



She ran frenziedly down the hallway in attempt to escape the beautiful black haired girl chasing her, her backpack bouncing over her shoulders as she sprinted at full speed. Every second or so, the brunette would snap her head around to check how close the blond soccer player was to catching her. She played soccer, so it was easy to weave through the crowd and race up the stair case to the safety of her next period. She could hear the raven haired girl yelling at her as she shoved people aside, gaining on the brunette.


If it wasn’t for her being chased, she would’ve thought that the way the jet black girls’s hair flying around her face would’ve been gorgeous, but she couldn’t spare any time to stop and admire the girl. “Sorry!” The tall soccer player exclaimed as she brushed past other seniors, and scrambled into Mr. Choi’s empty science classroom. Breathing hard, she slammed the door shut and ran to her left, sitting on a row of sinks out of view from the door, thanking God that there wouldn’t be many people coming in for the next few minutes.


After a few seconds of silence, the brunette desperately watched the door as it opened slowly, and the dark haired girl poked her head in, surveying the room for a second before she turned her head, locking eyes with the brown haired girl. A sly smile played on the other girls’ lips. “There you are,” she purred as she waltzed up to her. “H-hey, Krystal,” the brunette whispered. Krystal kept coming at Sulli, backing her up until her back hit the wall. , she thought, there’s no where to run.


“What’s wrong, Sulli?” Krystal asked innocently, pinning Sulli’s arms up against the wall on either side of her head. “You look kinda nervous.” Sulli rolled her eyes and tried to avoid staring directly at Krystal. Yeah, you would be too if your crush had you trapped at a close proximity, she thought, and if they smelled like coconut shampoo and you felt their breath on your face, and if you had the desperate thought of kissing them.


“I can’t believe you took my mascara,” Krystal continued in dramatic exasperation, carefully trailing a finger down Sulli’s jawline. The contact made shivers run down her spine and goosebumps to dot her skin. To make things worse, Krystal started planting soft kisses on Sulli’s exposed neck. Sulli couldn’t hold back the low moan that escaped and rumbled in . 


Krystal tightened her grip on Sulli’s hands, leaving angry red steaks that decorated the girls’ pale skin. She hard on her neck, making sure to leave her mark; making sure that everyone knew Sulli belonged to her, and her alone. Krystal felt half-starved, desperate for Sulli, for Sulli’s taste, for Sulli’s skin, Sulli, Sulli, Sulli. She had no idea where this sudden feeling came from, only that it had erupted from her heart a few weeks ago during orchestra class.


She’d been watching Sulli play her viola. Since Amber, Sulli’s best friend and first chair viola, was missing, you could only hear the brunette playing out of all seven violists. All of the sudden, some kind of trance overtook Krystal, and she couldn’t help but stare as Sulli’s eyes followed the trail of notes staining the pages of music in front of her. When the piece was finished, Sulli looked into Krystal’s eyes, and for a moment, just a moment; Krystal’s heart skipped a beat. A smile twitched at the corner of Sulli’s irresistible pink lips. But then Sulli had turned away again, her face out of Krystal’s sight, staring at someone else.


Someone across the room. Krystal followed Sulli’s gaze. Victoria Song, a pretty girl with fair skin and thick blond dyed hair who had a talent for the cello, horseback riding, and apparently stealing Sulli’s heart. Victoria met Sulli’s stare and smiled sweetly at her before rosining her bow. Krystal could feel jealousy welling up inside of her, her nose flared with rage, her fists clenching under the safety of her hoodie pockets. Oh, Sulli, she thought to herself, why don’t you ever look at me like that? Sulli sighed inwardly and picked at the strings of her viola, her eyes distant.


Ever since that moment, Krystal had been smitten; yearning for the taller girl’s affection. A low moan from the said girl snapped her out of her thoughts, hands drawing her closer brought her back to reality. Krystal lifted from Sulli’s neck and studied her prisoner. “Sulli,” she breathed, “do you like me?” 

Sulli bit her lip, looking directly into Krystal’s warm amber eyes. A second later, she shook her head, and Krystal’s grip loosened. Her heart fell, her heartbeat stopped racing.


What had she done? No, what had she just ruined? She hung her head, unable to look at the girl she’d just abused. But then, Sulli leaned in close, her minty breath all Krystal could smell, her eyes, dark tunnels, all she could see. “I love you,” she whispered before pressing her warm lips atop Krystal’s. Sulli smiled into the kiss. Krystal tasted like a mixture of pumpkin pie and a gingerbread latte from a coffee shop.


In her mind, Krystal decided that since Sulli tasted like a cup of sweet hot chocolate and Nilla wafters that those two things were her favorite things in the world, and she’d never have enough of the two of them. All she could think about were her lips, and her fingers running through her hair, the sound of Sulli’s heart matching with hers. She ended the kiss, a shiver running down her spine as their lips made a small smacking sound as they parted. They stared at each other for a moment, lost in each others eyes. 


Both were breathing hard, chests heaving from the lack of oxygen for so long. “So,” Sulli said, “does this mean we’re cool about the mascara thing?” Krystal grinned, lacing her fingers around Sulli’s neck and tugging her closer, kissing her again. “What do you think?” She murmured, brushing her lips against Sulli’s. Just as the soccer player leaned in for another kiss, Krystal pulled away. She held the blue tube of mascara she’d snagged from the brunette’s back jeans pocket out for Sulli to see with a triumphant smile plastered on her face, and hurried out of the room. 


Sulli stood there, her lips tingling. “Damn it! She got away.” She muttered to herself as the bell rang for class to begin, and her friends started pouring into the room. Sulli took her seat with a sigh, running her fingers over her lips with a lovesick smile. “That girl sure is something,” she murmured to herself as she ped her backpack and took out her binder, getting ready for class. Meanwhile, Krystal walked into Mrs. Shin’s History classroom with a smug look, twirling the tube of makeup in her hand. Luna, Krystal’s best friend, leaned over her desk as Krystal sat down in front of her. 


The pretty girl looked eagerly up at her, “Well? Did she fall for it?” Krystal looked over her shoulder at her friend with a grin, “She sure did.” Luna laughed and the two of them high-fived. Unbeknownst to Sulli, Krystal had set up a plan with Luna to get Sulli to fall in love with her. Since Sulli had a tendency to take away Chapstick, lipgloss, and other things from Krystal whenever she saw them poking out from Krystal’s pockets, that got Luna thinking. She eventually came up with the brilliant idea of sticking the obvious mascara tube in Krystal’s shirt pocket. From there, it was Krystal’s job to seduce the brunette into becoming her girlfriend. 


Luna gave Krystal a slap on her back and the two laughed. “Looks like you got yourself a girlfriend, Krys.” A buzz from Krystal’s jacket pocket notified her of a text, and she secretly tapped on the message during the reading day. The text was from Sulli and it read: ‘Way to steal my first kiss, Krystal, you naughty girl. Oh, ps: your taking me out for dinner and a movie tonight. At 6pm. My address is ***** **** **** *****. Your totally driving..just FYI, my beautiful girlfriend, don’t forget the roses and chocolate, either, sugar. Love you.’ Krystal smiled into her coat sleeve to try and disguise the feelings of happiness exploding inside of her.  


“Good God,” she muttered under her breath, “I have the cheesiest girlfriend in the whole world.” Luna poked her in the back with her pencil. “Aren’t you lucky? Amber hasn’t done any of that for me.” She frowned, “Why do you get the romantic and I get stuck with the jockey softball player? And all cause of some mascara, too.” Krystal smiled to herself while tapping her pencil on her desk, staring hard at the test in front of her. There was no way she could concentrate when Sulli was on her mind. “All cause of some mascara,” she repeated to herself as she filled in the bubbles on her answer sheet.



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Chapter 1: Omg this was so cute and amazing! I loved how this time Krystal was the one seducing and the whole mascara thing was a set up. Also I was wondering do you Lowkey ship Sultoria? (I’ve noticed sometimes you’d add in a hint of them lol)
Chapter 1: This is so cool xD i loved the last part when luna complained about amber xD ahahaha anyways I wish there was more lunber ~
Chapter 1: Kyaaa!! Ma cutest JungLi with just some mascara!!! <3<3<3
Good idea there Luna!

Keep up!
Chapter 1: OMFG!!!!!!!! Aadgjhjsgjshggjhgjjjjjjstdhgxftjditbgbu FCK!!!!!!! YOU'RE ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE JUNGLI FF WRITER. GOOD JOB! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHGG!!!!
Chapter 1: Too awesome, man. Do you have twitter?
Chapter 1: Ugh!! This story's just so cute and hot at the same timeee
Chapter 2: If it was only this easy to get the person you love. Damn... nice one shot btw!