Coming Back

Coming Back

He had left as abruptly as he had broken up with me. The last day I ever saw him again was 2 weeks ago during Valentine’s Day.

He begun our romantic night with a candle lit dinner and waltz. We talked about schools, but only for a while before we started dancing once more. We ended our second dance with a passionate kiss on the lips.

After our dinner, we strolled down the beach bare foot. The cool breeze was amazing and the sea water gently brushed my feet underneath made me giggle in delight.

The stars were brighter than usual, which was kind of strange ‘cause normally we can’t even see a smidge, the bright Seoul City lights were to be blamed.

I leaned my head on his shoulder as he pulled me in a tight embrace. Surprised by his action but nevertheless returned it. We had halted our steps and found a spot close enough to the ocean but far enough so the waters doesn’t soaked my dress. It was a cream strapless with a pleated skirt and sequined detailing on the bust, the dress reached just above my knees showing my slender legs.

He had spread a picnic cloth on the sand for us to sit comfortably, his fingers still intertwined with mine. I smiled at the fact that my boyfriend was a romantic, he always knows how to make a woman smile.

“Chaekyung-ah,” he started, his lips nervously. “there’s something I need to tell you.”

His words processed in my mind as I raised my head from his shoulder, was he going to propose? But we were only junior in college, it is way to early. Before I had the chance to speak, he interrupted.

“Let’s break up.”

His words stung my heart after a few moments of realization. I picked myself up from where I had sat and glowered down at him.

“What are you saying?” Tears couldn’t help but made its way down my face. Was any of this for real? “Oppa, tell me this is not true and that you’re only joking. Is this a surprise just so I will accept your proposal?”

I sniffed, forcefully smiling at him. Trying to avoid the real truth, even though I knew clearly well enough that it will never change.

In a split second, he has me in his embrace. “Woohyun-oppa…” my voice trailed as I wrapped my hands around his waist, not wanting to let him go, ever.

He muttered a few sorry and kissed me gently on my forehead. “Why?” was the question I was dying to ask.

“I have a fiancé waiting for me, Kyung-ah.” He bended his body to my height. “I can’t object my parents’ decision, but I won’t deny that spending the past 2 years with you are the best years of my life.”

Tears started trickling down from the corner of his eyes, “I’m getting married in June, and I just wanted to tell your beforehand.”

I gritted my teeth in annoyance and balled my fist, “How long?”


“How long had you known you were gonna get married?!” I spat out harshly as he cringed a little.

Woohyun lowered his head in shame, it couldn’t be… I widened my eyes in shock before my hands unconsciously slapped across his face.

I glared at him, anger, sadness, and more of all hatred burned within. “You knew all along you were gonna get married in the end. Why play me?” nears continued further down my face as they dripped onto the semi wet sand.

“I wasn’t playing you, at all.” His eyes bored into mine, no lies could be detected from it. “I’m serious.”

My eyes softened, I couldn’t get why. I was supposed to hate his guts, but something overpowered me as I wrapped my arms around his arms and captured his lips on mine. His body jolted in surprise for a second before responding. His tongue trailed into my as I accepted it in pleasure.

I released my tongue from his mouth, lips still making contact to each other. “Please, just one more time.”

He nodded before picking my up in bridal style from my feet and carried me into our resort room. We continued our make out session from then on as I wrapped my legs his waist as we made out to out single bed. One thing led to another as clothes started to fling itself off our bed. All I can think at that moment was, if ever did he propose (which he wouldn’t) I would definitely said yes.


It was weeks after Woohyun had left for America that I started to get a series of vomiting and nausea. Jiyeon, my best friend convinced me to see a doctor which i reluctantly accepted. I had always hated hospital, it the last place I had seen my parents. They were smiling on their death bed when I arrived.

I went into the doctor’s office after my checkup as he flipped through my file. “So, did I have an illness or something, doctor?” I asked anxiously.

I did not know why, but a part of me wanted it to be true. It may be my only chance of leaving this world.

The doctor laughed halfheartedly before giving me a gentle smile, “No, Chaekyung-shi. As a matter of fact, far from it. You’re pregnant, congratulations.”

I grimaced as I felt my world came crashing down behind me. No ing way could I be pregnant, I’m only 20.

“Can you make it go away?” I bit my lips in utter shame…


5 years later

Woohyun stepped down from the ladder of his jet as he fixed his suit up nicely. He was handsome and yet smart in a way. 5 years had definitely shed a lot of his baby fat away.

He came back for business with some Korean businessmen and he was eager to sign their future contract. From behind, he was hug. He gave a small smile to his wife of 5 years, Han Jana.

“The chauffer will take you to Namstar Plaza, I’ll be back in 2.” He kissed her gently on her forehead before waving his hand up, indicating the workers to get his car.

“Bye.” Jana bade, kissing him passionately for a few seconds before getting into her limo.

Woohyun grimaced before wiping the glossy stains from his lips. Reaching out for his handkerchief, he wiped his fingers clean.

“Get the car.”


“Where is the secretary with our report?!” Mr. Hong, one of Nam Enterprise’s business partners slammed the desk furiously causing his assistant to jump.

Woohyun smiled a little before calming the older man down, “Take a deep breath Mr. Hong, I’ve got plenty of time. I can wait.” He leaned back towards his seat, looking relaxed.

The truth about it was, he didn’t want to go back to his suite early and face the woman who had yet captured his heart. Woohyun was fiddling with the cuffs of his smart suit when the double doors of the conference room opened. Woohyun didn’t bothered turning around to look, he knew it was the tardy secretary.


“Sorry, Mr. Hong. I was caught in traffic.” I panted, trying to catch my breath before handing each of the businessmen their report.

My eyes landed on a young man who had his head down, he looked familiar but as I am in no position to talk to him, I simply placed his report in front of him.

He muttered a silent ‘thank you’ before continuing fiddling with his buttons. Huh, Woohyun always had that habit. I shook that thought away. After 5 years, why couldn’t I forget that guy?

“1 more tardiness from you Chaekyung-shi and you’re out for good.” Mr. Hong glared daggers at me, but I knew he was only joking.

Mr. Hong is my sister’s brother, he has been taking care of me since my parents’ death. He loves me, and I know it.

I grinned at him, getting the hints that he only wanted to show everyone that he could make anyone scared of him. I put on a frightened look before bowing and scurrying off the door.

I exhaled a breath while leaning at the door from the outside. I properly greeted my colleagues as they politely greeted me in return. I went to the mini kitchen to get a cup of coffee. I was running late this morning and haven’t have a proper breakfast. Luckily, Aunty Hong (Uncle Hong’s wife) woke me up just in time to send Gilhyun to school.

Yes, Gilhyun is my son. 5 years when I wanted to have this baby removed, but then Aunty consoled me, convincing me to make the right decision. And now I can very much say, I am happy with my family although there is always an empty space never to be filled. Woohyun, he doesn’t know about the baby, heck he doesn’t even know where I live now. Uncle and Aunty moved house 3 years back.

I smiled to myself at the thought of Gilhyun coming back from school after a long day. His pouty face whining to me, asking me to pick up the pace on my cooking.

I had graduated from university 3 years ago and am a secretary for Uncle Hong’s company. They were planning on being business partners with Nam Enterprise. I don’t know why, but the name Nam always made me think about Woohyun. Maybe it’s just a coincidence.

“Excuse me?” a voice called from behind, it sounded nervous for some reason. On the other hand, it sounded vaguely familiar.

Shaking the latter thought away, I turned around. Shocked to find what I saw, my cup slipped out from my hands and crashed onto the ground, breaking it into a million pieces.

“W-woohyun…” I stuttered, cupping my mouth with my hands in shock.

Am I dreaming? The guy before me neared his distance before placing his hands on my shoulder, I flinched at his initiation.

“Chaekyung-ah, it really is you.” Tears streamed down his face, why was he crying. Shouldn’t he be happy after marrying a rich man’s daughter? They probably have 2 to 3 children by now.

A lump caught my throat as he pulled me into his embrace. His familiar warmth, it took me a few moments to react before wrapping my hands around him.

“I miss you.” He said.

I was silent. In realization, I pulled away from his grasp and slapped his face. It was the second time I had ever that to him. He stared at me, utter confusion masked his face as I glared at him.


“I am sorry Mr. Nam, but I’m afraid you have forgotten that you were married.” I fixed my creased blouse, my face emotionless.


I faced him too abruptly causing him to jump a little, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do.”

I avoided his attempt to touch me as I shoved him away harshly before getting back to my post.


It was lunch time, and it seems that Woohyun had left already. I couldn’t away the thought that he was there just a few hours ago. Was it a dream, or was someone playing some voodoo magic on me?

Anyways, I drove my car and parked it in front of Kangnam Elementary to pick up my son. I waited with the other mothers patiently, pacing the garden slowly.

I could hear some of the mothers gossiping at me at how young I was, I simply smiled and continued with my walk.

“Umma~” a familiar yet adorable voice shouted as I turned to see Gilhyun running towards me. I smiled at his cuteness before sweeping him up from his feet.

“Aigoo, did our Gilhyun have a good day in school?” I asked, not before pecking his little lips.

Gilhyun nodded enthusiastically before holding out a colored picture of 3 figures. My smile instantly dropped, he was drawing it again. This time, the father’s face wasn’t smudged with black crayon.

“Umma, I have this feeling.” Gilhyun started. “That he’s coming back.” He whispered him my ears. Is this little boy psychic?

“Chaekyung-ah.” I jolted in surprise as his voice called behind me, again.

I did not need to turn around to know who he was. His footsteps neared me from behind as I shut my eyes tightly to get the nervous feeling from my stomach away. Why was this guy torturing me so?

“Appa!” Gilhyun called. Maybe he is one.

I turned around and faced an angry Woohyun, “Explain now.”


It was 5 in the evening when Woohyun finally got back to Namstar Plaza, a hotel/mall built under his nickname.

A whiny Jana was all up in his face when he entered their suite, “Oppa, where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you for 3 hours. I’m hungry~” Jana pouted, attempting aegyo which she wasn’t much that good at.

“I’m sorry.” Woohyun replied nonchalantly before slipping out from his shirt and taking a clean one. He came to his wife’s side before kissing on her forehead, “I’m going out now.”

“Wai-” But Woohyun had already slammed the door shut behind him.


I stared into space, still in a daze from what had just happened a moment ago. Did that ing just happened? I thought to myself before hugging my body, my clothes still on the ground.

There was a light knock on the door. I knew it wasn’t Aunty Hong because she’s out on grocery shopping, it must be Gilhyun then.

I quickly slipped into my clothes before opening the door to find a sleepy Gilhyun rubbing his eyes.

“Umma, did something happen? I heard funny noises.” Gilhyun stated innocently. I chuckled at how naïve kids were.

I bended my body down to his length and smiled brightly at him. “Gilhyun-ah, your appa’s coming back…”



So, I know it's been a long time since I promised about a Woohyun one-shot. But hey, it's better than nothing right? Next up will be a Jinyoung's (B1A4) one-shot.

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Mina_Loves_Music #2
I just recently started listening to Infinite, and I picked Woohyun as my bias from the very start.<br />
<br />
This story = <3
Well, I'm not confused, I think the ending is great! I love this story <3
ThePowerChaserToYou #4
Minjixjimin: I am confused too...):
... i'm confused at the ending... :(