Chapter 1

Lucky to Have you

Lucky to have you


Chapter 1:

Me, Myself and I


“Aahh~ mama wait!!”  

Lucy shouts as she runs after her mother trying to avoid the people at the airport

“Lucy! Hurry up!”

Her mother and grabs her hands as she became close to her

“Why are you always so slow?” she asked as she guided themselves out the crowd

“Mama.. I-“  
“Never mind! Your dad is waiting for us. So prepare yourself, we are going”

Lucy became silent and just nodded her head. She closed her eyes and followed her mother. 




Hey, my name is Jeong Ha Yeon. I was born at the States, so my English name is Lucy Stillman but I’m Korean, my mother’s name is Jeong Se Kyung. You would wonder why I have a weird name; well Dr. Stillman isn’t really my father, my mom just re-married when I was 5 years old since my real father died in a car accident.  I'm kind of a rebel I guess, I smoke cigarettes when I'm stressed and I like to play the guitar on my free time. 

This was me when my mom got morried again with my stepfather.


The thing about my stepfather, he has two sons who are older than me by 3 years. They are twins, and you know what they are really mean to me.


Ryan and Reynald. 


 They always bully me and “dad” doesn’t seem to care and isn’t always home either. Mom is always busy with her work also, so I’m always being left alone with those two and because of them, I started to have fear for boys.



I always have a hard time getting well with boys. I don’t know how to approach them. I don’t know what to do and always feel embarrassed. I just can’t handle being around with boys. I really ran away from them.  



I would cry and just stare outside the window. I’m always like this ever since…







Then last summer before my birthday, when I was looking outside, I saw couples outside. 

Then I started to ask myself..

"What does it feel like to like someone and not always run away?"

"What does it feal like holding hands with them?" 



"Argh! What the hell am I thinking?! I can't stand boys. “Frustrated, I started to smoke again. 


"Lucy! Come down here, your father's here. Please come down" Mom called from downstairs.


"Yeah! Be there in a minute" I stand up and washed my face and went down.


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