
Ayyy girl
Sometimes Yoochun really hated to drive these guys around. Not that it happened that often, usually they'd drive themselves wherever they needed to go. Today though it was obvious that JunSu was anxious about the date by the way he changed the radio stations so often. They all were anxious though. There was a knot inside of YooChun's stomach that just wouldn't go away. From what he could tell, no one had done this before. Sure, there was WGM where they would pair idols together, but never fans and idols like this.
Arriving at the designated restaurant, YooChun could see all the camera crew watching them as they pulled up to an empty parking spot. Sighing a little, YooChun then put on a smile for his group mates and asked "Ready?" Junsu then threw up two thumbs and JaeJoong leaned forward and punched both of their shoulders excited and said, "Lets goooo!" Before then shaking his seat some so that one of them could let him out of the two door car.
Laughing, YooChun then climbed out in unison with Junsu and then watched as the youngest let the oldest out from the back. JaeJoong practically fell out of the car though, which made YooChun shake his head a little and then lean against the car while he waited for Junsu and JaeJoong to catch up since he was on the side of the car that was closest to the cameras and the restaurant.
"I bet they'll be really pretty, what do you think Chunnie?" JaeJoong asked, wrapping an arm around YooChun's shoulder. YooChun simply shrugged a little and heard Junsu chime in with that. "Of course they'll be pretty! Would our fans give us ugly girls?" JaeJoong then gave him a look that showed he was unsure, causing them both to practically roll with laughing. The closer they got to the restaurant though, the more anxious YooChun got and the less playful he was becoming. It hadn't helped that he didn't get a lot of sleep the night before because he was worried about today.
Sure, he could act and he could goof around with the other guys for the cameras, however when it came to genuinely going on a date with the cameras on him, it was nerve wracking. A part of Yoochun was terrified of dating because he didn't want a failed marriage like his parents'. He knew he should get out and date more but honestly it was easier just to go golfing with his hyungs when he wasn't filming or preparing for a concert.
As the trio got to the front doors of the restaurant though, YooChun watched as Junsu rushed forward and opened the door first. He was probably very excited to be able to go on a date and meet a girl that his fans picked out personally for him. Curiosity started to overtake YooChun's nerves as well while he went through the first set of doors and then the second. A hostess then bowed to them and without a word she started to lead them back to the room that was prepared for the six. Of course there were people along the way that would stare and point and try to talk to hem, however YooChun kept his face straight and then when they finally got to the private room he took one deep breath and then bowed in thanks to the hostess.
As the doors opened and the three women were revealed, YooChun was genuinely surprised by the three inside. They weren't GORGEOUS models, but all three were cute and had wide smiles on their faces. There was a red haired caucasian woman sitting at a seat next to a picture of Junsu, a blonde haired korean next to a picture of JaeJoong and then finally YooChun's eyes fell on a dark haired korean with big eyes, a small smile and freckles. Smiling in an almost shy way, YooChun bowed to the girls with the rest of the guys and then went around the table to sit where his picture was.
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I guess all girls are so lucky, dating with jyj's member
PattyPatata #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
milesjai9 #3
I like this, update ='3
Shinee_fangirl #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^