The True Happily Ever After

Porcelain Prince
Pit… Pat…Pit…Pat… Droplets fell from the sky, sprinkling the streets of Sinchon. The mist hovered just above the buildings, fogging the window glasses of homes. The streets were filled with people carrying umbrellas which looked like a field of colorful mushrooms in her eyes. The young girl crouched next to her window, staring out into space. Her smoky black orbs eyed the fogged glass. Slowly, she brought up a long slender finger and drew on the glass. Words formed as her finger traced them out delicately. The rain feels the pain in my heart, the pain of being invisible in people’s eyes, the pain of being Rapunzel stuck up in this tower, the pain of not having my prince look for me sooner. A knock interrupted the haunting silence, making the girl wipe off the words on the glass with her palm immediately. Slowly, the girl got up to her feet and walked to the door, straightening her cotton blue pajamas absently before reaching for the door knob. She opened it carefully, peeking through the gap to see who was at her doorstep.
“Song Minjae, could you hurry up a bit? I’m f-freezing out here...,” a familiar voice whined, teeth chattering due to the cold.
“Minki?” Minjae opened the door wider. A tall and skinny figure stood with his arms wrapped around his body for warmth. His longish bleached-blond hair drenched from the rain was now sticking to his flawless heart-shaped face. His skin was even paler than usual, making him look more like the nickname she had given him, Porcelain Prince. “What are you doing here?” She asked, surprised to see her best friend in front of her apartment despite the  rain.
“I came to check on you,” The boy entered her apartment casually, making himself comfortable in her living room. “And the name is Ren. Minki just sounds weird, don’t you think?”
Minjae finally broke into a soft smile. A slight chuckle left her lips as she grabbed a fresh towel, tossing it to Ren. “Wipe yourself, drenched puppy. I don’t want you catching a cold.” Ren caught the towel expertly, grinning at the girl as he dried his blond hair roughly. Minjae made her way to the kitchen and looked around the cabinets. She poked her head into every corner, searching for anything warm to eat on such a cold weather.
“Want anything, Ren?” She was about to grab two packets of instant noodles when a hand took her wrist firmly and spun her around. Her eyes met Ren’s angelic ones. She never realized that her breathing had stopped for just a millisecond when Ren leaned closer to her ear.
“We’re going out today,” he whispered. Minjae gave him a stern look before turning her back to him. “You know I hate going out…” She said between clenched teeth.
“But why? You rarely go outside! Even when with me.” The boy pouted, stomping his feet in frustration.
Minjae heaved a short sigh and hung her head low. She had lost count on how many times she had answered to that particular question of his. “You, of all people, should know why…” She was about to turn on her heels and leave when Ren enveloped her in a back hug, arms wrapped around her petite waist.
“I know… But I also want to you to know that I won’t let anything happen to you,” Ren muttered. “I’ll protect you. I’m your Porcelain Prince remember? Prettier than flowers and more charming than Prince Charming himself.”
Minjae faced her best friend slowly, still in his arms. *No way out I guess…* Hesitantly, she raised her pinkie finger to him. “Pinkie promise?” Ren gave an amusing laugh, seeing how he had made the girl agree to his outing. Lacing his pinkie with hers, he smiled reassuringly. “Pinkie promise. Now, go change into something warm! I can’t believe you’re still in your PJs.” He pushed a reluctant Minjae into her bedroom and closed the door before she could protest further.
The rain had stopped but the chill was still there. The two teenagers were walking side by side on the busy streets. Ren felt at peace being around so many people at a time like this since the atmosphere was much warmer, Minjae on the other hand was suffering. She would jump at every sound like car honking, people yelling and dogs barking. She would even get shocked when people start walking as soon as the lights turn green. The fear bottled up inside her was resurfacing bit by bit. She was this close to running back to her comfort zone back at her apartment when Minhae felt a hand slipping into hers. She glanced at a smiling Ren, who brought up their entwined hands and shook it in front of the girl’s face.
“I’m here. Don’t worry. Let me hold your hand so all you need to do is follow my lead alright?” Ren looked straight ahead as he uttered the words, making his way around the crowd of people.
Minjae could see the faint pink shade that crept onto his porcelain skin as she tried her best to ignore her own burning cheeks. It wasn’t the first time Ren showed such gestures in public but the feeling of warmth was always there whenever he stayed close to her. Trusting her best friend, she just quicken her pace to keep up with him and moved about quietly.
The outside world was always like Wonderland to Minjae. She only comes out of her little apartment when she needs to buy groceries or whenever her mail fails to reach her home. Other than that, she tries her best to have it done from inside her house like buying clothes online and even getting know the world through her outdated TV. As long as it’s colored and it still plays well, she thinks it’s not necessary to change to the latest ones. Besides, she doesn’t earn big as a book editor so she tends to spend less money on everything. Weird as it sounds, to keep herself warm, she boils water to pour it into a 1.5 liter bottle and later hug it to sleep to keep her warm. She was too caught up at sight-seeing that she never noticed Ren had long stopped walking and in the end collided with his back. Minjae winced in pain as she rubbed her sore nose due to the collision, turning to the direction Ren had his eyes on. She frowned at the shop they were standing in front of.
“Dessert House. Seriously, Minki? You know sweetness and I don’t get along…” Minjae threw her best friend a cold look, who only batted his doe eyes at her and starting tugging on her sleeve.
“Oh come on, Minjae. This is like the best hangout place in the neighborhood,” Ren had on one of his signature cute tones, going all adorable and squishy as he begged for the girl to agree. “And I heard they serve the best cappuccinos too! Being the cold city girl like you, I know coffee is what you prefer so I’m introducing you to a new coffee paradise.” He made a little ‘magic hand’ gesture, waving his painted nails in the air at the café.
Minjae groaned and tilted her head back, letting it dangle from her neck. How she hated when Ren tempted her to do things with coffee. She should have declined his offer to Starbucks years ago when they first met, that way she won’t have met this childish boy and she won’t have such a soft spot for coffee beverages. Ren got impatient so without waiting for her approval, he grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her into the café. The coffee aroma drifted in the air, entering Minjae’s nose as soon as Ren opened the door and entered the café. It made her mind clearer and she found herself relaxing at the sweet smell of caffeine along with the soothing background music. Ren hopped to the counter and wore on his best smiles before placing his orders.
“One caramel macchiato and one iced cappuccino. Special one for the cappuccino alright?” He whispered the last part to the waiter but Minjae could still hear it and fought back the urge to smile.
The waiter gave a knowing smile and nodded at Ren’s order before punching into the cash machine. “Please have a seat first while waiting for your order. We’ll have it delivered to the table.” 
And Minjae was dragged again by Ren towards an available window seat. Flopping into his seat, Ren grinned happily as he waited for his best friend to come sit next to him. Unfortunately, Minjae chose otherwise and sat opposite of him. Ren pouted and crossed his skinny arms over his chest. “Why didn’t you sit next to me? I wanted to take a picture with you and upload it on Instagram. This is a day to remember okay?”
The girl only sent a sharp glare towards his direction. “I knew you wanted to do so, that’s why I sat here.”
Ren just shrugged simply. He propped an arm on the table and rested his chin on his fist, sighing dreamily as he stared into Minjae’s black smoky orbs. “Oh well, at least you gave me a good view of your eyes.” She didn’t know why but hearing Ren say something like that made her heart beat in a very odd way. It wasn’t those that made you feel sick or painful. This was more pleasant and it tickled too. She just shifted her eyes to the view outside, avoiding his gaze as it started to make her insides uncomfortable. Ren only giggled at the sight of his best friend blushing before leaning back on the cushion chair, fishing out his phone and fiddled around with the screen.
Minjae looked around at the café. It wasn’t packed like the outside and it sounded more quiet, better than she expected. Ren always picked places well which suited her preference of quietness and peaceful environments. Each place he took her to was the best places she has ever been like the library, the bookstore and this dessert café. It always proves how observant and caring Ren can be under those childish looks. The waiter came with their drinks, placing them in the center of the table. As he laid down the iced cappuccino, he looked up at Minjae and winked secretively. “One special iced cappuccino for the lovely lady.”
She pinked at the waiter’s words and stole a glance at his nametag. Park Jaesung, it read. And her smile immediately turned into a frown. Jaesung was a very popular guy back in the high school days. Every girl would be stupid if they never had a crush on Mr. Popular before but sadly Minjae was never the girl to capture his attention as he only went for girls who stood on the highest peak on the cheerleading team pyramid formation. And Minjae was not one of those girls since she was her old high school’s infamous wallflower. Ren caught the wink the waiter sent to his best friend. He felt his blood boil inside him as he slammed down his palm, shocking the waiter.
“Please don’t flirt with my girlfriend in front of me,” He squinted his eyes to read the boy’s nametag. “Park Jaesung.” He spat out the name as if it were poison, sending the flustered  waiter running back to his duties.
Minjae gaped at Ren’s bold remark. She reached out and flicked him hard on the forehead. “Oww, what’s that for you little midget?” Ren rubbed his stinging forehead and pouted cutely.
Minjae gave him the are-you-kidding-me look and waved at the waiter who was now hiding himself behind the cashier counter. Ren only shrugged and sipped on his caramel macchiato. This time, it was Minjae’s turn to pout. Even though Ren had his eyes fixed onto his macchiato, he could still catch a glimpse of the girl pouting. Before it could vanish, he fished out his phone and clicked away on the camera. She still hasn’t really her best friend took a candid picture of her and was too busying slavering the taste of her iced cappuccino. *Told you it’s nice.* Ren grinned at Minjae before looking back at the candid picture he took. Tapping on the screen quietly, he set the picture of the girl as his wallpaper.
Minjae looked up from her cappuccino, finding Ren grinning all by himself and fiddling with his phone under the table. She rose up from her seat and stretched her neck to have a peek of what is he doing when Ren looked up just in time. Their faces were just a breath away, so close that Minjae could even trace his perfectly craved lips with just raising her finger. Both of them weren’t breathing when they could see their own reflection in each other’s eyes. The whole place was muted in Minjae’s ears as she stared into the boy’s doe-like eyes. They had the sparks of a child and something else, something she couldn’t quite point out. Then someone from the café cleared his throat, breaking the little moment Ren and Minjae were sharing. Both avoided looking at each other, fanning their burning cheeks. Minjae got up from her seat and coughed awkwardly, picking up her drink in her hands on the way.
“Let’s um, go? I think it’s getting dark already.” She mumbled and quicken her steps out of the café, leaving a dumbfounded Ren chasing after her.
Just like before, the two were again walking in silence. This time the awkwardness was still there from the incident a while ago. None of them spoke a single word, not wanting the atmosphere to get even awkward as it already this. Ren jiggled his half-empty drink in his hand as he stared around at the streets. People who passed by them would turn around and whisper into other’s ears, pointing fingers at himself and his quiet friend. Sometimes, he would even catch a faint ‘they look so cute together,’ comment from the crowd. His perfect lips curled into a shy smile as he peeked over his side to look at Minjae. She was still sipping on her cappuccino, her long brown curls tousled lightly by the wind that Ren refrain himself from touching. Her eyes were glued straight ahead, probably spacing out since she had not blinked for quite some time already. Ren stayed close to her just in case she might knocked into anyone on her way. He wrapped an arm around Minjae slowly and pulled her close to avoid the crowd of people that started moving in the direction of an arriving bus.
Minjae came back to earth when she felt something heavy on her shoulders. Looking up, she found so many people rushing towards her direction. She closed her eyes and prepared to get pushed around by the crowd when the arm on her shoulders pulled her closer to the side, avoiding the rushing herd of people. She looked over to her right and saw Ren holding her small body close to his. She turned to see the bus already leaving and pointed at it.
“Aren’t we using the bus home? That’s the last bus already.” She said in a monotone voice.
Ren looked back as well and sure enough it was their bus that would take them right to her apartment building. “We’re heading to the grocery store for a bit. Your house is so empty and I don’t think you would want to go out again after this. Why? Tired already, Minjae?” He looked at her full with concern but Minjae only shook her head, throwing him a soft smile.
“Nah, I think I can manage it. Besides, you’re right. I don’t think I would want to go out again after this,” was all she said before walking ahead and entering a nearby convenience store.
The ahjumma in the shop greeted her with a big smile as she walked in slowly. “Ah, Song Minjae right? Resident 153.” Minjae blinked at the ahjumma before nodding her head once, wondering how this lady knew where she lived and her apartment number.
“I’m your neighbor, Mrs. Jang. Aigoo, young lady… You should get out of the house more often and get to know the residents around you. People are really curious of the pretty Rapunzel that lives next to me you know?” The ahjumma gave her a playful wink and cracked a crooked smile at Minjae.
The doorbell chimed, indicating an entering customer. Mrs. Jang’s expression was a little unreadable when she saw Ren entering the store and coming up behind Minjae before placing a hand on her shoulder. “Oh, aren’t you the boy that always stands outside this young lady’s house and delivers her milk carton every morning?” Ren stiffen at the ahjumma’s comment and let out a small cough. Minjae looked over her shoulder, confusion swirled in her black orbs as she blinked them at Ren.
“Is it true, Minki?” She was expecting an immediate answer but Ren left to the food section, scanning the shelves from up to bottom. Minjae knew he’ll open up and tell the truth so she’ll just let this one slide for now. She walked up to Ren and saw he had a few items in his hands. Instant noodles, fresh vegetables and other cooking ingredients, a few bottles of banana milk. All her favorite flavors, she thought as she laid eyes on the banana milk bottles he had picked out. Taking the things from his hands, she nudged his shoulder playfully. “What? Are you my personal assistant now? Or are you my stalker? How come you know what my favorite flavors and my favorite instant noodles are?”
Not even sparing her a glance, he continued looking around for anything that would suit the girl’s liking. “Because I’m your…friend.” The word ‘friend’ came out a little hesitantly as he turned away, looking for more things to buy. Minjae just gave him a weird look when he had his back against her. *Ren’s acting weird day by day. Wonder what’s his problem.*
After picking out everything they need, Ren and Minjae brought the things to the counter to get it paid. The ahjumma looked at the quiet Ren and smiled knowingly. “You must be this Rapunzel’s Prince Charming hmm? You two look great together.” Minjae pinked before stealing a peek over Ren, finding him blushing as well only he just kept his cool and took the things, saying a simple thanks and walking out of the shop. Minjae bowed to Mrs. Jang and ran after Ren who was already quite far away from her.
“Ren! Wait up. I’m not as fa-, ouch!” She landed on the cold pavement, first. She winced in pain as her head looked up to see who was the person she knocked into. As soon as she met eyes with the figure who stood in front of her, she felt her blood run cold and her heart started beating a little louder until she could hear it in her ears. A girl not any older than herself stood in front of her, smiling down before extending a hand to help her up which Minjae ignored and stood up herself. “If it isn’t wallflower Song Minjae. Remember me?” The girl pointed at herself with her ‘innocent’ smile.
Minjae clutched her fist hard until her knuckles went white. Her eyes glowed in fury but she had on her signature poker face and stared back at the girl. “Do Chaekyung. How can I forget…,” her tone came out a little feisty and sarcastic.
If Park Jaesung was Mr. Popular of her old high school, then Do Chaekhyung would be Ms. Popular. They were known as the kingka and queenka of the school, always clinging around each other and flirting slash making out whenever or wherever they can. It’s gross to even acknowledge her as her ex best friend. Yes, the most popular girl in school was once best friend with the wallflower of Pledis High.
Chaekhyung gave a mocking chuckle as she crossed her arms over her chest and smirked. “So, how’s lonely life going for you?”
“Much better than the life you’re living. Full of fake and mindless rich bastards.” Minjae growled back. She could feel Chaekhyung’s gaze burning through her skull but she just felt satisfied, being able to say something so bold once again to Ms. Popular.
“Oh please, the one who’s fake and mindless is you!” Chaekhyung stabbed her finger right at Minjae’s chest, pushing her back a little.
“What do you mean?” Minjae’s tone went softer as she stared back at the girl who once shared so much history and fun with her.
The school bell rang and everyone rose up from their seats, not waiting for the teacher to finish what he had to say and left the classroom. Chaekhyung finished packing her bag and waited for the girl who sat beside still writing something on a piece of paper. She tugged on the girl’s sleeve, whining in the cutest tone she could pull off. “Yah, Song Minjae. I’m hungry already… Hurry up before the cafeteria gets too packed.”
Minjae patted her best friend’s hand and slipped the paper she had written into a hardcover book. Chaekhyung took a peek at the book and noticed how Minjae handled it with such care. She poked her friend’s sides and grinned. “Aye, someone special’s?” But Minjae only shook her head and got up to her seat, advancing towards their Literature teacher.
“Mr. Kim…,” she called out softly to the male that was busy going through a few students files. He raised his head and met the girl’s eyes before breaking into a small smile himself. He closed the file he was looking through earlier and crossed his hands over it. Fixing his glasses that sat on his nose, he gave the most heart-throbbing smile to Minjae.
“Yes, my best student. What can I help you with?” He looked at the book that she had extended to him. Poems and Arts ( Advanced Level ), it read. His eyes formed two crescent moons as he took the book from the girl’s hands. “I see you’ve finished my book. How was it?”
Minjae gave a double thumbs up and said, “I’ve learned a lot from it. And I used the skills I’ve learned from this book in the assignment you recently gave us, Mr. Kim.” She pulled a few pieces of paper from her backpack and handed it to the teacher, who smiled widely after skimming through his student’s handwritten assignment on Literature.
“Now I know why you will be the best writer in the future. Good work, Song Minjae.” He reached out and ruffled her hair, unaware that they weren’t alone in the classroom.
Chaekhyung fumed in the back of the room. The sight in front of her was unbearable. The teacher she was crushing on was ruffling her best friend’s hair. He never did that to her when she wrote a good essay. Her fists shook in fury as she shot lasers at her best friend’s back. But before she could rage further, Minjae spun around and beckon her to come closer. Chaekhyung held to her anger and made her way slowly towards the teacher’s table. As she walked up to the table, she saw how Mr. Kim was looking right at her with tender eyes. It made her heart beat so fast that she thought she was going to have a heart attack.
“I see that your essays have improved. And Minjae told me you have great interest in Literature. Is it true, Do Chaekhyung?” His voice sounded like the tinkling of bells, melodious and soothing. His face was so flawless that it ached her heart not being able to reach out and touch it. A blush came up to her face as she lowered her head in a small nod. Mr. Kim let out a short laugh before handing Chaekhyung the book Minjae had borrowed. “Here, read this. It’ll help you a lot with your writing. If you face any problems, do come to me for help.” Chaekhyung felt someone pinching her sides and glanced over her left, finding her best friend secretly sending her a wink. Her anger had subsided when she knew how much Minjae tried to get Mr. Kim to notice her. And they left the classroom together, arm in arm.
School ended and it was a downpour outside. Chaekhyung had left with her chauffeur, leaving Minjae alone at the school’s entrance. It’s not that Chaekhyung never offered her a ride, but Minjae declined it as she knew that Chaekhyung’s parents never liked the girl. For some reason, she thinks that the parents rather see their daughter hang around with the rich kids than the girl who lived with no parents in an old apartment. No matter how Chaekhyung insisted, she still stood her ground and rejected it. With a heavy heart, Chaekhyung slide into her limousine and waved at Minjae before the school became out of sight. The weather was cold and Minjae had nothing but the warmth of her school uniform. She left her umbrella at home in the rush of getting ready for school. She had no choice but to wait for the rain to stop before heading home. Suddenly, she felt something warm being draped over her shoulders. She jumped at the sudden contact and turned around, meeting Mr. Kim.
“Mr. Kim! What are you still doing here? Weren’t you long gone?” She blinked her eyes at the teacher who chuckling at her cute expression. Carefully, he buttoned up his jacket that he had given to the girl and brought out an umbrella over their heads.
“I was on my way out when I saw you still here,” He smiled at Minjae before poking her cold cheeks softly. “And what did I tell you? Don’t call me Mr. Kim when no one’s around. What happen to ‘favorite cousin Myungsoo oppa’?” Minjae’s lips curved into a smile as her cousin wrapped an arm around her shoulders, walking into the rain with the umbrella over their head. People usually misunderstood their relationship, saying that Minjae was the teacher’s pet. But actually it’s a total opposite. Myungsoo was the only relative she had in this town and he was also the one who took care of Minjae ever since her parents died in a car accident years ago. Minjae never told anyone about her family relationship with Myungsoo as she didn’t want people to come to her with millions of confession letters. Yes, Myungsoo or Mr. Kim as he was known in school could easily beat down the popularity of Park Jaesung. He might be older than all of us by 5 years but his looks made him look 17. His perfect looks and that model-like body could easily make any girl drop down dead. One of the girls was no other than her own best friend, Do Chaekhyung. Minjae had tried introducing Chaekhyung to her cousin brother but he said that being in a relationship with a student wouldn’t do good for his job. It’s not that she isn’t pretty –she is very pretty to be exact, but he just chose to be with someone not associated with his career. *Oh well, I tried didn’t I?*
The next day in school felt different. Usually no one would notice when Minjae steps into the corridor or class, but this time as she walked pass anywhere everyone would stare. She could hear snickering and whispering as she passed every student. She started to wonder if something was on her face or maybe stuck to her uniform when she saw a crowd of students huddled against the notice board. Her heart panged loud in her chest as she worked her way around the crowd, ending up in front of the notice board. It was full with pictures of her and Myungsoo from yesterday. One was the time when Myungsoo had worn the jacket on top of her, another was the one where Myungsoo wrapped an arm around her and walked home together. Different angles of their moment together got captured and was now on the notice board for the whole student body to see. Her body shook in fear as she stared at the pictures one by one. Everything was wrong, so wrong. Who would have done this? The crowd around her started pointing fingers at her, assuming all the impossible.
“I bet they both are sleeping together,” “I bet Minjae bribed her way to good grades by spending nights with Mr. Kim,” “She must have seduced Mr. Kim. Why would he go out with someone like her?”
The hurtful comments that came from the other students was nothing compared to the scream of her best friend. Chaekhyung had tears streaming down her face as she glared at Minjae. Hurt and betrayal flashed before her eyes as she grabbed Minjae by the collar, shaking her violently and screaming into her ears.
“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, SONG MINJAE?! TELL ME!” Her words rang in her ears. Minjae could only shut her eyes and cry silently. The students backed away from the scene and slowly started chanting, “Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!” Someone even prepared a video camera to record the whole incident.
“Get out of the way! Get out of th-, Chaekhyung! What on earth are you doing?” Minjae heard Myungsoo’s voice from the crowd and before she knew it, her body was dropped to the ground. She was able to catch a glimpse of Myungsoo slapping Chaekhyung and Chaekhyung demanding for an explaination before drifting into darkness.
“Stop it! ENOUGH!” Minjae squatted on the ground in the cold, covering her ears from the memory of her past. Because of her, her cousin got posted to a different school. Because of her, people called her a and a two-faced . Students used to pour buckets of ice cold water when she enters the cubicle in the toilet. And that was how Chaekhyung changed and became one of the popular girls, and also became President of the anti-Minjae club.
Chaekhyung only cackled at Minjae’s sufferings. She pulled back her foot, ready to throw a kick at the pathetic girl when someone pulled her hard by the shoulder.
“What do you think you are doing?!” Ren yelled as the grip on the girl’s shoulder grew stronger, hurting her slowly. Chaekhyung tried to pry off the boy’s hands from her shoulder but it got stronger, making her wince in pain more. “L-let go, you weirdo. Let go!”
Minjae stood up slowly as she heard her porcelain prince coming to her rescue. Still had her head hung low, she mumbled, “Just let her go, Ren.”
Ren looked at his friend and shouted, “She tried to hurt you! I’m not letting this slide!” Chaekhyung only laughed seeing her misery. She knew she had hurt her deep down again and it satisfied her. Being able to see her in this state somehow made her realize how much she had hated her. Finally, Ren’s hands dropped down to his side. Chaekhyung grabbed her Gucci handbag and slung it on her arm, flipping her ash brown hair. “You should have died when you had the chance.”
As soon as the words left the mean girl’s mouth, Ren’s hand slapped across her face. Minjae took off as fast as she could. Ren shouted after her before sparing a glare at Chaekhyung. “Look you, I don’t know who you are but I swear if I ever see you again I’ll roll you down with a truck!” Chakhyung just stood there, a hand on her red cheek as hot tears trailed down her face. People who passed her snickered and whispered about the scene they just watched. Now she knew how Minjae felt when everyone saw her hitting the girl in corridor back in her high school days.
Ren chased after Minjae who was already ahead of him. He saw her making her way up the stairs to her apartment. He called out to her so many times but she never bother to look back even once. She ran up into her house, punched in the house code and locked herself in her bedroom. Ren ran into her place and looked around frantically for his best friend. He heard the shower faucet on in the girl’s bedroom. He tried turning the doorknob but it won’t open. He started freaking out and banged on the door furiously.
“Song Minjae! Open up this instant! Open up, damn it!” He banged on the door a couple more times until the door flew open, Minjae standing there blinking her innocent eyes at him. Before she could ask what was wrong, he scooped her up in his arms and crushed her in a tight hug. He didn’t realize he was crying until he heard himself choking on his tears.
“P-please don’t run off like that. Please j-just stay where I can c-comfort you. Please…,” he sniffled and hugged her tighter. Minjae stiffen in his arms, patting his back slowly with one hand as the other placed on top of the crying boy’s chest.
“Alright… alright I promise.” She whispered into his ear as he wept on her shoulder.
A long night it was for Ren and Minjae. Empty bowls of instant noodles sat in the sink as the two teenagers were outside the balcony, sitting cross-legged next to each other and admiring the night view. The air was cool and the night was calm. Everything that happened earlier became a memory that Minjae wanted to forget. Ren was quiet too as he got flustered at his crying that must even have shocked himself. The two were still as their bodies rocked slightly to the quiet night. Minjae stole a glance at her friend who just stared out into the night view. She had a good look at his side profile. *Perfect jawline, the cute nose, the long lashes that framed his innocent doe eyes and the hair that grew close to his shoulder. Still boyish.* She reached out slowly and poked him lightly on the cheek which startled the male. He turned in a flash and met her black orbs and soften a bit, smiling prettily at Minjae.
“Are you okay now?” He asked as he scooted closer to her. She only gave a small nod before facing front again and dropped her hand to the side. A short sigh escaped her pink lips before speaking up. “Now you know what I fear about the world right?”
Ren nodded slowly and faced to the front as well. “Some people are just too cruel. That girl –Chaekhyung was it, is one of them.” Minjae just shrugged and picked up her banana milk, prickling a hole on the cover before slipping the straw inside the hole and sipped slowly.
“Well, things aren’t always as beautiful as a fairytale. Unlike your life… You have everything. A family, friends and tons of fangirls.” Ren just laughed. True, Ren was pretty popular among the ladies including gay men. Now that he works in a café, business is running well thanks to the pretty boys.
“Perfect? I have my problems too okay? And you have fanboys yourself.” Ren pinched Minjae’s cheeks lightly and giggled. Minjae have him a weird look and shook her head in denial.
“Yes you do okay! Tell you what, Aron hyung likes you. He keeps asking me about you all the time.”
Minjae bit on her fingers as she racked her mind about this Aron guy. *Ah, Aron Kwok. The oldest among the group of pretty boys.* Smiling a little, she turned to Ren. “Well, tell Aron oppa that I already have someone in mind.” A blush crept onto her cheeks as she tried to hide her face by looking down to her feet. Ren felt his heart relaxed knowing that his older friend won’t stand a chance with her but he couldn’t stop feeling jealous of the lucky guy who had stolen the girl’s attention. It made him feel pain in the heart to know that there’s someone else –another male in her heart other than him, her best friend. He wished for a long time that Minjae would stop seeing him as a mere friend but maybe it was just life. Maybe being in the friendzone was all he was going to get.
“W-who’s the lucky guy huh? You didn’t tell me anything about some other guy.” He found himself asking. His tone shocked the girl since it came out a little harsh and a little hurt? Minjae bit on her fingers again as she thought of how she should answer this particular question.
Ren saw the hesitation in her eyes. He felt hurt and a little disappointed that the answer he wished didn’t come out from her lips. He grasped her shoulder and turned her around to face him. Shaking her lightly, he tried to hide the upset tone of his and asked again. “Who is he? Tell me already!” But before he could ask any further, he felt her soft lips coming in contact with his. It wasn’t the Hollywood type of kiss which people see in the movies. This was a more innocent one, the one that would bring the butterflies into your stomach and the one that would make you feel electrified by the slight contact. The kiss wasn’t long as she broke it off as soon as she had given them. Ren was staring at her, wide eyes and shocked by her sudden action. She stood up and cleared .
“I never needed anyone else by my side. Not before, not now, and there will never be an after… But you, and only you,” The words that came out of Minjae’s mouth next made Ren’s heart flutter. It made him felt light in the head. Somehow, the night seemed much brighter than it was. “You were always there for me. Ever since the first time we met in the bookstore where we fought over a recipe book. You never left my side and you always tried your best to cheer me up when the gloomy side of my resurfaces. And those words on the milk cartons never failed to brighten up my day.” She gazed up in the sky, embarrassed at her own words when suddenly a pair of arms encircled her waist. Ren buried his face in the crook of her neck, breathing in her sweet scent. Minjae giggled and poked his tummy with her elbow. “Yah, that tickles you know?”
Ren could only bury his face deeper and blew air into her ears, making her laugh hysterically. His smile stretched from ear to ear and tighten his hold around the girl. “Thank you my girl. For returning the feelings I have kept hidden for so long.” He planted a tender kiss on her cheek. Minjae pinked but didn’t bother to struggle out of his hug, leaning closer into his embrace as they stared up to the starry sky.
“You know, I stuck those memos you send me through the milk carton just right next to my bed.” Minjae looked over her shoulder and whispered to Ren.
Ren grinned and tapped her nose lightly, “Really now? Why is that?”
“Because it reminds me of you, funny right? It was so like your words. And it takes me into my dreamland safely, just like how you guide me around life.” Minjae winked.
The boy just gave out an amusing chuckle. “Oh well, what can I say? I am your Porcelain Prince right? Prettier than flowers and more charming than Prince Charming himself.”
Minjae just kept quiet but inside, she felt all fuzzy and ticklish. It wasn’t because of Ren’s cheesy words. But it was the meaning behind it. He was a perfect being and everyone liked him but he only saw her in his eyes. He was even braver than Prince Charming to stand up and defend her in front of Chaekhyung. He was the only one who saw her up in her tower, locked up and waiting for someone to come show her the world. Gaining someone special like him was the best. Far more beautiful and magical than any fairytale anyone would expect.
And that’s the true happily ever after


Okay, I don't know what I was writing. It was just so random. ;w; Bye


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Chapter 1: Ahh, so cute! :3
kpopfan_13 #2
Awww that was so cute!!!! You're an amazing writer ^_^
Chapter 1: omg i love it! ;___; wtf ren marry me llooll :33
i'm just gonna sit here and assume that minjae is me ;AA;
Chapter 1: I love this story!! It's so cute and fluffy and awwwww I love your writing style ^^ keep on writing~~
Chapter 1: So adorable! :D I <3 this!
BlueJoker427 #6
Chapter 1: So cute <3 i loved this
Dangerousluv1 #7
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, "It's so fluffy!!!" Lol, but seriously this story was just so cute and adorable and I loved it ^ ^
Update already, Ren is my fave!!