Dancing in September

Do you remember?


Jongup can’t forget that one day in September where he met someone that truly impressed him with his dancing skills. Jongup would consider himself a rather good dancer so for him to meet someone with the same equal skill as him, let’s just say his interests were intrigued. Sadly, Jongup never got the name of the person that caught his eye. All he remembers is that other male’s face and height. The other seems to tower over Jongup and he didn’t really like that.


“Jongup ah, its been almost a year already. Are you still thinking about that day?” Himchan asked.

“I cant forget about that day. I cant forget about him. There is just something about him that I cant forget about. I need to see him again.” Jongup said looking at his hyung.

“I shouldn’t have brought you to that club,” Himchan said with his hands on his head. “You only met the guy once and you’ve already fallen so hard for him.”

It was weird for Jongup to be lingering on the memories of the other male. I mean they were just dancing together but the feelings he had when he was dancing with the latter was nothing he had experienced before. Dancing with the other made him feel exited and nervous but he felt exhilarated at the same time. It was a weird sensation for Jongup but he can’t shake that feeling off. He can’t forget how the other looked, how the other danced.

“I did not fall for him. I don’t even know his name,” Jongup said putting his head on the table.

“Yeah right Moon Jongup. Check yourself. You have been thinking about a guy that you danced with once in a club, and that happened over a year ago. If you don’t like him, I don’t know what to call it then,” Himchan said looking at Jongup.

Jongup only smiled.

“Maybe I will see him again,” Jongup said, smiling optimistically.

“You go to the same club almost everyday. Do you ever see him there?” Himchan asked.

“No,” Jongup said a little sad.

Himchan saw the sadness in Jongup’s eyes.

“Ok ok well maybe he will eventually show up at the club,” Himchan said reassuringly.

“I suppose,” Jongup said.

“Look, cheer up, its already September. That’s when you met him right? Maybe he will show up after all?” Himchan asked.

Jongup remembers clearly the day he met the other, the twenty-first day of September.

“Tomorrow,” Jongup said suddenly after a long period of silence.

“Tomorrow?” Himchan asked, giving Jongup a confused look.

“Tomorrow is the twenty-first day of September.” Jongup said looking at a distance and smiled.

“What?” Himchan asked, still confused.

“I have a feeling that it will happen tomorrow.” Jongup said standing up. “I’m going to go now.” Jongup said smiling and heading for the door.

“Wait, I don’t understand!” Himchan shouted at the younger. “Aish, I never understood what that boy is thinking.”


Jongup wore the exact same clothes as he did a year ago.

“This is it. Today is the today. I can feel it,” Jongup said as he looked at his reflection on his mirror, smiling.

Jongup arrived at the club and saw Yongguk at the bar with Himchan.

“Yongguk hyung, Himchan hyung,”he said waving at the two as he walked over to them.

“So you really think you will see him again huh?” Yongguk asked.

“I know I will,” Jongup said smiling.

Just then, the exact same music that was playing a year ago that the two had danced together started playing.

“This song-“ Jongup said.

“I had them play it. You have been listening to this song on loop after since you met that guy. You better meet him today,” Yongguk said taking a sip of his drink.

“Come on Jonguppie, let’s dance. Yongguk at dancing,” Himchan said as he pulled Jongup to the dance floor, earning a pout from Yongguk.

Jongup was enjoying himself, dancing with Himchan until he bumped onto someone with his back. When he turned around, his widen eyes were met with another pair of widen eyes.

“Oh, its you,” they said together. “You remember me?” they said pointing at each other.

Jongup smiled and so did the other male in front of him.

“So you do remember,” the other male said.

“Of course I do,” Jongup said. “I have been looking everywhere for you ever since that day.”

“Me too! I came here as often as I could but I never saw you here,” the other male said.

“What? I did the same thing but I never saw you here!” Jongup said.

He heard the other male laugh.

“What?” Jongup asked.

“You’re wearing the exact same thing as that day,” he said smiling.

“You're wearing the same thing too!” Jongup said after scanning what the other was wearing.

“Yeah…I was hoping to see you here today,” the other said looking down, Jongup assumed it was because he was shy. Jongup cant help but smile. He cant believe he actually found him again.

“Anyway, do you want to dance?” the other male asked.

“Of course. You have no idea how much I have dreamed of this day,” Jongup said smiling.

“Me too!” the other said.

“Wait,” Jongup said before they could start dancing. “What’s your name?” Jongup asked. “My name is Jongup.”

“Junhong,” the other male said smiling.

And that was the last thing Jongup remembered before he danced the night away with the person that he couldnt forget.

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Chapter 1: AWWWWWW!!!!! So, cute.