. Then, Yciel came from our left. "Oh,hey it's time for Breakfast go wake the others up. And Kris, I want you to help Mana on another case. She'll come here later" Kris nodded and ordered Chen and I to wake the others as he and Baozi bounded to the dining room.




I was really exhausted. Yciel had us stay up all night because of the Living room incident and wants us to gaurd the family. She seemed a bit cautious for this case. I wonder what we're up against with, she never really gave us any hints though we've been asking her the past hours. I sighed then froze. Someone just walked past the window I was facing. I got up and went near it. I peered outside and saw no one. I swore I saw it's eyes flash red. I jumped when I heard someone knock. "Hyung! Something is happened  with Lay-hyung!  He's got cuts all over his body!" I heard a frantic Tao yelled. I ran to open the door .

"Where is he?" I asked. "In the base with Yce noona! Palli hyung!" He said and we ran to the base where I saw a Lay full of cuts who is being tended by Yciel. "How is he?" I asked Yciel.

"He's fine, he just needs to rest. He'll be sore when he wakes up though" She answered not looking up from Lay. "What exactly happened?"i asked.

"He somehow managed to provoke the entity in the house by singing a song. I advise you guys to not sing we don't really know what it wants or why it is staying in this house" she said seriously.

"Okay then" I answered. She got up and faced us all.

"Okay, from now on no one is to wander around the house alone. You must be in pairs or groups specially you, Luhan,Suho and Kai, something was transferred to you the moment you entered the house. Tao, Baek and Xiumin, please guard the family members while the rest be on your toes at all times and resume the investigation. I will go out for a while, Mana dropped a hint to what we are up against and I'll try to gather info about it since this is my first time to encounter such if ever Mana's assumptions are correct"

"Neh, be fast though" Chen said. she nodded and went out.After sending her out we proceeded to call a house meeting and inform the family about the situation. Once we were done we camped int the base while Tao, Baek and Baozi went to guard the family as it is dangerous.




The activities got crazier and crazier the longer Yciel was away. Some of us are either injured or shocked/ scared beyond ourselves. I silently prayed Yciel to Hurry whatever she was doing because I don't know how long we can hold out. At dawn we breathed a sigh of relief as we heard the sound of the van and hurried out to meet Yciel.

"Oh my goodness I think you've got it on the the dot Mana" She said when her gazed met us. Mana and Kris got out of the van.

"Well we can't let it loose like this Yciel, I think I thought you enough to be able to handle this one. Kris get the others to set up the Pyre ask Yciel where it is" Mana said. Yciel pointed at the place in front of the piano room with the peepholed door. Kris nodded and told us what to do.


Hey guys I've beeen gone a long time huh? well Here is chapter 2 of the second case next chapter will conclud the caseand I know some are curios as to what case Mana and Kris handled so that will be in the next chapter.


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sorry guys can't update yet because of a busy sched. hope you guys understand. I'll try to update as soon as I can


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