A Real Dream

A Real Dream

I was on my way to -------’s house. He invited me to go to his house. I was tired, but for him, I didn’t mind it. It was 10pm though.

When I arrived at his house, he opened the door and greeted me warmly, “hi ______,” he said, “I invited you here, but I want to go somewhere with you”

I nodded. He grabbed my arms and walked beside me. I felt very happy when I was with him. We went to a river and sat beside that river. I leaned on his shoulder and he caressed my hair softly. He was really nice that day. I didn’t know why. I thought he wanted to say something but.... I didn’t know what.

There was nobody. There were just me, and him. I liked it. Because I hadn’t spent a day with him til that time. That was the first time I spent a day with him, without anyone else.

 “I’m bored,” he said, “should we go somewhere else?” he stopped caressing my hair, but I still could feel the feeling of being caressed by his soft hand.

I shook my head and I held his hand. I really needed to say that I didn’t want to go somewhere else. I wanted to be with him here. At least, for 5 more minutes.

He understood me. I smiled at him and hugged him as tight as I could. He whispered to me, “I know what you’re going to say.”

I closed my eyes and started to sleep. He told me not to sleep because he said that he had to show something to me. I was really curious but I was sleepy. I couldn’t do nothing, so I did what he wanted me to do.

 “______, we need to go somewhere else. I have to show you something,” he said, “please”

I got up. He got up too and then stood next to me. He leaded me to a place that I didn’t know.

 “I spend my day here whenever I’m sad and alone. Now you’re here, and this is the first time I bring someone to this place,”

That place was his music studio. He played the piano and I listened to it well. He composed that song for me. When he finished playing that song, he looked at me and asked me to sit beside him.

 “you are the only one who can listen to this song. I won’t allow anyone else,”

I looked at him, my face asked him why. He answered,

 “you’ll know the reason,”

He smiled at me and gave me a warm hug. I felt so good, because I hadn’t received a hug from him before. When he broke the hug, I started to cry, because his hug was the best hug for me. And he was the only one who knew me well.  If I could, I would tell everybody that he composed a song for me and I would let them hear it. But I could really not. He composed it like he was the best song writer. He played the piano like he was the master of piano. He was nearly perfect, while I couldn’t sing, I couldn’t write a song, I couldn’t play piano, and I couldn’t even tell him how much I loved him. I was nothing, but I knew, I meant everything to him.

 “you’re my everything,” suddenly he whispered to me. It seemed like he could read my mind. Each question was answered when he was near.

There was nothing more we could do in his music studio. So we went outside, to a street that I didn’t know. There were old buildings everywhere. Nobody was there. Where was everybody? I hadn’t seen anybody since I met him today.

 “I’m here,” he said. Oh yeah, he did it again. He read my mind.

I wanted to ask him where we were. He asnwered it again, although I hadn’t asked him. He said.... something that I couldn’t believe.

 “we are in a place that you shouldn’t come to,” he answered, “I’ve gone so far, I have to leave you now.... sorry.”

I didn’t understand. A place that I shouldn’t come to? What did that mean? I thought of it, but he didn’t answer me. I thought he couldn’t answer this one. And.... he had to leave me?

 “Wake up and live your life. I’ve brought you here, now I have to bring you back to your life. I think you still don’t realize that....this is just a dream. But I’m real. A real dream. Okay? I have to go now. Remember one thing, I love you.”

I woke up and realized that it was just a dream. But, like what he said, it was a real dream. He came. In real life, he wasn’t here anymore. Even in a dream, he left me.

I tried to remember what he said in that dream. “you are the only one who can listen to this song.”. Okay. Now I knew why. It was my dream, that was why I was the only person who could listen to that song.

I remembered the song he sang. But, I couldn’t sing it. I was a silent, I couldn’t speak. So I wrote down what I listened to. And I sang it on my mind everytime.

I had never heard his name before. Until now, his name was the only word I knew.

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Chapter 1: I really love it..you really good make a one-shot stories!n_n
Chapter 1: I love it ! This one-shot is awesome . The way you express those words . Its seems really .. Real . I was imagining L.Joe when reading this . Keke ~ Authornim JJANG !
It's really beautiful. I don't know why but it made me think of Lay from EXO. Maybe because he is as intense as the protagonist here. Good job :)
heeeyzME #5
Soo beautiful:')
EviliciousSoul #6
You're really good writing stories. <br />
I really like it.
I agree with shineelovertae...<br />
The story is nice I thought its was a happy ending but it was twisted to sad and happy.<br />
I don't know how to explain it. XD But it's AWESOME. <3