
Sweetest Downfall
Five year old Sulli was playing her Barbie doll on their porch when she noticed a ball rolling towards her direction, however, being uninterested she ignored it and continued combing her doll. That was when a shout caught her attention. She looked up and found a skinny and lanky boy her age, wearing a make-shift cape and a goggles at their gate. The boy was waving, asking her to come near. Scowling, Sulli stomped to their gate until she reached him. 
"Why didn't you bring my ball?" He asked frowning,scratching his head in protest. Sulli turned to where the toy was, and looked back at him.
"You get it yourself!" She shouted turning around to go back to their porch when another shout stopped her. 
The boy is still pouting looking at his toy "But my mom said I should not go in there without permission. " Sulli's gaze is urging him to continue "Can I go inside?"
The little girl nodded and Chanyeol's face lit up, just then a hand on his chest stop him.
"Wait! Mommy told me not to talk to strangers. My name is Choi Sulli." The little girl in pigtails said. 
"I'm Park Chanyeol, I live in front of your house. Can I get my ball now?" He asks hopeful, and when Sulli nodded, he ran as fast as he could, happy to be finally reunited with his toy. 
"What are you wearing anyway?" Sulli interrupted and Chanyeol stood up and look at his clothes. 
"I'm a superhero!" He stated proudly as the girl in front of her laughed. "Why? You don't believe me?"
"No. You're thin." Sulli answered still eyeing Chanyeol mockingly. A shout from inside the house was heard and soon enough Chanyeol was left alone on the yard, eyes still on the door where that Sulli girl disappeared.
( 1999)
It was a fine Sunday, Chanyeol was playing by himself when a girly shriek was heard, and judging where it came from, it was just nearby. Out of curiosity, he decided to peek. It was the girl from last week, crying as she was trying to get something from a larger boy's hands. Judging the appearance of the said boy, it must be Seunghyun, the resident bully in the neighborhood. Shaking his head, he run towards the scene.
 "Hyung, give her doll back!" He exclaimed, swallowing the lump on his throat. Successfuly catching the attention of the two other kids.
He thinks, if it goes smoothly, he'll get away unscathed, if not, a bruise or two won't be bad, now that Seunghyun is sneering at him as if coaxing him to fight. 
"And why would I do that? You think i'd listen to you?!" Seunhyung snapped, his attention shifting to Chanyeol, though still gripping the doll. With a loud snort, Seunghyun detached the head and threw it away, then pushed Chanyeol harshly making him stumble to the ground.
Sulli was rooted to the spot, and Chanyeol finally managed to stand up and get the headless doll to return it to the owner.
"Why did you do that?" Sulli mumbled taking the doll. She's not looking at him but on the ruined toy. 
"I told you, I'm a superhero." Chanyeol said, a bit proudly. Checking for any physical damages that Seunghyun might've incurred.
"But you got hurt. And you fell when he hit you." She was looking at him thouroughly, checking if he's hurt or what. Chanyeol shrugged and looked at Sulli and then at the now headless doll.
"Let's go to my house. My mother knows how to fix that." Chanyeol suggested holding the little girl's wrist as he drags her to his house. He smiled when she didn't protest.
(September 1999)
The bell rang as a queue for the children to go to their respective classrooms. It's the 1st day of school and all the kids are excited to see their friends from yesteryears. It was chaotic, they are all talking at the same time, bragging about new toys and where they went last vacation.
After a few moments, everything was already peaceful, the class is soon to start. Chanyeol look up from his spectacles when their teacher stood up in front. They exchanged greetings and after that, their teacher walk to the door. The class grew silent. The teacher came back with a familiar girl trailing behind. Recognizing her, Chanyeol's face lit up and he began to wave too much enthausiastically, catching the attention of the newbie.
"Starting Today, she will join the class." The teacher said in a stern voice, then she turned to look at Sulli. "Introduce yourself." She guided her in front. 
Chanyeol stared at her eagerly, waiting for her to introduce herself. He could tell that she's nervous. He felt the same on his first day.
"G-good morning." She took a deep breath and looked around. Chanyeol caught her eye and he smiled at her coaxing her to continue. "Ah. I- I'm.. I'm.. "
"Sulli! Her name is Sulli. She's my neighbor. If you pick on her then you'll face me. Okay? Let's take care of her!" Chanyeol interrupted and the class all but nodded. No he's not the bully, he's just friends with everybody so it's not a problem.
"Thank you Chanyeol, but we don't need you playing hero right now." His teacher scolded making the other children laugh.  "Sulli, take a seat beside Chanyeol. That's the only vacant seat since I really don't want him to have a seatmate. He could be very talkative at times."
Following their teacher, she stride towards her designated seat where Chanyeol was waiting for her, smiling and bowing to her. 
"You remember me? I'm your neighbor Chanyeol!"
Instead of answering, Sulli only bowed at him, saying a low "thank you" and sat down on her seat leaving Chanyeol gaping at her. The rest of the afternoon went by with Chanyeol being his active self, bugging Sulli all the time. He even insisted on accompanying her during lunch. He would ask her a lot of questions which she would answer with a very few phrases and most of the time a nod or a shrug. The thing is that Chanyeol is really hyper, he won't get tired from talking, and Sulli is really thankful though, she hopes he wouldn't get tired of approaching her.
It's Chanyeol's favorite month. December means snow and vacation. He doesn't have to sleep early worrying about being late the next day. His mom wouldn't scold him for staying out, playing all day long. 
He's currently skipping his way home from Kyungsoo's place. They played soccer and then video games and when it's already dark he was sad to say goodbye, then promised to return the next day. He took interest in playing with his gloved hands, running to their gate.
Chanyeol was about to close it when he noticed a familiar figure sitting just across him. Without a second thought he run towards it.
"Hey. Hey. Hey." He settled just behind her, nudging her just so he could get her attention. His smile faltered when she just stared at him with red puffy eyes. "Sulli. What's the problem?"
"My father, he's not coming back." Chanyeol stared at Sulli looking puzzled. He already met her father a couple of times and he seemed pretty normal. 
 "He will come back. He loves you right?" 
Sulli shook her head "He's not coming back. My mom said so. He doesn't love us anymore " Then she started crying again making Chanyeol worry even more. He tried thinking of other ways just to make her stop because seeing someone cry makes him sad.
"What's that?" Sulli asked. They are both standing outside Chanyeol's backyard, looking up at the tree in front of them.
"My tree house. That's my secret hideout." Chanyeol explained nodding to himself. "And now, it's our secret hide out. Okay? This house is just for the two of us."  He continued.
The little girl nodded and soon they climbed their way up the treehouse with Sulli leading and Chanyeol just behind her. The treehouse was supposed to be a secret and Chanyeol didn't know why he told Sulli about it. They talked about a lot of things that night, about their hobbies, their pet peeves and whatever it is that they could talk about and Chanyeol can say that Sulli is okay now. He let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm glad you're okay now. " He mumbled in between their conversation, and when he saw that she's going to frown again "Yah. It's okay don't sulk. I can be like a brother to you. Even if you don't have him anymore I can protect you." The last part was said a bit dramatically, his hands patting his chest.
Sulli bit her lips to suppress her laughter and Chanyeol gaped at her as to why is she laughing this time.
"You're too skinny how will do that? Those big guys could beat you to a pulp." She explained almost laughing leaving the boy pouting.
"Just thank me okay?!" He snapped at her, his expression turning into a serious one. "I told you, I'm a superhero and from now on my mission is to not make you sad. Okay? Don't sulk too much."
Although she's still on her laughing fit, she nodded. She looked at Chanyeol, grinning from ear to ear. Without thinking about it, she hugged him. 
"You're so kind." She mumbled, and Chanyeol couldn't help but smile as he returned the hug.
For the fifth time that morning Chanyeol looked out the window towards the house in front. He was waiting for the certain girl to go out. He's ready to go to school, but as if it's mandatory he waits for Sulli, who was already walking to their front gate. Chanyeol jumped from their sofa and half-run to their gate, lips forming a grin at the sight of his friend.
"Hey. Sulli wait." The owner of the name halted and smiled at him."Ah. Just the right time!" He said looking at his watch but not really noting the time.
"Hm. I bet you really waited for me." Sulli said huffing, hands clutching her backpack as she looked up at Chanyeol as if reading through his eyes.
Chanyeol laughed, smacking Sulli's head gently "Of course I did. You'll cry if I didn't." He admitted, remembering the incident that happened a couple of years ago when he went to school earlier. And as a result he was welcomed with a pouting and sulking Sulli. That is why up to this day, he always see to it that they go to school together.
They are both sitting on the tree house, both are exhausted. It was Chanyeol's birthday and they celebrated it with their friends. Though it wasn't agreed upon by both anyone can tell that they are the best of friends in the group. They go to school together, go home together, they did almost everything together, it was like they're really siblings. 
However up to this point Chanyeol expected Sulli to give him her gift, he was a bit excited to know what it was. 
"Hey! Where's my gift?" Chanyeol nudges her playfully "I don't like to be kept waiting."
Sulli chucked and asked him to close his eyes. It's a surprise she told him. He willingly complied and closed his eyes, waiting for Sulli to tell him that she's ready.
"Open your eyes now!" She said shoving the present in her hands. "It's not much, but I saved my daily allowance just for that." She added, looking up at Chanyeol, waiting for his reaction as he unwrapped it very very slowly.
"Yah. Stop stalling!" She scolded, making the birthday boy laugh. He's just teasing her because she looks more excited than him.
"It's my present, so I'll decide when to open it." Chanyeol pretended to hide the gift, then Sulli smacked him playfully on his shoulder. "And why are you so eager to open it? It's not like you don't know what's inside."
"I want to see your reaction." Sulli whined, tugging Chanyeol's sleeves, urging him to open it. Chanyeol feigned annoyance huffing his breath as he started unwrapping his most special gift.
A telescope. A Galileo Binocular Telescope. 
He always wanted to have one, but he didn't have the chance to buy because he wasn't the type to save. He was very happy that he's afraid he'll cry, looking at the thing in his hands in disbelief, then to the girl beside him who's smiling all gums and teeth at him. And as if she's inviting him to do so, he had her in a tight hug.
"I love you for this Sulli!" He exclaimed shaking Sulli with too much enthausiasm. "You're the best!" 
"I know right!" She scoffs. "And I expect a much more expensive gift on my birthday." She added grinning playfully.
Chanyeol just shrugged away her comment, he's too happy to mind her teasing. He was busy looking at the telescope on his hands and testing it. 
"There's no moon though. " Sulli sighed although still smiling. Chanyeol was still looking at the sky, amazed at how the stars looked nearer using the telescope. 
True enough the moon isn't there, and so he turned and looked at the magnified Sulli, feigning shock at how humongous her face appeared to be. Chanyeol stares as Sulli laughs, her eyes smiling as well., and he thinks that even if there's no moon tonight, her smile can make the whole world shine.
They're both in Sulli's living room , it wasn't long before Chanyeol barged in her bedroom, bugging her to wake up because he couldn't sleep thinking about his date and he needed someone to talk to.
"You should've thought about those things before asking Sohyun out!" She nagged, irked because of her disturbed slumber. 
"And don't show me that face." She snapped when Chanyeol gave her a look much similar to that of a beaten puppy. 
"Please Sulli, you're the only one who can help me, I can't get any help from Yura." Chanyeol almost begged tugging at the hem of her pyjamas, Yura is Chanyeol's sister, although they're close, he thinks it's awkward to seek for her help.
"Fine. I just hope it won't turn out like last year." Sulli sighed in defeat. "And don't blame me if it fails." She reminded, remembering a series of Chanyeol's failed dates.
"Yes. I won't ! I really love you for this!" Chanyeol said. And Sulli could only shake her head at him. It was a bit disconcerting though, why Chanyeol always went home crest-fallen when he's one of the kindest and sweetest guy she knows.
That night, for the 5th time, Chanyeol went home with a brokenheart and a forced smile on his face. Sulli doesn't like seeing this face, it's far from the Chanyeol that she knew. 
She dragged him to the tree-house, because she knows the sky would make him feel better, just like the old times. 
"I thought she's the one." Chanyeol mumbled dramatically. They sat at the edge of the house, their feet dangling.
"We're still young. Don't think about that." Sulli snorted. "I'm pretty surprised that you asked Sohyun though, I told you she's just flirting."
"Nah. You're just jealous aren't you? Because I won't have time for you if I already have a girlfriend." Chanyeol teased earning a glare from Sulli. 
"Maybe. Because if you already have a girlfriend you'll forget about me. I don't like that." Sulli frowned, she doesn't want to be alone, Chanyeol knows, how Sulli gets sad when she's  left behind. 
(September 2010)
Luhan entered the picture. He's a transfer student from China who's also a genius that he's already fluent in Korean. The first time Sulli saw him (Chanyeol is behind her) she declared love at first sight. Luhan is cute, she always say, innocent and baby-faced and always smiling, they are compatible with each other.
"He's small." Chanyeol stated matter of factly. In which Sulli widened her eyes in protest. 
"He's taller than me!"
"By a couple of centimeter or two?"
"You're just jealous. Cause we'll look good together." She giggled, her thought drifting to that certain blond boy with a beautiful face. It was a relief that Luhan is on the same with her class so she didn't have to struggle to have moments with him.
"I'm cute too!" Chanyeol said disturbing her thoughts. Sulli laughed harder mocking Chanyeol and making him scowl at her. It was when Chanyeol felt a sting in his heart, that he realized that it 's the first time that Sulli showed interest to a boy, and it's like that was something wrong. It can't be, and so he brushed away the thoughts.
( February 2011)
Chanyeol couldn't take it anymore. Sulli has been complaining all day. It's a week before the prom and unfortunately, as Sulli just said, Luhan didn't had the chance to ask her to go with him.
Maybe because he thought we're together, then he got anxious and didn't ask?
Maybe he thought that we're going together so he didn't bother asking?
Maybe he's gonna ask me but then someone talked to him and so he forgot?
"Or maybe he's not even going? Or he's already going with someone else?" Chanyeol supplied for her thinking of the most possible reasons of Luhan not asking her to the prom because Sulli is being too delusional about it. 
Sighing dejectedly, Sulli kept sulking. She doesn't want to attend the event anymore she said, earning a disapproving look from Chanyeol.
"You're going with me." He said with finality. "Who cares about dates? Aren't you lucky enough to go with the most charismatic guy in our campus?" 
Chanyeol waited until Sulli smiled at his joke. They sat there in silence, with Chanyeol throwing quick glances at his bestfriend. Somehow, the fact that Luhan didn't ask Sulli to the prom made him happy.
Maybe it wasn't a good idea to go to the prom at all, when all Sulli did was to stare at Luhan's back. Sure they went and greet each other a while ago, but that's already it. Chanyeol couldn't even dance, worrying about Sulli.
It was when she spotted Luhan asking a girl in their class, Eunji, that she started wailing to Chanyeol. Goodbye to Luhan's first dance.  
Much to Chanyeol's annoyance, later that night, Luhan finally asked Sulli for the last dance (he was the first dance, of course). He didn't like how it felt, it's like a dementor his soul. 
He sat at their table eyeing Luhan and Sulli dancing. As much as he doesn't want to watch them, he couldn't help but stare. He wants to erase that stupid smile on Sulli's face, it's far too different than the way she smiles at him. Jealousy is eating him up. 
His eyes drifted to the blond boy dancing with his bestfriend. They are talking and dancing at the same time. Watching them made his heart sank, he doesn't like how Luhan stares at Sulli. Somehow he knew that Sulli's feelings isn't one-sided after all and he fears that one day, his place in her life would be forgotten. His epiphany that night is that it was indeed not a good thing to attend the prom at all.
"Don't you think it's too fast?" Chanyeol asked Sulli in between their movie marathon. "I mean you made it easier for him."
"I don't think so. What if he got tired of courting me? I don't want that." Chanyeol gaped at her answer. Sulli has turned into Class A idiot.
"If he really loves you he'll wait patiently." Just like what I did. Chanyeol knows it's better to just remain silent than to be rejected.
Sulli rolled her eyes.  "Aish. Just be happy for me. Okay?"
They both sat in silence when Chanyeol didn't argue anymore. He was completely shocked when Sulli told him that she's dating Luhan. It wasn't even a month when the latter started courting her, even if he strongly objects, he didn't voice it out. He should be happy for her, that's how he's supposed to feel.
"Now that I think about it. You still don't have a girlfriend." Sulli said breaking the silence and completely catching Chanyeol's attention. 
"I'm just not interested."  His eyes darted towards the screen again, he might look calm but his insides are nowhere near it. It didn't even helped that they are watching One Day this time. 
"I wonder, what if you have hidden feelings for me? Or vice versa? That's how it is in the books and movies right? Cliche." Sulli looked at the flabbergasted expression written in Chanyeol's face before her face split into a wide grin.
"That would be awkward." Chanyeol messed Sulli's hair and laughed. Yeah. It's going to be very awkward. 
Chanyeol thinks it's not cliche. It's just inevitable for things to turn out the same if they're on the similar situation.
( October 2011)
When Sulli's mother phoned Chanyeol and asked him to come over, he knows that something is wrong. The night before, he spied Sulli arriving late, alone. Luhan should've brought her home but he's nowhere in sight last night. 
He stood outside her room, like so many times before and he wonders if Luhan had already been here. If he had learned about every single thing about Sulli that he treasures so much that he felt the need to keep it to himself. Lastly, He wonders if Luhan is already a step ahead, a step closer to Sulli's heart, he'll bet his bottom dollar, it's a yes.
Chanyeol let out a deep sigh before knocking at her door and entering the room. The lump in the bed covered with comforter and blanket must be Sulli. 
Slowly, Chanyeol made his way to Sulli's bed. "Sulli, auntie told me to talk to you. Is there any problem?"
Then he heard her sob, one after another. Chanyeol removed the covers and found Sulli lying on her stomach. Slowly, he made her face him, and when she did, he knows it's one of the worst. She didn't cry like this when her father left, maybe because she's too young that time. He was now cursing Luhan at this point. 
"Luhan. Luhan cheated on me."
Luhan cheated on me. Luhan cheated. Luhan. Cheated. The words are playing on repeat inside his head. It was when he saw Sulli and Luhan entering Sulli's house together the week after, as if nothing happened, their face void of any sadness and anger.
What the . That. Cheating. Bastard.
Adrenaline rush had Chanyeol running towards them. In a spur of a moment, Chanyeol punched Luhan straight into his jaw, followed by a couple of punches more. Sulli was shouting, he couldn't understand what she's saying. 
Sulli went in between them, shielding Luhan. She was actually defending him and actually telling him to stop. When he did, Sulli told him to wait outside and in a stern voice, she told him that they need to talk but she was looking anywhere but him.
Great. The need to talk thing is always a bad thing. Chanyeol stood there, contemplating if he should stay or not. His knuckles stung, but in a way it did felt good. It felt good because it's for Sulli.
"Why did you do that? Why did you punched him?" Sulli asked Chanyeol, as if it's not obvious enough. As if Luhan is the victim. As if she hadn't cried because of him just a few days ago.
"He made you cry." Chanyeol answered in a low voice. He heard Sulli scoff.
"When did I even gave you the permission to hurt other people at my expense?" He could sense the frustration in her voice. Like what he did wasn't for her. Like it's all Chanyeol's fault in the first place.
"I promised you, when we're kids, I will protect you." He was still calm, he choose to remain calm because it was Sulli, he could never shout at Sulli. 
"But Chanyeol, we're not kids anymore!" She emphasized every word, oblivious how her words are like knife stabbing Chanyeol's heart. "I don't need a hero. I don't need you acting like a hero. I can very well take care of myself now."
If there's anything that Chanyeol wants to be right now is to be deaf. It hurts him how Sulli could actually be so cruel right now, how she's acting as if he's actually the villain here.
"Chanyeol. I appreciate what you did for me. Our friendship.." Sulli said a bit too gently, coaxing him like she didn't broke his heart minutes ago. "But I think we should give each other some space. Hang out with other people." She added making it sound like it's the most normal thing to do.
Silence followed and Sulli felt awkward enough to bid Chanyeol good bye saying that she needed to check on Luhan. He didn't know how long he had been standing in front of Sulli's house. It took him long enough to realize that it's over. She's throwing their years of friendship away, like an old, rusty toy.
The space between them gets bigger and bigger as days pass by. Chanyeol goes to school earlier and Sulli would wait for Luhan to fetch her so that they could go to school together. At times, she could see Chanyeol walking at the gate and by now she already lose hope on the possibility that Chanyeol would acknowledge her, or even look at her. 
Guilt is always eating her up, she wanted to apologize but didn't know how. Instead, she just stay behind, glad that Chanyeol is doing good although she would feel bad because she's not with him. She knows he's alright because he's friends with everyone. And when other people would ask them why, why they're not together, they'd just shrug it away.
Luhan would sometimes urge her to go and apologize. He was scolding her for being harsh to Chanyeol when it really was his fault and that she shouldn't have done that to her best friend. Sulli would whine, telling him not to make her more guilty about it.
Chanyeol on the other hand knows better than to approach Sulli. He's not angry, he could never be angry, although what Sulli said did hurt him, he thinks that maybe that's just right. Minseok would tell him how hardheaded he was, he's the closest to him and he knows (Minseok is sort of psychic) about his feelings. 
It's hard to avoid Sulli because they're classmates, so at any rate, they try to maintain distance from each other, but most of the time it would be Chanyeol walking away when Sulli is near.. He wouldn't make eye contact with her, and if he did, he'll pretend as if it didn't happen and look away, unaware of the sadness that flashes on Sulli's eyes.
To avoid any encounter with Sulli, he always went out during special occasions. Those days, he'll be hanging out with Minseok and their other friends in hopes of forgetting about Sulli and finding someone to love. It wasn't because he doesn't want to make ammends, he just didn't know how to face her. He could tell that she's happy with Luhan now, he couldn't say they're perfect together but it's obvious that Luhan makes her happy. 
(June 2012)
"Mom! Dad! We're gonna be late!" Chanyeol yelped from the gate, as he was fixing his black robe. He tsked as he glanced at his watch. 1 hour, and he'll be graduating. Yura is working so she couldn't attend the ceremony.
His parents finally went out of the house, checking if they didn't forgot anything. As his parents approach him, he saw her mother smiled at someone across them.
"No mom. Not this time." He muttered in a small voice through gritted teeth, but his mom wasn't having any of it and asked their neighbor to come over making Chanyeol hiss as he turned to Sulli and her family. Her dad was there and he wonders if Sulli had already forgiven him. 
"Sulli this is Chanyeol, my son." Her mother said, making other people laugh and from the corner of his eyes he saw Sulli smile. Of course their parents knew about the fight (except Sulli's father) but today they didn't seem to care and even initiated picture taking with them.
"Chanyeol, stand beside Sulli."
"Closer. Cmon you're bestfriends"
"Why don't you put your arms around her shoulder, dear?"
"Smile Chanyeol, it's graduation day."
After a series of shots that satisfied their parents they both go on separate ways to their school. After a couple of hours, finally, Chanyeol and Sulli graduated high school.
Much to Chanyeol's discomfort he was again wheedled into having picture taking with Sulli. Even if he already made excuses about doing something with Minseok, his parents are adamant that he can't do anything but to agree. It's different holding the diploma, her mother says.
Later that night, Chanyeol found himself in an awkward situation sitting side by side with Sulli and her mother (his father already left after the ceremony). Apparently, they planned this dinner without their consent so they couldn't do anything but sit in their places and stare at their food like it's the most interesting thing that ever exist.
As though this day couldn't get any more awkward, Chanyeol again found himself in an uncomfortable situation with his former bestfriend.
Sulli surprised him a while ago by literally dragging him away from their parents to have a private conversation with him.
And by now the said conversation isn't close to happening because they're both drowning in silence. 
"Uhm. Look Sulli. I have a party to attend. I'm going." Chanyeol swallowed the lump in his throat. He doesn't want to talk. He just wanted to forget everything, leave it all behind. 
"Wait. Chanyeol!" She unconciously gripped his coat. "Let us talk. Please? Five minutes. Give me five minutes. Please?" 
Chanyeol doesn't want to, but Sulli is giving her that puppy-eyed pleading look, and he just can't say no to her. It was silly how Sulli could easily have her way with him. 
"Look. I'm sorry. I've been a stupid, insensitive and ungrateful bestfriend to you. I should've apologized earlier, but I'm afraid you wouldn't forgive me or ignore me. I know that you did that just because I'm important to you, he made me cry and you're just being the most wonderful bestfriend to me but I'm blinded by love. So I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I'm apologizing too late." By the end of her speech, Sulli was almost breathless, she's not looking at Chanyeol so she didn't see how Chanyeol's eyes soften at her words.
The truth is, Sulli needs not to apologize, Chanyeol already forgave her long ago, but because Sulli wanted space, he gave it to her willingly. 
Slowly, Chanyeol smiled, Sulli is oblivious because she's not looking at him, then he smack her playfully at the back of head and laughed.
Sulli looked at Chanyeol eyes wide. "Does that mean I'm forgiven?" She squealed when Chanyeol nodded and tackled him into a bone-crushing hug. He returned it willingly. Getting to hug Sulli again, he couldn't ask for more, right now he's very much contented.
A week after their reconciliation, Chanyeol stood at the crowded airport. The plane going to England will soon be leaving, that's where he's going. He's going to Washington to study astronomy, leaving everything behind. A few minutes more. 
He turned to look at his family, Sulli is also present, she insisted on going with them (together with Luhan, although he stood far from them), sending him away.  They already said goodbyes a while ago, so he opted for a hug. 
"Are you planning to kill me before sending me away?" He laughed after Sulli hugged him. "Take care of yourself. I'll always send you emails so that you won't miss me." 
It wasn't that sad, after all it was all for the fulfillment of his dream.
Chanyeol doesn't want to blink, he'll miss everything if he does, so he continued staring, watching as Sulli walks down the aisle. 
His breath hitches, she's very beautiful, even if the veil is covering her face, he could see that she's smiling underneath the transparent cloth, as she stares up front. The flashback began..
The day we met, frozen, I held my breath, 
..he remember seeing her the first time, how she ignored her at first.
Remember when he saw her being bullied by their neighbor, he couldn't help but be proud of himself for being brave to stood up for her.
Remember when she walked in their class, and how they became seatmates, how slowly, Sulli opens up on him.
Right from the start, I knew that I found the one who holds my heart.
He remembers that day when he found her crying when her dad left her.
How her face lit up when she first saw that tree house.
The warmth he felt when she first hug him.
Heart beats fast, colours and promises.
He remembers those times they're together,
Going home, and going to school..
Those occassions they spent together.. 
How to be brave, how can I love when I'm afraid to fall..
He remembers those times he went home downcasted from all the failed dates only to find Sulli with that -eating grin mocking him,
Those times when he would listen to her sulking about her lack of lovelife, or whenever she would get her heart broken.
One step closer..
"She looks beautiful.." he heard the boy beside him say, the boy he envies the most in this world, Luhan. 
"Always." He responds, couldn't get himself to talk too much when he's trying hard not to cry, because Sulli is marrying Luhan. Not him.
"Don't worry. I'll make her happy. I won't make her cry again." Luhan mutters under his breath, eyes never leaving Sulli. 
"Stick to your word." He said through gritted teeth, also watching Sulli already near.
"I'm sorry." Luhan says. Chanyeol sighs. Luhan knows. He knows about his feelings.
The ceremony began, and Chanyeol must be too masochistic as he watches Sulli and Luhan exchange their vows. 
"If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together let them speak now or forever hold their peace."
As much as Chanyeol wants to speak, as much as he wants Sulli for himself, that moment when he caught her eyes and she smiles at him in assurance, he knows he lost the battle, even before.
And so, for Sulli's happiness, he will forever hold his peace.
Chanyeol stared at the mirror for the hundredth time, checking his suit for fringes, and then his hair, if some strands went astray. Nothing else can describe how nervous he was for today. It's the day he's been dreading to come, but as much as he wanted to, he had to be there, because it's a special request. Sighing to himself, he went out and proceed to the room beside his.
"I'm going in." He said loudly, turning the knob after an "okay" was heard. Slowly, Chanyeol peek inside the room, anxious and sweating. He smiled when he saw the face that is all too familiar, at the same time, his heart must be broken into tiny shards right now. 
Sulli is so beautiful. 
"Yah. Are you allowed to see me?" She asked staring at him from the mirror, smiling that angelic smile of hers. 
"Crap." He snorted, trying hard not to ruffle Sulli's hair, afraid to ruin it, or the stylist would surely beat him to death. "Besides, I'm not your groom."
Sulli looked at him thoughtfully, noticing the downcast in his voice. 
Sulli is getting married. The fact took ages to sink in Chanyeol's mind. His bestfriend is getting married to someone that is not him. 
"Congratulations again." He said. Sulli finally stood up and faced him, arms open engulfing Chanyeol into a hug. "My princess is getting married.
The hug tightened, it would be the last time that he can call her his, because she's getting married, and they're bound to part ways, Sulli couldn't be his, not the way she have always been. 
"Don't make me cry." He heard her whine, and as much as he doesn't want to let go, even if he's afraid to let go, he broke the hug.
"I won't. You're beautiful today." Chanyeol commented staring at her from head to toe. "You're really marrying that bastard."
They both laugh at that comment, apparently Chanyeol still haven't forgot about Luhan cheating on her. 
"I thought you already forgave him?" Sulli asked pouting.
"I did. I won't let you marry him if I didnt." Chanyeol answered poking the tip of her nose before holding her shoulders and facing her seriously. "If anything happens, you're free to bang my door anytime okay?" 
Sulli answered with a hug, as if thanking her in advance. "I love you." He heard her say and he thinks he's breaking because it's not the same kind of love that he has for her. 
"I love you too Sulli. Don't ever forget that." And that's the closest thing to a confession that he's ever done. 
A:N::: runs to the corner. how was it??? Im sorry. Im on hiatus now. :))) I'll update my other fics when i'm back.
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Chapter 1: oh my gosh i cried a lot for this story ,, how can you pair my favorite couple at the same time ,, and plss do another story about sulhan ,, because your doing a lot story about chanlli already so plss do sulhan ,, thanks ,, and by the way i love the way that chanyeol confess to her
chan22 #3
Chapter 1: oh my goshhh i cried ;___; this is sooo good and sad, i thought chanyeol was the one marrying her omgomg chanyeol why didnt u just confess to her ;_;
thelostwishes #4
My heart literally clenched when Chanyeol described Sulli.
I thought he was the one waiting for her. ; ;
I thought they'll end up together.
g0sh, what does it feels like to have a guy best friend?
Unrequited omg omg ;; I have a feeling that Sulli liked Chanyeol too; but he was too late to realize that until Sulli likes Luhan.
Thank you for the amazing story o/
momomimu #5
Chapter 1: oh my, this is sooooooo beautiful fanfic,
but why the ending is so sad?? aahh poor my chanyeol TTT
hope you can make one with happy ending chanlli author-nim ^^
Update soon please!
Chapter 1: Poor Chanyeol.. T__T
This story is great but still.. *sobs*

Good job author-nim!
EaillieMae #8
Chapter 1: Nice one shot.! But im crying now..:(TT. TT thanks.:) God bless.
LinDeul #9
Chapter 1: u make me im having mood swings i--

this story is great btw