First Encounters Are Childish

My Mysterious Girl


“Aish! Why did he send me shopping!? Isn’t he the one cooking!?” I yelled looking at the list he had written out. Tomato sauce next… I made my way down the isles looking for looking for it. I know it’s got to be here somewhere!

“Ah Ha!” I yelled as I spotted it and went after it but before I could get there someone took it from the shelf. I took it from them and looked them up and down. Aish I don’t like kids! The kid grabbed the can again and tried to take it away from me! The last can!

“Let go!” I yelled putting both hands on the can

“You let go! I had it first!” he yelled back

“I saw it first!” I whined

“I got it first! Finders keepers losers weepers! Now go weep somewhere else!” he yelled at me

“No give it!” I yanked the can and flung him around in the opposite direction

If he doesn’t stop yelling I might cause a commotion and get in trouble with manager hyung later.

“You know if you damage the store I’ll have to throw you out” said another voice I didn’t even bother looking because I knew as soon as I looked he’d try and take the can.

“Well, tell him to give back what’s mine!” I cried out

Instead I felt something placed in my basket I kept a grip on the can and looked in my basket. There was another can of sauce

“Better?” said the voice. I let go of the can letting the boy fall backwards on the floor and looked up at what I thought was an angel. She was smiling and it was the most beautiful site I had ever seen. She walked over and helped the boy up and sent him on his way.

“You know they always restock the shelves you didn’t have to fight with a little kid about it” she told me laughing at me… She laughed at me!

“Well I saw it first!” I told her

“You sound like you’re as old as the boy you fought with but you look older” she said turning her head sideways examining me

“Hmpt!” I said and walked away

Later at the dorm I couldn’t help but think of her…

“Who is she?” I thought





Second chapter out! Ten points to the one who can guess who this ones is! -DaisyChick

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Mitchie1209 #1
Channie xDD
Lol Gongchan xD<br />
It's a pretty cute story keke :3<br />
<br />
Update soon! :D
'“Oh really? Did anyone ever tell you that you guys look alike?” Gongchan asked pointing to the twins and Jonghyun and Taemin joined in when it came to giving Gongchan stupid looks.'<br />
<br />
*facepalms* Gongchannie~~~~ you're so cute and adorable in reality but in this story...idk how to describe you. xD<br />
<br />
anyway~update soooon~~^^<br />
ooo what's the surprise?
Gongchan is so innocent!! I LOVE HIM!!<br />
and the others couldnt stop arguing with each other<br />
surprise??????? what is it???<br />
come on!! 20 subscribers already!!
i feel bad for the<br />
way they treated my<br />
Gongchannie! he's<br />
not actually that<br />
gullible! oh and i'm<br />
loving Key here! XD<br />
Waffles #6
Haha Gongchan is too funny I love his down to earth personality like nothing is going on
Omo! they all met at once!<br />
ekk!! i want to know what will happen next!
Waffles #8
haha all of her celeb stalkers all meet at once
Waffles #9
Haha way to go Key umma and I wonder when and if they will realize they are talking about the same girl
dam key!!!!! make dino sleep on the welcome mat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!