Do you?




That was the last word I heard before a car crashed into the person standing behind me. I turned back to see a lifeless body lying on the pavement with blood all over her. Shocked, stunned, I just stood there watching things moving in a very slow motion. People gathered, screaming and crying for help. The driver dashed out from the car running to the girl on the road. My brain started to go backwards, flashing back all my memories. Memories with Stephanie Hwang Mi Young, or better known as Tiffany.

She was my sister. No, not by blood but by fate. The world was ours. There was only me for her, and she was always there for me. We grew up together since I was left in the orphanage. Yes, I met her there. We were 5 and 7 years old respectively. She was older by two years. As we grew up, we became extremely close. Some people might mistake us as a couple. I don't really care about that, as long as I know that we both really love each other. At least that was what I thought.

When she was accepted into a very famous university exclusively for geniuses, we kind of grew distant. I was so sad. But she told me that it would not be permanent, and it was because we rarely had the chance to meet each other. I worked very hard to get accepted in the same university so that I could be closer to her. To be honest, I am a very independent girl. But without her, I became weak. So weak. I had to be by her side to feel strong again. So I did. I got a scholarship, just like her. We stayed with each other, like old times. I told her I want to grow old with her. She just smiled and hugged me in her arms. I felt safe.

Days went by so fast, she graduated and started her own research company. She became a loner, rarely talked to me, as she was so engrossed with her researches. Once again, we grew distant. I hate this situation. I hate this feeling. I hate being alone without her. I guess she realized about it eventually. She asked me out to have a chat, catching up with things and all. She said she missed me so much.

So there we were, having a stroll in the park. We walked with our fingers intertwined. I miss being like this. I miss her. She was quiet, and I was wondering what was actually running in the genius mind of hers. Suddenly she stopped, making me stop too. She cleared , trying to say something. I asked her what was wrong, she just stood there. Then she looked straight into my eyes, with teary eyes. I became worried, she seldom cries as far as I know. I thought this had something to do with her stressful work. When she opened , the words that I heard were confusing my heart and my mind. I took some time to process what she told me, and when I finally registered the words into my head I was shocked. I got scared, I walked away leaving her behind across the street. Then I heard a loud bang. I turned around and what I saw shocked me. I could not believe my eyes.

Somebody walked by me and accidentally nudged my shoulder, waking me up back to reality. There she was, still lying on the floor. It hit me real hard. The person who stood by me through thick and thin, was slowly drifting away from this world. From my world. I tried so hard carrying my legs to where her body was lying. I took her hand and squeezed it. I love you so much Tiff, as my sister. Not more than that.

"Do you love me, like I love you Jessi? I am in love with you, I'm sorry. I tried to avoid you by going away, but you came crawling back to me. I tried again being away from you by doing my researches, but I was suffering because I could not see you. I love you Jessica Jung Sooyeon. Please say something?"

Was it my fault for walking away from her, and she got hit because she was chasing me? Is fate playing with me? I had nobody before, then I had her. But God took her away from me too. Why?

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Chapter 1: Poor Tiff....This is so sad...wae?wae?:'(
Poor Sica..losing her loved one.....*sigh*:'(
Chapter 1: poor fany pls more ♥
Chapter 1: poor Fany..
this is so sad... :(
Chapter 1: Tiff....tiff.... damn. (._.)
*running away dramatically*
lefttomars #5
Chapter 1: noooo it's soooo sad T.T wae? wae?
Chapter 1: Angst :' aaah jeti ... ㅠㅠ