Last Day... but the Best Day Ever!

Last Day
     "Good morning beautiful."
     Renee woke up to Bang YongGuk's beautiful deep voice in her ear which made her smile. But when she opened her eyes she saw the broken heart she wrote on today's date on her calendar.
     "Do you really have to go today?"
     "You know I wouldn't if I didn't."
     Renee sighed and turned around to face him.
     "I'll miss you," she said thinking about how long YongGuk would be gone as one tear slid sideways onto the pillow.
     "Yah! Don't be like that just yet! Today's going to be the best day ever!" He exclaimed jumping out of bed to emphasize his last sentence.
     Renee giggled and got out of bed. As she made her way to the kitchen for some breakfast YongGuk stopped her, "Oh no. We are going out to breakfast today."
      "Chincha!?" She exclaimed.
     "Ne! I wanted to check out that new café downtown!" YongGuk said SUPER excited. Renee could tell this really was going to be the best day ever.
     Renee and YongGuk got all dressed and pretty and were ready to go downtown to the café. she had on a nice summer dress with flats, nothing too fancy, just kind of casual. And of course YongGuk being the casual not fancy guy he is had on his basic white tank with a green over-shirt and dark blue skinny jeans.
     Renee and YongGuk went to the café, ate their delicious food, and left. While in the car Renee asked YongGuk, "so, what exactly are we doing today?"
     "Well, right now we are on our way to strawberry fields."
     "WE ARE GOING STRAWBERRY PICKING!!!!" Every year during the summer Renee and her family used to go strawberry picking, but since she moved to Korea it has been harder to do so. So, when she met YongGuk he started taking her but once he became a trainee for TS it became harder and harder to help with homesickness.
     "Of course we are," YongGuk said as he smiled his cute gummy smile, "I can't even remember the last time I took you."
     YongGuk pulled into the farm. When she got out she ran to the tractor pulling the wagon with hay and jumped into the wagon right onto the side of a hay bale, awaiting YongGuk to sit on the other side.
     Once everyone was on board they were off to the strawberry patch. Once they were both there they got off and grabbed their baskets and immediately found a nice spot to start picking the nice, plump, red strawberries. As soon as Renee started picking she also started eating, YongGuk smiled and laughed thinking how cute it was how she would put one in the basket then one in .
     Two baskets later YongGuk paid for the strawberries and took Renee to the little store the farm had and bought them both pumpkin spice doughnuts. "Let's go to the playground," he suggested knowing how much of a "grown up" Renee had to be so much of the time, and he knew how childish you really were. She ran to the playground putting the last bite of doughnut into .
     YongGuk had completely lost track of time while playing with Renee that he completely missed their lunch date and shopping spree. He realized it didn't really matter so much looking at how he spent that forgotten time.
     "Come on let's go get some pizza then go see a movie."
     "Sounds great."
     While eating Renee had asked what movie they were going to watch, they were supposed to see a new movie coming out tomorrow on their 4th anniversary before they found out when YongGuk was leaving.
      "Well, it's about this idol who had an ordinary girlfriend, BUT! The girlfriend isn't actually so ordinary l, you see the idol's girlfriend was THE best girlfriend ever! And they loved each other SOOOO much. But the evil manager took the idol away, and the girlfriend doesn't see him for 3 months."
     "Well that sounds sad, terrible, and familiar."
     Once they got to the theatre Renee realized it was empty, but before you could say anything the movie started. But it wasn't a movie at all... It was YONGGUK!!!
     "Renee I love you so much word can't describe it!"
     As YongGuk's video went in about his deep, affectionate love for Renee with pictures of them together. She started to tear up and she didn't realize him reaching into his pocket to pull out a little black box. Renee looked over just as he was getting on one knee and open the box, "happy early 4th jagiya, the video I made was and will be forever be just for you, I think I explained my love enough in the video so, Renee, my angel, my sarang... Will you be my wifey?"
     Renee couldn't stop smiling as tears ran down her face, "of course pabo!"
     YongGuk lifted her up and spun her around.
     "I love you so much Renee."
     And that really was the perfect ending to the Best Day Ever.
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What does everyone think, I don't think it's my best I feel like the story is rushed at the end, but I want to know what you readers and writers think, I would love some constructive criticism from you!