
Alice and the Hatter

It was noon, the time when the sun goes down, and when we’re supposed to have afternoon tea. That’s right. I’m having afternoon tea, in the middle of nowhere with a stranger who wore a mask and a fancy looking silk top hat.

A zephyr of breeze swept across the field filled with various kinds of flowers and created fluffy waves. I sat in a designed arm chair, with bright red manchette and hand crafted golden rails. While I watched the loose pedals of flowers swept up by the sudden wind, I pondered.

I cannot remember what exactly happened, or how I got here. But, when I opened my eyes, I was alone in an empty field. Nothing, but green grass, Well… Not until he came.  He asked for my name and led me here, to this dream land. Mum said not to talk to strangers, but he’s the only stranger here…

So I sat on one end of the long rectangular dining table and he on the other. The table was covered in unbleached cream cotton, on top was various, numerous and jaw dropping desserts, along with an unnecessary teeny flower vase in the middle of the full and messy looing table.

I carefully picked up the antique tea cup which was placed in front of me, and watched the steam fly up in the air or nothing. Rose tea uh? Swirling the tea inside and lifting it up to my bottom lip. Pleasant warm waves rushed into my mouth then down my throat. My taste buds informed the sense to my brain. It did not taste as it smelt, it was rather bitter. I thought it was sweet… Casually, I placed the cup on the table and turned my attention to him.

“Excuse me, but how long are you planning to wear that mask?” I locked my sight on the rabbit mask which he wore the whole time. Questioning myself too, Can he even breathe under the mask? And isn’t it rude? Plus, I don’t even know him, err…

“...” He did not say a word. It was irritating how he just ignored my question while I paid full attention to him. Never less, I doubt he’d be able to hear me from the other end.

His expressions were hidden behind the mask, I couldn’t tell whether he’s crying or laughing. Although I didn’t know what he looked like, but somehow, he seemed familiar… Like the way he sat, legs crossed and arms crossed over his chest while he leaned back into the chair. Exactly like Kim Jong Dae!

My mind flicked, an impossible idea came up, if I can take that mask off… Maybe all the mystery would be solved, but will he tell get crossed?

Looking over to the other side, my eyes scanned him, his board shoulder created a manly illusion and the way he stared into the horizon. Dayum, I can’t take this anymore >

“Can I come over?” I brushed off all inappropriate thoughts carefully asked. Scared that he might know what I’m going to do.

He nodded elegantly. So he can hear me, after all… Rude!

I stood up in reflex and walked out of my chair towards him.  On the way, I quickly planned a perfect idea, I’ll pretend to faint and when he catches me, I’ll take his mask off.  Hehe, I’m so sorry that I’m too smart *giggle*

As I approached the chair next to him, I faked a wan expression and pretend to tottered. I hoped this will go smoothly as planned. I tripped over my own foot purposely, closed my eyes and waited for him. As expected, I felt a strong grip of my waist. Heavy breathing sound and the sense of Lavender, but I just want to fall asleep now…Watt..? I feel so light… *snore* zzzzzzzzzzz


I sat there, in the middle of the grass field under the shade of an apple tree reading a book titled ‘Alice in the wonderland’.

Then suddenly a man’s voice called



“Come Alice”

Who’s Alice?

“I’m Hatter”


Because I cbs describing how the main girl charater looks like or Chen, so here's a picture of it... You know what? Maybe I'll give you all the pictures of how the field and both of the charaters look like.

The field, with actually more flowers.


The dress she wore


The suite Chen (hatter) wore


And of course you all know what chen looks like so,

What the girl looked like


Heh, I updated this again :)

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