Of Teardrops And Raindrops

Of Teardrops And Raindrops

Straightening his black vest, Luhan looked down and smiled at the bottle of champagne that was held in his right hand. It was Sehun's birthday and he planned to spend the night together, drinking champagne. Earlier that day, he lied to the Sehun that he was busy with work, disappointing the birthday boy a little, but not enough to be remembered after this surprise. Yes, it was a surprise. With everything in place and Sehun in his dormitory room, Luhan plastered a smile on his face as he knocked on the door.

"Taeyeon noona, make yourself comforta--Hyung? How--Why--Wah..." A shocked Sehun stuttered when he saw his boyfriend standing by the door. "Sehun-ah who's that?" A sweet melodious voice asked. Widening his eyes, Luhan took a step forward and caught a glimpse of something he never wanted to see. Sitting by the bed was a beautiful girl, roughly their age, with sparkly eyes and a gorgeous smile. "Ah~ hello, come on in!" She beamed at Luhan, who stood rooted to his spot. The atmosphere changed and the tension could be felt. Watching the smile disappear from the other's face, Sehun pleaded, "Hyung, I can explain--" "No, it's okay. I'll be going first, happy birthday Sehun." Luhan exhaled, forcing a smile on his face as he passed the bottle to a frantic Sehun.

Looking at the younger one with his glassy eyes, he didn't give way to the pleading look that was sent to him or wait for an answer. Turning around, Luhan ran as fast as his legs could take him. So many emotions ran through his heart, anger, jealousy, betrayal, sadness, disappointment... He was heartbroken. With tears running down his cheeks, he found himself at a somewhat peaceful place that brought about many memories.

Sehun, on the other hand, ran after Luhan seconds after he left, but failed to catch up with him. Knowing the elder so well, he knew that Luhan had mistaken the scene. For the next hour, Sehun ran around the campus, going to the places they usually hung out, but there were no signs of Luhan and exhaustion overtook him. Heading towards the last place that he could think of, he prayed that Luhan would be there.

*sob sob* Occasional sniffles and sobs grew louder as Sehun climbed the ladder. He was relieved to find Luhan yet seeing him in this state was hurting his heart. Alone and hurting, Luhan was hugging his legs close to his chest.

Taking a step forward, Sehun was met with a quiet voice.

"Go away."

Ignoring those words, he begged as he took a step closer.
"Hyung, please just hear me out."

"Didn't you hear me? I said go away."

"Taeyeon noona's just a friend, I had just arrived back from dance training and she was already there! I don't even know how she got into my room! Hyung, please--"

"GO. A. WAY. I don't want to hear your explanation."
Luhan's tone came out harsher than he had expected, making him instantly regret what he had said.

Upon hearing those words, Sehun felt a sharp pain as if he was stabbed by a knife, right through his heart. There was a long silence and neither knew what to do or say. By then, Luhan was feeling really remorseful and hoping to take those words back, he began. "Seh-" "Fine. I'll go." No sooner after Sehun had spoken those words, he pressed his hand over his mouth in attempt to stop his sobs from being heard as he walked towards the ladder. To the other, footsteps could be felt going further and further away from him and eventually, he felt no more. For the second time that night, Luhan cried his heart out.

Fighting against his overwhelming wave of sadness, Sehun stumbled back to his room. Vision blurred by tears that pooled at the bottom of his eyes, he barged into his room and jumped face first onto his bed. The stunned Taeyeon questioned worriedly, "Sehun-ah... what happened?" Pretending that he didn't hear the question, Sehun rolled to the side and face away from her. Tears that had threatened to fall seconds ago were now flowing freely, down his cheeks and onto his bed sheet, soaking it. "Happy birthday!" A muffled exclaim came from somewhere in the room. Recognising the voice, he didn't bother moving from his spot on the bed. Crawling out from under the bed, Kai swept dust off his grey hoodie and smiled at Sehun. "YA DO YOU KNOW YOU'RE HEAV--SEHUN? WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!"

Groaning, Sehun didn't want to explain to either one of them. He grabbed the nearest item, which was a pillow, and covered his head with it. "I need some time alone... Please leave." Getting the hint that Sehun was not in the mood to talk, they left quietly and stood outside the room, in case the youngest decided to do something rash. Taeyeon then told Kai everything she knew, from the surprise visit to the stranger boy with a bottle of champagne to a missing Sehun and now, a crying one. Unsure of what to do, Kai texted the first person he could think of.

*buzz buzz* His phone vibrated. Taking it out, Luhan opened the message.


From: y dancing machine



"y dan--KAI?! WHAT THE F--WHEN DID HE CHANGE THE CONTACT NA--Wait what?! That girl... Is Sehun's senior?! And Kai was there too?!" Staggering up into a standing position, Luhan gasped. He regretted not hearing out what the other had to say, he regretted not giving in to those pleading eyes, he regretted not being understanding like a boyfriend should. *buzz buzz* Another message arrived.


From: y dancing machine

By the way hyung, we got kicked out of the room... It's kind of serious... Who made him so upset? :(
We're leaving him in your hands now, you're the understanding boyfriend of his, I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to cheer him up! Hwaiting!


"If only you knew who that horrible person who made Sehun cry was Kai... You would've thought twice of sending this to me..." Letting out an audible sigh, Luhan crawled to the edge of the roof and leaned his upper body out to locate the younger's room location. "Two storeys down, three rooms to the right, or my left later on... Noted." Wasting no time, he made his way to Sehun's room.

Hearing the door click close, Sehun buried his face deeper into his bed, crying his sorrows out. What else could possibly go wrong? His boyfriend not trusting him, his senior and his bestfriend deciding to give him a surprise visit, his relationship is in a mess... "And it had to happen on my birthday... *sob*" Pounding his fists into the soft mattress, he muttered something along the line of "Wrong time, wrong place, wrong day.", when his ears picked out several knocking sounds. Sehun didn't want to respond to the knocking, but it was so persistent that it annoyed the crap out of him.

"STOP!!!" He shouted, whipping his head in the direction of the source of knocking. Sehun's voice trailed off when he saw the person who was knocking. Standing outside on his balcony was the last person he expected to see--Luhan. Walking to the balcony door with his head down, he asked, voice broken and quiet. "L-Luhan hyung? What do you want?"

Warm hands on the cool glass door, Luhan apologised. "Se... Sehunnie... I--I'm sorry..." With tears starting to tumble down his cheeks, he sobbed. "Sehunnie... I'm so stupid... Stupid stupid stupid... I should've waited for you to say something. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusion... *sob* I'm really sorry... If... If you decide to forgive me, open the door okay? I'll wait..."

Placing his hands against those of Luhan's on the other side of the glass door, Sehun hesitated. With shaky hands, he slid the door sideways, making a small gap in the center. Just then, Sehun felt a pang of anger growing in his heart and with a piercing glare, he spat, "What can sorry do?!" Without a second thought, he slammed the doors shut and walked to his bed, leaving Luhan speechless.

The next half an hour was harsh for both Sehun and Luhan. After countless of tossing and turning on his bed, Sehun finally cried himself to sleep. On the other hand, Luhan who was still standing outside, could only watch the other suffer. He felt heartbroken. He didn't mean to ruin Sehun's birthday nor ruin their relationship, the guilt is eating him from inside out. Sighing, the one thing that he could do now was to keep to his words.

*Pitter patter Pitter patter* Sehun woke up to the faint sound coming from outside. "Hmm? It's raining?" Glancing at his phone, he noted that it was 6am, and that he had been asleep for the past six hours. Drinking a glass of fresh milk to stop his grumbling stomach, he walked to his study table. *Crash* A resounding glass shatter echoed around the dark quiet room. Sitting outside on the balcony was a wet figure, slumped against the glass door.

"H-HYUNG?! WHAT ARE DOING SITTING OUT THERE... IN THE ING RAIN?!" Forgetting about everything else, Sehun dashed to the balcony, slammed the doors open and picked up the shivering boy. "Hyung! Hyung! , why are you so silly?!" Heart filled with remorse, guilt and worry, Sehun felt tears well at the corners of his eyes.

The warm body against his own cold shivering one was enough to keep Luhan conscious for awhile. Cracking one eye open, he croaked, "S... S... Sehun? I... I'm sorry..." Seconds later, darkness took over. At a distance, he could make out a faint "Hyung! Hyung! Stay awake! Please be okay..."

Feeling the slack body of Luhan's in his arms, Sehun quickened his pace and lowered the drenched boy onto his bed. Sequentially, he peeled the wet clothes off Luhan, dumped them in his laundry basket, grabbed his fluffy white towel on the way out and dry the wet one. Sehun then dressed Luhan in a fresh set of warm clothes and tuck him under the cosy blanket. Caressing the elder's cheek and eyeing the delicate features on his pale face, Sehun bit his lips as more tears flowed down his cheeks. "I'm sorry hyung..." His heart clenching with every word said. "I'm sorry for being so childish, leaving you outside on the balcony. I'm sorry for causing you to cry..."

Sitting on the floor and leaning against the bed beside where Luhan was sound asleep, Sehun unknowingly fell asleep. Waking up to soft of his hair, Sehun rubbed his eyes and looked up at the bed. "H-Hyung? You're awake! Are you okay?! You--" Placing a weak finger against the younger's lips, Luhan gave Sehun a slight smile. "Sehunnie... It's okay... I'll do anything for you... Just don't be mad at me... I get jealous too easily, I jump to conclusions... I..." Unable to catch his breath, Luhan felt harder and harder to talk. He had fallen ill from that two hours of downpour.

It was Sehun's turn to put the finger on the other's lips. Grinning, he whispered, "Shh... Don't talk hyung, don't talk... Rest alright?" Gently, he pressed a kiss onto Luhan's forehead, earning a soft giggle. "I'm sorry hyung... If it wasn't because of me, you wouldn't be in this state now..." The smile on his face turned into a pout. Gnawing on his lower lip, he tucked a few strands of loose brown hair away from Luhan's face and instructed the unwell one, "Sleep."

As he was prepared to leave, Sehun felt a hand grab onto his wrist. "Sehun... I'm sorry... Would you... Cuddle me to sleep? I'm cold... And I miss your presence..." Beaming, Sehun was more than happy to obligate. He slipped into bed beside Luhan's smaller figure and wrapped an arm around the other's waist, pulling him closer. While humming in happiness, Luhan slipped a small smile on his face as he snuggled closer. "Sehunnie... You know I love you right? I love you more than I love myself." Planted a chaste kiss on Sehun's lips, he put his ear against Sehun's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of the younger's heartbeat.

"I love you too hyung... So much more than you know." Sehun breathed, pressing a sweet kiss onto the top of Luhan's head. Just like the other, he rested his head on Luhan's, listening to his consistent breathing. Minutes passed and they fell asleep, not only patching up their broken relationship, but making it stronger than before.


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CandyJar #1
Chapter 1: My heart .. can't takes anymore
Chapter 1: OHMYGAHHHHHH!THIS IS LIKE FREAKING AWESOME! I seriously had to squeal at all the fluffy parts^^ and cry at the sad parts...