
A Call From The Past

The morning came pretty quickly and the light from the window was the reason Taeyeon woke up. She could hear some noise outside her bedroom and she almost had a heartattack, thinking someone had broke into her home when she remembered she had a guest.

Taeyeon got up and groggily made her way out of the room, rubbing her eyes as she started to look for that particular guest. She went to the kitchen and saw Tiffany cleaning everything. Taeyeon stood there, until she came to her senses and walked up to her.

''Why are you cleaning?'' she asked and looked how everything was literally shining from cleaniness.

''Oh, Tae!'' Tiffany jumped a little and placed a hand on her chest. ''You scared me.''

''Why are you cleaning Tiffany?'' Taeyeon repeated her question.

''It's the least I can do in return for you.'' she replied.

''For what?'' Taeyeon asked as she furrowed her brows.

''For letting me stay over the night.''

''You don't need to clean though.'' Taeyeon stated.

''I already started so just let me do it.'' Tiffany continued to wipe the counter, ignoring Taeyeon's presence.

Taeyeon sighed and went on to do her morning routines.

She changed out of her pajamas and wore something nice but comfortable. Once she returned back to the kitchen, she saw Tiffany cooking something.

''What are you doing now?'' Taeyeon asked as she walked towards Tiffany and the stove.

Tiffany turned to face Taeyeon and tilted her head cutely. ''Food. Breakfast.''

''I could have ordered pick up food...'' Taeyeon mumbled. ''You seriously don't have to do all these things.''

''Like I said before, it's the least I can do right now.'' Tiffany said sternly. ''My consciousness wouldn't be able to handle it if I didn't do anything to show my gratitude anyway.''

That shut Taeyeon up.

She nodded and slowly backed away. ''Can I help you?''

''No'' Tiffany shook her head. ''You can sit down and wait''

Taeyeon was stunned from Tiffany's sudden change of attitude but she decided to shrug it off and did what she was told to do.

She sat in the living room and patiently waited.

''She just took control of my own home...'' Taeyeon muttered under her breath and blankly stared at the black tv screen. She heard Tiffany come to the living room after a while and gestured Taeyeon to come and eat.

''I made eggs and cooked noodles with veggies in case you didn't like the eggs'' Tiffany explained as they sat down.

''It looks nice. Thanks.'' Taeyeon said and genuinely smiled at the girl who seemed to be deep in thought. Tiffany raised her head and swiped the hair away from her eyes and flashed a smile that lit up her gloomy face at last.

''So how did you sleep?'' Taeyeon asked. ''You must be jetlagged.''

''Actually, to my own surprise I slept pretty good.'' Tiffany answered.

''That's good.''


As they ate in complete silence, Taeyeon's mind wandered off to the never ending questions she had to ask Tiffany and contemplated if she should ask any of those questions. Maybe bringing those questions up would only make things more complicated or even more awkward and Taeyeon definitely hated awkward situations, especially when she had those encounters with Tiffany.

Since Tiffany didn't look elsewhere but the plate that was in front of her and eating the food slowly, Taeyeon had the chance to take a good look at the girl.

Tiffany wore the same clothes she had worn the previous day and Taeyeon wondered if she should lend her something else to wear, for comfort reasons.

One thing had remained from the high school days.

Her beauty.

It was as astounishing as it was back then, if not even more. The make up was washed away but she looked amazing still. But she looked like she was occupied with her thoughts. Taeyeon wanted to know everything, even though it wasn't her business at all.

Tiffany wore a nice set of jewellery and there was no doubt that they were really expensive. She knew Tiffany loved wearing diamonds on her, it was who she was.

''Tae?'' Tiffany's voice snapped her back to reality.


''Do you have anything to do today?''

''I don't.'' Taeyeon replied. ''Why?''

''Just wondering...I wouldn't want to be the reason your plans went wrong,'' Tiffany said with her head hung low.

Taeyeon noticed the slight guiltiness Tiffany showed. ''No. I was planning onto staying home all day. All weekend to be exact.''

Tiffany gave a small laugh and nodded. Taeyeon then cleared and stood up with the plate in her hands. ''Thanks for the food, it was delicious.''

''You're welcome, Tae.''

Taeyeon gave a quick nod and brought the dirty plate to the sink, with Tiffany following her actions. They stood in the kitchen, Taeyeon not knowing what to say or do next, her mind buzzing with the same questions as before.

But there was one question she needed an answer to urgently.



''...Do you need to stay here for another night?''


''I just need to know, you can stay but yeah...I just want to know.''

''II'm sorry. I don't have anywhere else to go right now...''

''It's fine. That's what''

Friends are for.

Taeyeon stopped midway when she realized she didn't even know what they were anymore. Friends or just acquaintances?

''I'm happy to help.'' Taeyeon smiled assuringly.


The time went by extremely slowly. Tiffany had excused herself to the guest room and had spent most of the time there. When Taeyeon passed the room, she heard chatting, so she assumed Tiffany was talking to someone on the phone.

Probably her husband...

More questions had popped in her mind when Tiffany had told her she had nowhere else to go. Taeyeon tried to keep herself occupied by watching TV and try to keep the thoughts away for a while until it was already past afternoon.

She walked up to the guest room and carefully listened if Tiffany was still busy on the phone. She placed her ear against the door but she heard nothing.

She waited and waited until she heard a faint sound that sounded more like a sniff.

''Oh ...'' Taeyeon pulled away from the door and gulped.

Is she crying?

Taeyeon gathered her thoughts and placed her ear against the door again. It was quiet, the only thing she heard was her own nervous breathing.
The door suddenly opened, catching Taeyeon off guard as she pretended to be standing there casually. The girls stared at each other, Tiffany looking surprised and Taeyeon looking exactly the same but worse.

Taeyeon looked around and bit her lip.

Why am I feeling awkward in my own home?

''You finished talking on the phone?'' she then asked.

''Yeah...I did?'' Tiffany said with her eyebrows raised and leaned on the doorway.

Now she thinks I was listening to her secretly. Great job Taeyeon.

''I just wondered if you were up to going somewhere, I'm dying of boredom in here.''

Her lips curved into a smile. ''Okay sure. What did you have in mind?''

''Eat somewhere? I know a really good place that's near.''

''Alright...just give me time to get ready.''

Taeyeon nodded and left to her own room to change clothes.

Taeyeon and Tiffany walked side by side, the cold breeze of the wind making the slow walk to the restaurant feel amazing.

It bothered Taeyeon how Tiffany seemed not to remember what had happened exactly seven years ago. And because of that, Taeyeon began to think it really didn't mean anything to her. She was acting very strange, and the fact that she was being a little bit too nice was even more weird.

As they arrived to the restaurant, the waitress immediately took their orders and left them alone at their table beside the window. The way that the lights in the restaurant were slightly dimmed, the way that the light reflected on Tiffany's face was making it impossible for Taeyeon not to look at her.

''Wow Tae. I like this place.'' Tiffany beamed and looked at the surroundings.

''It's one of my favourites.''

''I think every restaurant in Seoul must be amazing.'' Tiffany said. Taeyeon shrugged and looked at the excited girl.

''It's the food that matters.'' Taeyeon said. ''The mood in here and the great decoration is just a big bonus''

Tiffany slowly nodded. ''Yeah. You're right. Do you always come here to eat?''

''Yeah. I actually ordered pick up from here yesterday after work.'' Taeyeon laughed. ''I'm one of the regular customers around here.''

Before Tiffany could say anything, the waitress returned with their foods.

''Enjoy the food!'' she said with a big smile.

''Thanks.'' the two girls said unitedly.

As they enjoyed the food, Taeyeon decided to pop a question to Tiffany, thinking it's now or never.


Tiffany looked up and slurped the noodle and swallowed. ''Hmm?''

''Umm...'' Taeyeon pondered how would she ask the question. ''Is everything alright?''

Tiffany furrowed her brows rather in a cute manner than trying to put on a serious face.

''I mean like EVERYTHING.'' Taeyeon added.

''Yeah. Why?'' Tiffany asked, looking back down at her food.

''Well I was just wondering.''

''Is it because I asked to stay over for the night?'' Tiffany asked, her face showing signs of guilt once again.

''I was just wondering why would you stay over if you could stay at a fancy hotel.'' Taeyeon explained.

After seeing Tiffany's hurt expression, Taeyeon immediately regretted saying the last part of her sentence.

''I mean like''

''I'll leave tonight.'' Tiffany said, her voice sounding so cold to Taeyeon's ears.

''No, no. That's not what I meant,'' Taeyeon defended herself. ''You can stay, I was just...worried.''

Tiffany furrowed her brows and closed her eyes for a brief second.

''I'll tell you once we get back to your apartment, alright?'' Tiffany said quietly.

Taeyeon was anxious to finally find out what she's been wanting to know ever since Tiffany stayed over at her place. She saw how Tiffany was struggling so she decided to be patient and let her take her time.

''I ran away.'' Tiffany then said, pulling her hands off her face.

''Y-you ran away?''

''No one knows I came here, to Seoul.'' Tiffany said. ''Not even my husband.''


''Taeyeon..'' Tiffany said, her voice filled with pain. ''You don't know how it's like to live so many years with someone you're not happy with.''

''You don't know how many times I wish I could go back in time and change the decisions I made.''

Taeyeon kept shut and just blinked. She was surprised how quickly Tiffany blurted that out.

''I am so unhappy Tae. Could you believe that?'' Tiffany asked, adding a bitter chuckle at the end.

Tiffany fiddled with her fingers and the big diamong ring while shaking her head.

''This...'' Tiffany said and took the ring off. ''Doesn't mean anything to me. He gave me so much but it doesn't mean anything to me. I just can't do anything about it.''

''So...what are you going to do now?'' Taeyeon tried her best to sound calm instead of surprised.

Tiffany put the ring back on and took a deep breath. ''I don't know.''

''You can stay here.''

''Tae, you don't know how much I appreciate this.''

Taeyeon forced a smile and gently tapped Tiffany's hand that was resting on her knee. ''I know. Stay as long as you need to...''

''I don't know what happened Tae. He's a good man, but I couldn't get myself to love him.'' Tiffany said with her bottom lip quivering. She then took a deep breath again to control her tears and looked straight into Taeyeon's eyes.

''It happens...'' Taeyeon said, not sure if that was the right thing to say.

''Does it?'' Tiffany said with a quiet laugh.

''No one's going to blame you for that, Tiffany.''

''He will.''

''You just weren't meant to be.'' Taeyeon rationalized, giving a small shrug at the end.

''I could have everything with him Tae. Kids...a family.'' Tiffany said with a cracked voice. Taeyeon knew what Tiffany meant.

Building a family with the man of her dreams was what Tiffany always talked about when they were younger. And now she was telling Taeyeon that she was unhappy with that man. Taeyeon couldn't get herself to look at Tiffany because she wouldn't be able to console her if she bursted into tears.

''Well...'' Taeyeon said with a sigh. ''You still have time to find someone else.''

Tiffany snorted and palmed her face. ''You still have time to find someone else...Really Tae?''

Taeyeon rolled her eyes and leaned back on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

''You know what I mean.''

From the side of her eye, she saw Tiffany mimic her action and stared at the ceiling together with her. ''Yeah, I know.''

A long silence followed after that and Taeyeon got up, causing Tiffany to look at her confusingly.

''I'm really tired, I think I'll go to sleep.'' Taeyeon said. Tiffany stretched her arms upwards and nodded.

''I think I will too.''

''Oh Tiffany?'' Taeyeon said as she remembered something.

Tiffany raised her brows questioningly and put her hands on her hips.

''I'll lend you some pajamas.''

Tiffany followed Taeyeon to her bedroom and waited as Taeyeon went through her closet. She pulled out a shirt and handed it to Tiffany and went back to look for some pants.

''Okay, here's some p YAH!'' Taeyeon shrieked and turned the other way around when she saw Tiffany changing the shirt right next to her.

''What?'' Tiffany asked with her eyebrows raised.

''II didn't know you were going to change right now.'' Taeyeon mumbled with her gaze down to the floor. She shoved the pants to Tiffany and then turned around again. Tiffany chuckled and Taeyeon waited until she had worn the pants as well.

''You can turn around now.''

Taeyeon obeyed and her eyes widened as she saw Tiffany standing in front of her awkwardly.

''You're so small Tae,'' Tiffany laughed. The sleeves barely reached up to Tiffany's wrists and the pants were a little short.

''Hey!'' Taeyeon frowned and smacked Tiffany's arm. ''Those are comfy...you're priviledged to wear them tonight.''

Tiffany rolled her eyes and grabbed her own clothes from the floor before she started to make her way out of the room.

''Thanks again Tae.'' Tiffany said. ''Goodnight.''

''Night...'' Taeyeon said and added a quick wave. Tiffany closed the door for her and Taeyeon crashed on her bed.

''Oh God...''

Why can't I get the half image of Tiffany out of my head?

Taeyeon groaned and rolled on her side. It was going to be a long night for her.



The next morning was exactly the same.

Tiffany cooked breakfast and cleaned the kitchen until it was sparkling and shining. Taeyeon decided not to interfere and let her do what she wanted to do as a payback since it seemed to make her feel better somehow. Besides all she could do was watch her, it was almost as if she had hired Tiffany to be her maid or something.

Since it was sunday, they decided to chill and maybe watch some movies to pass time. Tiffany didn't seem to pay any attention to the movies though, she was once again in her own world, just staring at the tv blankly even if something exciting happened in the movie.

''I'm surprised your korean is still good.''

''I still talk to my family almost daily...'' Tiffany replied, her eyes still on the tv screen.

Taeyeon turned her head to look at Tiffany. ''Do your parents know about you 'running' away?''

''No.'' Tiffany said while shaking her head. ''They would kill me.''

Taeyeon threw her head back and let out a small laugh. ''Kill you? Why?''

''They were so freaking happy when I got married. And they would be pissed to know that their money on the wedding went to waste.''

''But it's not your fault Tiffany.'' Taeyeon said. The movie kept going on but the girls ignored it, like it wasn't on in the first place.

''But it is.'' Tiffany said and looked back at Taeyeon. ''If I knew back then what I know now, I would have never married him.''

''There's no way you could have known this would happen.''

''I didn't love him then.'' Tiffany confessed.


She didn't know what to respond to that.


Taeyeon ran out of things to say so she kept shut for the rest of the day. They continued to watch a couple of movies, mostly Taeyeon alone and Tiffany spacing out.

It was time to go sleep again and Taeyeon decided to arrange her work related stuff in the kitchen since Tiffany retreated back to the guest room.

''What are you doing?'' Taeyeon heard the soft voice ask. She looked up and saw Tiffany wearing the pajamas she borrowed. Leaning like that against the kitchen counter, Tiffany's innocent pose made Taeyeon melt.

''Just getting some things ready for tomorrow.''

''Oh yeah...you're going to work in the morning?'' Tiffany then asked and slowly made her way to sit on the other end of the table.


''What time do you usually go there?''

''Around at eight.''

''Wow...I don't know how do you get the strength to wake up so early.'' Tiffany said while shaking her head.

''I've done it for a long time now so I'm used to it...but of course I'd love to stay in my warm and comfy bed in the morning and continue my sleep.''

''Sounds more like you.'' Tiffany laughed.

''You have no idea how many times I've wanted to call in sick on a Monday.''

''Just like in high school, huh?'' Tiffany said. Taeyeon stared at Tiffany and then nodded.

''Yeah.'' she replied quietly.

Falling into silence again, Taeyeon tried to stop herself from remembering those times Tiffany was referring to. She did not want to see the memories in her head and she did not want those emotions she felt back then to come back.

''I think I should go sleep now, I don't want to feel like dying in the morning because I didn't sleep enough.'' Taeyeon started to gather up the papers on the table. Tiffany let out a faint yawn and nodded.

''I'll see you in the morning.'' Tiffany told her and walked towards the guest room.

She did a small turn and flashed a smile at Taeyeon before she disappeared.

Taeyeon's insides flipped and turned as she continued to watch at the direction where Tiffany went.

Damn you...

Taeyeon picked up her stuff and walked in her bedroom and on her way, she glanced at the closed door to the guest room, thinking about she sweet smile Tiffany just gave her.

What am I going to do with her?


Taeyeon watched how the kids sang in unison, none of them were able to hit that right note but she still kept a smile on her face, encouraging them to continue to sing.

''Alright kids, you did well today. Go return the instruments on the right places.'' Taeyeon announced. ''No running!''

The kids hurriedly returned the instruments and ran back to their seats. She glanced at the clock and smiled at the kids.

''Tomorrow we play more instruments, rememeber to bring your assignments from last week as well!'' Taeyeon told them. ''Class is dismissed, you can leave now.''

After the kids had left, Taeyeon stayed in the classroom to write down some important things in her notebook.

The morning had been very strangely nice for Taeyeon. When Taeyeon had waken up at 7am, she did not expect to see Tiffany up so early as well. Instead, she had cooked breakfast for Taeyeon, the food waiting on the table and the kitchen tidied up.

Taeyeon still didn't understand why Tiffany bothered to do all that but she decided not to bring it up in their conversations.

So far, Tiffany's kind gesture was the reason why Taeyeon was in a good mood for the rest of the day at work. On her way back home Taeyeon stopped by the grocery store to get some food and everything else she needed.

She slowly walked towards her apartment with two bags in each hand, sweat breaking out on her forehead and back.

Taeyeon huffed and started to dig her bag for the key from her bag.

Once she got inside, she immediately went to the kitchen to put the groceries on the counter.

She didn't see Tiffany anywhere but she just shrugged and started to empty the contents of the bags, assuming she must of locked herself in the guest room again.

She closed the fridge and began to make her way to the guest room.

''Tiffany?'' she called out and knocked before she pushed the open door further, finding the bed neatly made and the pajamas she gave to Tiffany laid down at the end of the bed.

Taeyeon furrowed her brows and looked around - the room was just as if no one had stayed in there in the first place. She noticed a small piece of paper tucked under the shirt, almost noticeable. Taeyeon picked it up and unfolded it carefully.

Taeyeon...I can't thank you enough for giving me a place to stay. I don't want to become a burden to you so I am leaving.
It was amazing to see you again after all these years. Please, take care Tae.
Love, Tiffany.


Taeyeon blinked and crumpled the piece of paper in her hand.

She couldn't control it any longer, the memory of Tiffany leaving her seven years ago replayed in her mind over and over again. The flood of emotions and memories hit her so hard that she became paralyzed.

Taking a deep breath, Taeyeon closed her eyes and dropped the crumpled paper and slowly walked out of the room. She walked to the balcony and plopped down on the chair and leaned back to watch the sky. The greyness in the sky had intensified and it seemed to reflect exactly what Taeyeon was feeling at the moment.

She couldn't believe Tiffany had left her again. She wondered where Tiffany went to if she said she had nowhere to go to. Maybe she had lied to her or something.

Taeyeon was confused but she felt betrayed that Tiffany couldn't say a proper goodbye to her. Taeyeon knew she wouldn't have stopped her from leaving but she would have appreciated Tiffany telling her face to face.

Although Taeyeon's mind was buzzing with questions again, one thing she knew.

She was back at where she was when Tiffany had left her seven years ago.

Hello guys :D

Omg -_- I accidentally forgot to save this chapter when I pasted it from Word and I had to start ALL over again holy lord I almost pulled all of my hair off my head.

Anyways, thank you all for the votes and comments I really do appreciate them :D

Keep upvoting and commenting if you enjoy this story, it's the only way I know what you think :D

I love you all~~

P.S. If any of you want to make posters or whatever for this story, just let me know in a PM =)


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 12: Yeayy happy ending 😭😭😭
Chapter 12: I say Yes to happy endings! I liked it very much! Angst, drama, fluff and even ! 🤭
Thank you for still writing even in tough times! :)
Chapter 9: 🫣🥵
Chapter 8: Whoa! That's a lot going on in there! First my heart broke, and then I'm giddy. 😳
Chapter 7: 😳😳😳
Chapter 4: I like the drama! 😁
I like how the story goes and I'm left at wanting more! I know it's really late for these comments, but I'm glad I am reading it now because it's completed. :)
Chapter 2: Awww poor Tae...
czankx #8
Chapter 12: Wow, for real, I've read a lot of TaeNy stories. Taeny POVs are just built different, they're just really good for each other just like Tiffany once said "we just love each other, and definitely we're desperate for each other".. This story is well-written i can't help but smile and react to everything, it felt so good so is the hahaha
Mihyun101 #9
Chapter 9: Holy
Chapter 7: I dont breathe either