A Dream, Or A Reality?

Rewinding Back to the Beginning.


The next morning, the blizzard went away and the sun came up and began to shine above Seoul, Korea. The sun's strong vibe melted away the snow. I was relieved that it was shining here again. I hid under my covers then peeked up above again. To make sure that yesterday wasn't just a dream from me collapsing in the snow blizzard the other day, I quickly jumped out of my bed to find Jonghyun.

"Jonghyun! Jonghyun!" I shouted, "Where are you?"

There was no response. I panicked and quickly raced to the dining room table where I ate breakfast yesterday with him. He wasn't there. I checked every room. Still, no Jonghyun found. I suddenly felt weak and my heart shattered into pieces. So it really was a dream. There is no Jonghyun. I couldn't believe that my first lover, Jonghyun, was not real, and he was just all apart of my fantasy. I started to tear up and I started to rub my eyes.

"JONGHYUN!!!" I shouted.

I began bawling. Then, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I stopped crying and look up. There kneeld beside me, Jonghyun. Jonghyun then grabbed me, then hugged me. And then he hugged me even tighter and tighter.

"Hyung Jonghyun..You're here?.." I began to sniffle, "I'm so glad! I'm so glad that you are here hyung!" Then I started to tear up and cry again.

"Jonghyun! I'm so glad! You're real! You're real! You're actually here! Please don't leave me again!" I said sobbing.

"Key, I will always be there for you. Please forgive me for leaving you. I am real. Not a figurative of your imagination. I'm real key and I'll stay. I'll stay with you as long as you like. I promise to never leave your side. You are a fragile person, and I understand that. That is why I want to protect you. I won't let anyone else have you but me. And I'll keep that promise." Jonghyun said.

I took a hold of Jonghyun and hugged him tighter. 

"I- I LOVE YOU HYUNG!" I said.

Jonghyun's eyes widened. He then smiled and patted my head. I looked up at him.

"I love you too Kibum," he said, "and I am serious about that. That is why I am here for you. It wasn't fate for me to just find you on the sidewalk. It was meant to happen."

Then I felt a gentle light tap kiss on my forehead. Then Jonghyun stood up and walked away. I watched him enter his room and then put my hand on my forehead. I began to  blush. 

"Jongyun..Hyung..He kissed me.." I said. Then I began to smile. I stood up and walked to my room. I layed down on my bed then started to daydream about Jonghyun. I also started to think about the words that he said to me

" I truly love Jonghyun. " I said, "I love Hyung so much."

The rest of the day, I stayed in my room and thought about Jonghyun all day long. Then fell asleep from thinking about him.

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awww i like this fic! fighting!
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