I Get a Goodbye


“You want it?” Amber reached out her meal to Krystal and Sulli. Yummy, it was takoyaki.

“No, thanks,” Krystal refused.

“Krystal,” Sulli called for her friend. “Kai contacts me. Not just once. Do you know what he talks about? It’s you. It’s always about you. Maybe he’s serious on liking you.”



No, it was not Sulli who called Krystal’s name this time, but Mir. Remember him, right? He was a cute flower boy who confessed to Krystal two weeks ago.

“Sunbae. Are you looking for me?”

“Do you have a time this Saturday?” he asked her to the point. “You know, that bear is still waiting to be taken by you.”

“Sorry. I can’t,” Krystal replied him.

Mir didn’t less on idea. He was still trying to get Krystal’s attention by… kissed Krystal’s left cheek! Students on the canteen were so shock of his act.

“Sunbae,” Krystal stood up. She reached anything that could be reached by her hand and – gotcha! – fortunately got Amber’s meal box. “Please use your mouth to do something useful,” she said as she fed that takoyaki, complete with its box, to Mir’s mouth.

“Krystal!” Amber and Sulli didn’t expect that Krystal was that brave.

“My Monalisa.” Twelve meters from that crowd on canteen, Kai looked all of those moments. He smiled as he realized that Krystal was really unusual girl.




It has been a month Kai tried to get closer to Krystal. Unfortunately, he resulted nothing. But that day was a special day. That was the fourteenth day of March.

White Day.

“Are you sure?” Sehun asked as he saw Kai was on panic.

Kai was waiting for Krystal’s coming at school in front of the gate. He gulped his saliva hardly. Actually he prepared this thing much times, but as always he could just freeze when he saw Krystal. “K, K, Krystal, good morning.”

Also as always, Krystal just passed through him.

But Kai didn’t want to be ignored by her Monalisa forever. He stepped to catch her up, pulled her hand. The owner of that hand wanted to release her hand but couldn’t because Kai’s grip was strong enough.

“Is two hand not enough for you so you want to take mine?” she still tried to pull her hand off.

“Krystal, I like you,” he simply said. “And?”

“And? What do you want me to say?”

That boy with black bracelet rubbed his nose, pretended to erase the embarrass that covered him. “Don’t you feel the same with me?”

“Kai-ssi,” Krystal pulled her hands, crossed it in front of her body, and did a light smile. “It is morning already. You have to wake up from your dream.

“Krystal, wait!” Kai pulled Krystal’s hands again. “Even just a little?”

“Release my hands off and I will tell you.”

A death glare of her made Kai agreed.

“I. Don’t. Like. You. Not even a single tip of my nail. You don’t do anything, you can just annoy me. Disturb me. You don’t even try to get closer with me, and confess to me as a sudden. You call yourself a man? Okay, crazy stalker. I gave you my answer. You happy now? Good bye.”


Don’t say goodbye to me

Don’t talk to me with that kind of look

Baby say yes, baby say yes

Putting on the same expression like Monalisa

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fxwhuut #1
Chapter 5: oh man i thought you were gonna post more chapters:( loving this!

And i want the indonesian version too! :3