One Day in the Life of Baekhyun and Chanyeol

It wasn’t long before Chanyeol gets called into the shared bedroom after he got kicked out. He headed towards more choruses in the kitchen and was in the process of washing dishes before a loud “PARK CHAN YEOL” came from the bedroom.

He dries his hands with a towel and nonchalantly replies with a simple “What?”

“Get up here you .” Baekhyun shouts.

“Why? I’m cleaning up after you…”

“Just come here!”

Chanyeol covers his mouth and lets out a chuckle, “Coming, love.”

He opens the door and sees Baekhyun standing cross-armed while simultaneously shooting him dirty glares. “Yes?” he asks.

“Where did u hide my make up?” Baekhyun inquires as his hand reaches for Chanyeol’s face, “tell me, or say good bye to those soft cheeks.”

Chanyeol steps back and grabs his hand, “what are you talking about baby? I didn’t hide them; I don’t even know where you put them.”

“Don’t lie to me, you know exactly where they are.” Baekhyun approaches him with slow small steps and pins him to the wall (if that’s possible considering the height difference).

Chanyeol chuckles, “baby, do you have any idea how ridiculous this position is, pinning people to the wall only works for people who are small and shorter than you, not taller.” Chanyeol grabs Baekhyun’s wrist and switches their position, “this is how you do it.” He leans forward more and more, breathing warm air on to Baekhyun’s face and his neck.

Baekhyun blushes for a fleeting moment, and as he struggles to free himself from Chanyeol while dodging his tickling breath in attempts to hide the pinkness in his cheeks. “Let me go Chanyeol.”

“Where are you going, I thought you like it rough.” Chanyeol smirks as he forces Baekhyun to look at him. He rams his lips on the latter and slowly his bottom lip with bites between . “You gotta open your mouth when you kiss baby.”

“PARK CHAN YEOL, I won’t let you touch me unless you tell me where u hid my make up.”

Chanyeol ignores his threat and continues with the kisses on the latter’s lip.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t hear me!”

Chanyeol moves his lips towards his ear, and bites his earlobe teasingly, “I heard you baby, only if you can be this loud in bed.”

“Oh, is that a challenge?”

“I don’t know; it depends on how you take it.” Chanyeol replied with a smirk.

“You know,” Baekhyun says as he wraps his legs around Chanyeol’s hip, “I wouldn’t be this quiet unless someone failed to satisfy me.”

“See, you like it rough.” Chanyeol grabs Baekhyun’s hip with one hand while stabilizing his torso with the other. He lifts him from the wall and heads towards their bed as he mumbles something along the lines of “the bolder the better”. After dumping Baekhyun on to their King-sized bed, he stops to look at his lover. No matter how many times he looks at him, he just can’t get enough of him. The cute puppy eyes, the soft lips, the ethereal beauty that he is spellbound to for the rest of his life.

“Don’t me with your eyes; me with your body instead.” Baekhyun says as he his finger teasingly and tracing it down his face to his collarbones.

Right when Chanyeol is about to throw himself on Baekhyun, the latter grabs him and flips the two of them around. Baekhyun is now sitting on top of Chanyeol and his hands are around his neck, not the cuddling kind but the straggling kind. “What did I say, I told you not to touch me yet you did.”

“Come on baby, I know you want me”, Chanyeol says as he grinds his crotch against Baekhyun’s .

“Don’t pretend you didn’t hear me.” Baekhyun tightens his grip.

“Sorry,” Chanyeol says as he s his crotch against Baekhyun, “what?”

Baekhyun shoves away Chanyeol’s hands as they try to caress him on the torso, “If you don’t give me my stuff back then don’t even think about touching me for a week.”

Baekhyun gets off of Chanyeol and before he leaves the bed, he traces his hand teasingly by Chanyeol’s crotch, leaving a lingering feeling as the latter watches Baekhyun seductively bites down on his lip, “Now get up, and show me.”

“Fine, fine.” Chanyeol gets up and shows him where he hid the cosmetics.

Baekhyun takes the box and nudges Chanyeol on the arm, “Are you gonna stay here and watch me or are you gonna leave?”

“Nah, I’ll go and watch the news.”




“Baekhyun, let’s go!” Chanyeol shouts from the living room, “We are 10 minutes late already and we haven’t even left the house.”

“Relax; we are fine, they won’t mind.” Baekhyun says as he pushes open the bedroom door. 

Chanyeol turns around to look and is immediately dumbfounded and mind-blown by Baekhyun’s looks. He knows that Baekhyun is one rather seductive and y with eyeliner but tonight he took it to another level. The dark eyeliner mixed in the red on the edges made him look mystic and vampire-like, not to mention his hair that has been dyed temporarily silver (like this, but I was think of a more rock band clothing instead of suit and tie). Simply with his makeup, his entire outfit looks absolutely stunning and everything fits perfectly. Unlike his usual cheerful aura, his expression is cold yet the magical feeling that attracts everyone is still there, untouched. He always preferred Baekhyun without makeup but after seeing this, maybe makeup isn’t so bad after all.

Chanyeol finally snaps back from his thoughts when he heard Baekhyun asking him about how he looks. “You look… amazing, I can’t find even a word to describe how good you look.”

Baekhyun looks down to his black converse as he futilely hides his cheeks that are pink. “Thanks baby, now let’s go.”

“Wait,” Chanyeol says as he approaches Baekhyun and kisses him on the lips as his hand reaches for the latter’s wrist. “Now let’s go.”




The ride to the bar was a bit bumpy because Chanyeol was trying to make sure that their tardiness won’t cause Kris to murder both of them. However, racing through the city at the highest speed of 80mile/hour however did cause some other problems such as Baekhyun getting car sick.

“Baby are you okay?” Chanyeol says as he softly rubs Baekhyun’s back as the latter throws up his entire lunch/dinner in the bathroom.

“I, I’m okay.” Baekhyun replies as he wipes his mouth with the napkin handed by Chanyeol.

“Here, rinse your mouth with this.” Chanyeol holds out a glass of water, “I’m sorry, you should have told me to slow down when you started to feel ill.”

“It’s okay, we are here now.” Baekhyun spits his mouthful of water in the toilet. “Now the main star has arrived, let the party begin.”




The party they are attending is Yixing’s 25th birthday party hosted by Kris, his boyfriend. It takes place at the bar owned by Kris that is name Yell & Kill (Yixing & Kris) which represents the abundant amount of crazy stuff that will happen here. They closed the bar down tonight for this special occasion and they sat in one of the rooms surrounded by comfortable couches.

Chanyeol sits down beside Sehun and glances over at the small boy will silver hair with worry. “Baekhyun,” he calls, “come and eat something before you drink if you don’t want to end up in the hospital.”

“Okay, mother.” Baekhyun replies cheerfully.

“Here, have some of this pizza and don’t drink too much okay?” Chanyeol says as he hands Baekhyun a slice of Hawaiian pizza.

“Chanyeollie, relax, I won’t drink that much, I’ll be too busy getting Yixing drunk and laid.” Baekhyun says as he takes a bite.

After Baekhyun finished his pizza, he hops onto the stage and grabs the mic. “Here’s a song dedicated to my best friend who’s celebrating his 25th birthday today. Happy birthday Yixing, this one is for you.”

“And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
And we would get so excited and we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

(This song called Graduation (Friends Forever) by Vitamin C)”

Despite the fact that the song is originally sang by a girl, the way Baekhyun changed it made it less upbeat yet more passionate. Since the main character is Yixing tonight, Baekhyun invites him to come up stage and sing with him before the second verse. They looked at each other in the eye and sang together. Their voice matches each others’ well and the sync is flawless.

After the song is finished, Baekhyun hops of the stage and jumps into the embrace of Chanyeol, leaving Yixing on the stage alone.

“Thank you Baekhyun, I remember we used to sing this song together in high school in the karaoke. High school is fun with your accompany.” Yixing announces on stage. “Now let the drinking begin,” Yixing says as he raises a bottle of vodka.

Everyone in the crowd cheers and the party officially begins. Loud music playing in the background, people swaying their body to the beat, the smell of alcohol and sweat fills the air. Chanyeol slowly moves through the crowd and towards the boy dancing crazily. He reaches out for his hand and pulls him in a hug and starts to dance with him.

“Having fun there?” Chanyeol asks in a deep voice.

“Of course, what about you?” Baekhyun says as he wraps his arms around the taller’s neck.

Chanyeol wraps his arms around Baekhyun’s back in return, “looks like someone is perfectly fine without my company.”

“Aw, baby are you jealous?” Baekhyun says as he pulls on Chanyeol’s neck and kisses him lightly. Chanyeol deepens and the strong scent of alcohol rushes in to his mouth.

“I thought you said you are not gonna drink that much.”

“I am perfectly sober baby.” Baekhyun lowers his arm and hugs the tall boy, arms around his muscular torso and head on his chest, listening to his calming heartbeat.

Chanyeol hears him giggle and sighs as he looks for Kris through the crowd of people. It was pretty easy considering how he stands out significantly with his outstanding height. He drags the drunken boy with him and heads towards the taller figure not too far away.

“Hey Kris, is it okay if me and Baekhyun leave? He drank a lot and I think we should go home.”

“Oh heyyyyy, it’s the birthday boy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YIXING. I love you and gimme a hug.” Baekhyun says as he heads towards Yixing while trying to keep his balance. He launches himself onto Yixing and gives him a bear hug. It takes both Kris and Chanyeol to pull the two away as Baekhyun is too preoccupied with giggling to himself about how nice Yixing’s is and won’t let go. 

“Come on baby, let’s get you home.” Chanyeol says as he lifts up Baekhyun princess-style. Even on the way to their car Baekhyun can’t stay still. He touches Chanyeol’s face and caresses it and the next second he moves onto his soft lips and pokes it.

Chanyeol opens the car with one hand and places Baekhyun gently in the front seat. After closing the door, he walks around the car and starts the car after getting in. Before starts driving, he leans towards Baekhyun and put on his seatbelt for him before he bucked himself up. 




“Hey, Baekhyunnie, wake up, we are home.” Chanyeol whispers as he attempts to wake the boy sleeping uncomfortably.

“Uhhhh, let me sleep.” Baekhyun coos as he curls up in a ball and faces the opposite side to prevent someone from disrupting his sleep.

 “Come on, it’s not comfortable to sleep in the car. Don’t you miss our soft pillow-top bed?” Chanyeol says as he unties the sleeping boy’s seatbelt.

Baekhyun reaches out his arm with his eyes half open and a very cute “Carry me.” comes out of his mouth. Chanyeol sighs a little, yet he still goes over to the other side, obeying Baekhyun’s command willingly.

 After placing his hands around his neck, Chanyeol lifts up the sleeping boy and shuts the car door with a slam. “Hmmm... don’t forget to lock the car,” Baekhyun moans in Chanyeol’s arms.

“I thought you are asleep.” Chanyeol says as he locks the car with his car keys.

“Nope, I’m just too lazy and I want enjoy the feeling of being carried bridal style.” Baekhyun shows Chanyeol a sly grin.

“You sure did sober up pretty quickly, do you want to exercise a little before going to sleep.” Chanyeol asks as he presses the elevator button.

Baekhyun buries his face into Chanyeol’s chest and whimpers, “Was it not satisfying enough this morning?”

“I can never get enough of you.” Chanyeol replies as he steps into the elevator.

“I’m really tired baby, tomorrow okay?”

“Alright, I’ll be a considerate boyfriend this time.”

“Yeahhh,” Baekhyun rubs his head against Chanyeol’s chest, “my Chanyeollie is the best.”

“Now come on and let’s get you ready for bed.” 

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afiercesong #1
I enjoyed this, thank you!
Chapter 3: Their "exercise " is interesting ....I love the song....reminded me of my high school ....oh and I heart this story ...
yutongsue #3
Chapter 3: Honey,what does "asdfgjkl"mean?Would you mind that I translate your article into chinese and post it into weibo??Please tell me if I donot get your permission~~~~(>_<)~~~~
LOL, I really love this story \(//∇//)\ yohot~? Kyahaing~? Saranghae author-nim ♡♡ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ri0505 #5
Chapter 3: it's a great stories author-nim.. i heart baekyeol so much~ lol ^^ thanks to you too, for writing and sharing the stories.. :3 _kamshamnida_
yutongsue #6
I really love your story named "One Day in the Life of Baekhyun and Chanyeol"O(∩_∩)O~Do you mind if I translate your story into chinese and post it on weibo?I would sign the author's name and the original site.Please tell me if I cannot get your permission~~~~(>_<)~~~~
Thanka you very muchO(∩_∩)O~
Chapter 1: so cute <3 ill be waiting for updates~