It’s raining again today.

In this empty room that was once filled with your warmth and laughter, I stand alone, just like every other day since I saw you walk out that door.

The warmth that was once here is gone, just like how the seasons passed.

How long ago has it been?

A year? Maybe two?

I don’t know because I’ve lost track of time.

Maybe lying here, in the bed that we used to lay in together will make me see you once again.




“So how many kids are we going to have when we get married?” Yuna asked Eli as they laid on the bed together, both in nothing each other arms.


“Not again. Baby, we’re too young to be talking about marriage,” Eli said as he looked at Yuna who by then was already out of the bed and started to wear the clothes that had initially covered her body. Eli let out a long sigh as he looked at Yuna.


“Are you really going to do this again?” Eli asked her as she continued on what she was doing without having any eye contact with him at all. He couldn’t stand it when she gets all emotional like this.


Their relationship was complicated. It was not like anyone else’s relationship. She was a coordinator and he was her client, her superstar that she would adorned in fancy looking stage costumes in order to make a living but they were attracted to each other. It was a connection like no other. It was as though when she was with him, she’s a full circle.


She feels complete and no matter which way she heads, it all leads back to him but lately, she wanted more.


She didn’t want to be just a secret lover, she wanted at least a status of being his, even if he doesn’t want to admit he’s hers. It was as though it was too hard for him to do just that. She didn’t ask for much, she just wanted them to have talks like how other couples talk.


About love.


About marriage.


About a future.


But with him, it’s just right now and that’s it. No forward at all. Just then and when everything ends, it ends there. They’ll be back to being a coordinator and he’ll be back to the superstar that he is.


“I’m just going to go now,” Yunasaid as she took the bag off the bedside chair and headed to the door.


“Don’t leave. You know it’s complicated for me and you, so don’t make it harder than it already it,” Eli said as he wrapped him arms around her, planting a kiss on the crook of her neck. Usually right after this moment, she would be turning back with the warm look that she always puts on for him, but his time it’s different.


“Eli, I want us to stop,” She said short and direct, making Eli take a few steps back in shock.


“Why?” That was the only word he was able to blurt out.


“I don’t want to be a toy anymore. I want to have a guy who loves me more than I’ll ever love him and with you, it’s never going to happen so let’s stop before we’ll get any deeper than this,” She said as she shoved his hands off her waist while holding back the tears that dwelled in her eyes.


“Don’t do this. Don’t go. You know that I…..” Eli stopped halfway, not finishing his sentence, making Yuna turned to face him.


“You what?” she asked, in her heart hoping to hear the words she yearn from him but no, instead he looked away.


“You know what I mean, it’s hard and I’m an idol. I can’t. It’s complicated,” Eli said as he covered his face with his hands, trying to hide the emotions that he’s feeling then.


“It’s not hard Eli. It was never hard to tell me that you love me. I’m not asking you to tell the world. I’m just asking to tell me because I need to hear it but if that’s so hard for you then I’m going. I’m leaving. For good because I realized that I deserved better. Goodbye Eli. I had always loved you but right now, I need to move on and try to unlove you,” Yuna said as she turned her back on him and walked out of the door.


She pressed the elevator button and waited.




It wasn’t the elevator that she was waiting for.


She was waiting for him.


To come out of that door and convinced her to stay but she knew in her heart that it was never gonna happened.


She took a deep breath before taking the last few heavy steps into the elevator, the last few heavy steps out of his life.


As the door closes in front of her, she let a tear drop and roll her cheeks.


This is really goodbye.


*flashback ends*


I looked at the interior of the room that never changed since the days she’s gone.

I could almost feel her breath on my neck,

her whisper through my ears,


her voice……


Calling out my name.


I looked out the window that I so often leaned on whenever I think of her as I looked down and saw a familiar figure, looking up at me.


I felt my body moved on its own accord, pressing the elevator’s button way too many times but still the elevator did not come.


I made a turn and went towards the stairs, running down as fast as I could as I told my heart, I’ll make you proud.


As soon as I reached the lobby and went out of the building.


I see you, right across the street and you were looking straight at me with those eyes that I’ve missed so much.


The cars that passed by made my sight blurry but I kept focus on you and then a huge bus passed by and the sight revealed before me made me fall on my knees.


You were in the arms of a different man and I could see it in his eyes, though the distance was far, that it was the same expression of how you used to look at me.


And the most heartbreaking thing was that you were looking at him, just the same.


As though the world felt my pain, the rain fell and I knew that night, like very other night after you left, at 0330 I’m going to be awake.


Just thinking about you and how things could have been.

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nice fic~!
you're good! nice story :)
HatrednAshes #3
Nice story :)
nana-unnie! hehe~ ^^<br />
woah! it's great! tsk tsk.. that really happens in real life though.. XD<br />