The Queenka is Back

Who will she choose?

-Your POV-


I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I had to wake up early everymorning to bake pastries for oppa's cafe. As I got ready for school, my phone beeped. I checked my phone and saw that Mei sent me a text.

Mei: I know you're up. Do you mind if I come by the cafe for breakfast?

____: Sure no problem. I'm going there right now.


*at the cafe*

Me and Mei were sitting at the counter eating our breakfast. I was already done with the pastries and had a little more tome before school. I decided to make my very tasty chocolate-caramel frappacino for the both of us. Just as I finished making it, the door opened. I shot my head up to see who it was. It was Kiseop. "Hey Kiseop" I said gleefully. Neil oppa suddenly came out from the back and said," Oh hey Kiseop, long time no see."

"Hi hyung, hi ______. I didn't know you own this cafe. Is that what I think it is?" Kiseop pointed to the chocolate-caramel frappacino. "Haha wait I'll make you one. And, by the way this is my friend Mei." I said. "Hello Kiseop!" I saw Mei's eyes twinkle as she looked at Kiseop. Once I was done with Kiseop's chocolate-caramel frappacino, we headed towards school.

*school grounds*

We were all laughing at Kiseop's joke as we pass by the school gate. A stretched white limo came in and all the guys started to crowd around. "What's happening?" I looked at Mei. " Ugh! It looks like the queenka is back" Mei said in disgust. "Why what's wrong with her?" Kiseop was shocked with Mei's expression. "She might be pretty, but she's a pain in the . She was teasing me ever since high school started" Mei rolled her eyes. "What's her name?" I asked out of curosity. "Sulli. Choi Sulli." Now why does that name sound familiar.

-Taemin POV- 

I was waiting for ______ in front of the school. Gosh! These stupid girls keep crowding around me. I saw ______ with Mei and Kiseop waking oto school. Then a whit limo came in and all the guys started to crowd around. I thought she moved forever. Great here she comes. "Oppa!" she yelled with her high-pitched voice and gave me a hug. "Hey Sulli" I said trying not to sound annoyed. She was still hugging me when _______ walked pass me. She had a smile on her face and she was looking at Kiseop. I hate to admit this, but I was sort of jealous. 

"Sulli get off" I said as I pushed her towards the crowd of guys. "Hey ______! Wait up!" I finally caught up to her. I grabbed her arm and turned her around. "Oh, hey Taemin. Were you the one calling me? Sorry, I really couldn't hear over there. I-itt's k-k uh-" she leaned her head on Kiseop's arm and started to laugh. "Hah! Sorry Taemin, but _____ is hyper. When she's hyper, she sometimes can't finish what she's saying and laugh out of nowhere." Kiseop explained. "Mei, slap me!" ______ said was Mei did what she was told. "Okay? Well, ______ let's get to class" I said as I grabbed her hand. "Sorry Taemin, but I promised Kiseop that I'll follow him to the principal's office. I'll just see you in class okay?" she said as Kiseop linked his arm with hers. "Okay" I said trying not to sound depressed. 

"Oppa?" Sulli came up to me. "Who is that? Is she your girlfriend?" I really can not stand her with her high-pitched voice. I know that she likes me, but I don't feel the same way for her, so I try not to hurt her, but I was really annoyed right now. "Sulli, just leave me alone!" I yelled at her as I angrily walked to class. 

The bell was about to ring and I saw ______ running in just in time. "Hey, where's Kiseop?" I asked her trying not to sound angry. "He has the same scheduele as Mei so, we have gym, science and math together." she said as she caught her breath.


*gym class*

Me and _____ arrived at the gym. Once we stepped in, she went straight to Kiseop and Mei. I was going to follow her, but then I heard that annoying voice. "Oppa! It looks like we have gym together." Sulli came over and gave me a hug. 

"Okay class, 'gather 'round" the coach said as we crowded around her. "For a class project, I want you to get with a partner and make up a dance which you will be performing by the end of the week. Okay let's get started." 

Once all the guys started to crownd around Sulli, I made my way to ________. 

"_______, want to be partners?" I asked her. "Oh sorry Taemin, but Kiseop already asked me." I looked at Kiseop. He had a huge grin on his face like he just won a battle. I tried not to look to depressed. I ended up being partner with Sulli. 'This was just my luck' i thought to myself and let out a deep sigh.


As I got my food, I saw ______ sitting alone on one of the tables. I smiled and made my way towards her. "Mind if I sit with you?" I asked her. "Oh, hey Taemin! Um, sure you can!" I saw that she was reading a book. "Why don't you eat? Here I'll go get you some food-" " No, no it's okay. I can never finish my food anyways. Kiesop usually gives me some of his food. If he's not around I don't eat at all." she said as I sat back down. I started to get fustrated, so I lend her some of my food, but she refused. Then Kiseop came over and sat next to her. "Say ahh~" Kiseop said as _____ opened . He put a tangarine slice in and she ate it. 

I saw Sulli making her way towards me, so I did what came in mind. "______ can you sit next to me?" "Okay" she said as she took the seat next to me. I put my arm around her waist as Sulli walked by. "Um. Excuse me Taemin. I'm going to go to the restroom." _____ got up and left me alone with Kiseop.

"Hey Taemin listen up! I know you like ________" Kiseop said with a hint of anger in his voice. "What is I do?" I countered back. "Stay away from her, she's mine! I almost had her back in Japan , but she had to come back here. So now that I'm here, you need to back off!" Kiseop said with all the anger in him. "Look, I don't know who you think you are, but you can't tell me what to do! I'm not going to back off ______. She means to much to me for me to let her go! We were having fun before you came into the picture!" I got up and left the table.

-Your POV-

"Hey Princess." You turn around to see Sulli leaning against the wall. "Umm... Why did you-" " You don't remember me?" she cut me off. "No, sorry, but your name does sound familiar" I said innocently. "Poor Princess, I guess you didn't regain your memeory of me back when we were little kids. Haha. Back when I pushed you down the well because Kiseop gave YOU and flower and NOT me." Sulli grinned. "I'm sorry." i was shocked that she would just come out and say that. "Look! I've out grown Kiseop, but I see that Taemin likes you. I WANT Taemin, so back off or I'll do something more worse then pushing you down a well" she said as she left. I just stood there frozen, shocked at what she said. 

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zyierra #1
Ahhh...i really love it and this story is so sweet~~In the end she end up with taemini really hopeit was kiseop<>
you said it theawesomebanana XD afnakgfangfjvje wvneownf... loved it ^^
ahhhhhh! *crowd cherring* wow its over *tear* the ending was so sweettttt, its even sweeter then the chocolate im eating rite now...
ajdflkjslakfj kejrhtkjhvksdbkjshafkjnsvnbskafhksajhrkjfhkasfuwkskfy utyy98 729834738trswjdfhklsy93847ysd9 sufys8fksjhkljhklsvslfhlasj alkfh;lfjah;dfhslsajhiouwyrs;j;vzsahglaskjfhdkljashkljhaslkjdhflkjasd<br />
<br />
Hahaha i knew this would happen :p
yes! she got her memory back! im so happy :)
Aishhh i hope she recovers her memories -o-
*pouting* wahhh~ she doesnt remember taemin as her boyfriend! nooooooooooooooo *tear*