Prince Charming

My Missing Glass Slipper

"But Hyungggggg!!! I have soccer today, I don't have time to help you staple those english papers!!"

"Minho-ah you dumb frog!! I'll give you ten bucks!!" Jonghyun was getting impatient and just wanted to finish helping Mr. Jinki, then go.

Minho's eyes sparkled "Make it fifteen, and you have a deal."

"Fineeeee... but Key's coming too."

"Are you two ever apart?"

"JJONG!!! YAH!!!"

Jonghyun snickerd. "Apparently not."

---------- <3 Minho's POV <3 ----------


These guys have really bad handwriting!! Jjong better pay me my money, or I'll kick his back to prehistoric times where he belongs.

I shuffled through some papers when I found one in blue ink. *staples* "Hmmm..."

I turned to the last page.

"There are a lot of people who don’t believe in the same thing I do. Most of my friends are on their fifth boyfriend already. A few days ago, my friend came up to me and said “HEY. You need a boyfriend. I’m gonna to set you up” I said no; I don’t want to be rushed into a relationship with someone I don’t even know. My friend looked at me weird and said “but I do that all the time, bro.”

          I said back, “and how’s that working out for you?”

          I’m not looking for a relationship unless I know that he (whoever "he" is) and I are in love with each other. I’ll sacrifice what I have to when the time is right, but that time hasn't come yet. I’m not going to give myself up for a jerk, so I’ll just keep waiting for prince charming to come and be my other half- my missing glass slipper."  

Well he's cool!! Since he said "prince charming," I guess he's gay... Hmmmm...

"Hey Hyung? Who's..." I looked for the name "... Lee Taemin?" Jonghyun looked up from stapleing.

"Huh? He's in the sophmore class a period before mine. Quite a looker too. You got his This I Believe essay?"

"Yeah..." I slumped in my seat. I wonder...

Key reached over and gave me his cell phone. "That is my son!! Isn't he adorable!?!?! Just looking at his picture, i wanna eat him UP!!!!" 

"I was wondering when you were gonna talk."


"Oh please!!! You make Madonna look like a mute chiuaua"


"Can't we all just get-" The door opened, and Taemin walked in.

"Ooh, sorry for intrud- UMMA!!!!" He glomped the diva.

"Honey!!! We were just talking about you!! This frog is Minho!! Minho, this is Taemin!!"

We looked at each other for the first time, and his face got red within a second.

Aigo... I reached out my hand for a handshake, and he shyly took it.

When our hands touched, I felt like I never wanted to let go. He looks like a princess...

"Well, I'll see you later hyungs!!!" and with that, he rushed out the door.

I was looking the direction he left in when Key spoke up.

"OMO!! He must have wanted to get back his keroro pen I borrowed!! Darn, I'll just give it to him tom..." He looked at me. "Or, I'll give it to you to give to him! Now. Go get him." The look in my face must have given me away, because he quickly have me the pen, then practically kicked me out the door.

"HEY!!! THIS MEANS I'LL ONLY GIVE YOU TEN DOLLARS!! HAHA~!!!" But I wasn't thinking about the dino as I went to go search for my Cinderella.

I saw him as i turned the corner leaving the school, and he was looking down at his hand, dazed.

I heard him whisper: "I actually touched Prince Charming's hand!!!" and then he blushed and clenched his hand into a fist.

I ran over to him, and held out the pen.

"This is yours?" He looked up at me in suprise, then nodded in thanks as he took it.

As I turned around slowly, i heard the smallest breath. It sounded like...  

"Kiss me?"

And so I did.



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loveall94 #1
Chapter 1: Aww so cute
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 1: cute and wae so effin short!!!
SherlocKey #4
....So short and unexpected.<br />
DAEBAK! Like seriously :D<br />
It's so cliche with the Cinderella/Prince Charming thingy,<br />
But it's not! It's totally awesome :D
That was the perfect ending <3 Gahhhhh, 2min is so freakin cute<br />
Minho and Key are so mean to each other XD I can't believe Jonghyun's just gonna let it slide
awww :))) suwwwwweeeeeeeettttt!!! >___<
prince charming!!!!!!!
So cute!