
Under the Rain

It was raining, that day.
My friends and I were standing by the school's front door, cussing the rain that poured down on us heavily just after the classes are finished.
Laughing and pushing each other off the canopy, each of us dreaded to have contact with water.
Until at last, it was too late in the day to wait until the rain to stop.
Several friends have gone home, be it under the umbrella with their boyfriend or girlfriend, or borrowing from the office.
Students walking closely together under an umbrella, like coloful dots dancing their way away from the sad, still grey square.
Watching silently as they drift away.. Waiting for their return..
I, too, got bored from waiting. I decided to run into the rain, then take a bus home.
"I'm going first, guys!" I waved goodbye to the remaining friends.
"Haewon-ah! Your ride is here?" you said to me.
"Hmm, I'll just take the bus. Screw the rain, I missed it anyway," I laughed, "bye, everyone!"
I have only ran for a few steps when I heard another pair of shoes splashing through, and your voice shouting, "Ya, Haewon, wait!"
I turned around to find you ing an umbrella in front of myface, "use my umbrella instead."
"Uh... No it's okay, you need that too," I took a step back.
"Aah don't mind me, just take it!" you forced me to take it from your hand.
"Eh, eh, what are you doing?! Seriously, I am okay like this, I want to go home, really.."
"You'll catch a cold running in the rain this hard. Hurry up and take it," suddenly it was inside of my grasp. I was stunned.
"Ah.. Thank.. Thank you!!" I shouted against the increasingly strong wind.
You made your way back to the canopy, as you waved at me.
I smiled as I watch your back, with your umbrella in my hand.


It was raining.
I stretched my arm outside the window, trying to catch the raindrops with my hand.
"Close the window, it's cold out there,"
I turned around, apologizing with a smile on my face as I did so. I sat back on my chair and stared outside.
"You like it that much?" you turned your chair around, staring intently at me.
"Eh?" You do not usually talk to me.
"Rain. You really like it, don't you?" you repeated your question.
I smiled and said, "Yes."
You smiled too, a kind smile which shows both of your dimples, "Weirdo."
You returned your chair to its original position and greeted the teacher.


It was raining.
I waited for you to show up that day, I wanted to return your umbrella. I have wiped it well, I folded it with extra care, leaving no crumples on it.
I wondered how did ypu go to school that day, you did not have your umbrella with you.
The door opened and you walked in, all clean and dry, holding another umbrella.
"Haewon, it's raining today," you greeted me with that smile again.
"Dongwoo-yah, thank you for your umbrella yesterday," I put it on your desk.
"No problem. You can keep it, I've got another one right here," you showed me your new umbrella.
"How could I keep that, you can wear both of them, it's good to have an extra pair,"
"You need it more than I am," he put it back on my desk, "from now on, you have to use an umbrella. No more running in the rain."
"Thanks again, Dongwoo." Being under the rain is my favorite thing to do. I do not mind getting wet.
It is very peculiar, how you made me listen to you.
I like you more than rain.


It was raining.
I stood outside our school gymnasium, hugging myself who was wearing nothing but a simple long white dress. It was prom.
"Watching the rain again?" you came out. Did you look for me?
I nodded and shivered. It was a cold night. You took off your tuxedo and draped it on my shoulder. "Thanks," I put my arms inside the sleeves.
It was too big for me, but it was warm. It smelled like you.
"They are dancing right now," you told me. I knew, I heard the music too. "It's crazy, everyone went all out," you laughed. I turned to look at you.
"When are you leaving for America?" I finally asked him. It has been bothering my mind lately.
Your laughter disappeared as you looked into my eyes, "next week."
I nodded and stared at the rain. I bit my lower lip.
"Do you want to dance?" you suddenly asked.
"Here?" I replied.
"Yes. In the rain," you smiled, but your eyes looked sad. I hate seeing you sad.
"Okay." I took your hand and we walked into the rain. It drenched us instantly. You held my waist, and I circled my hand on your neck.
We swayed to the music inside our head.
"Why are you crying?" you stopped moving.
"I am not, it's the rain." I looked down.
"We better go inside," I released my hand, but you did not let go.
"Haewon, look at me," you commanded.
I looked up and I saw tears in your eyes. Please, do not cry. I do not want to see you like this..
"From the first time I saw your smile, I immediately thought, 'this is it.' You captured me from the start. You, the girl who loved the rain so much, the girl who stood under the rain on PE, when everyone was running for shelter." My heart stopped. "You, the way you smile and laugh, the way your eyes twinkle when you talk.. Haewon-ah, don't you realize my feelings for you?"
I cannot hold back my tears anymore. It trickled on my cheek, becoming one with the rain. I never knew.
I smiled despite of my tears, and I said, "You fool. I have always loved you, even more than the rain."

You hugged me in your arms. You were laughing, you held me close to you. I hugged you back, afraid to let go.
I was afraid that if I let go, you will go to the place where I cannot reach you. Where I cannot see your smile and hear your voice anymore.
But eventually, I had to.


It was not raining.
It must not rain today, for you will fly to America. To a place a thousand miles away from me, separated by the oceans.
It was not raining outside, but inside of me there is a thunderstorm. I stared at the bright blue sky, hoping for your plane to appear in the sky.
I hold the umbrella you gave to me a couple months back. It was still fresh in my memory, you.
I hold it close to me, trying to feel your warmth. I do not know when you will be back, but everytime it rains, I will think of you.
You will return to me someday, under the rain, you promised to return to me.
So I wipe my tears, force a smile, and walk away from the window.
Until that day, I will always remember you. I will always think of you.
Under the rain, we will meet again.

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Chapter 1: I love it! This is amazing, the details, the rain and everything else! ^^