To My Diary

I woke up to Daehyun shaking me gently. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes and sat upright. The clock showed 8am. School started at 10.30am today. "I'm hungry," Daehyun whined, "and I didn't eat any junk because I wanted to keep my promise." I sighed. Daehyun took my hand and dragged me out of bed. He led me down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I stared blankly at the empty kitchen. "Do you have anything here?" I asked. "I'm not sure. My parents don't cook and the domestic helper left 2 months ago," Daehyun shrugged. I opened the refridgerator. A dozen eggs sat in the egg tray. There was a container of butter, a block of tofu, a container of berries and a carton of milk. I moved over to the cupboard. Inside sat a lonely packet of flour and spices like salt and pepper. This house had barely anyhing. I groaned and pondered over what to make. I saw a pan and an idea hit me. I could make crepes. I quickly grabbed the pan and got to work.

Halfway through making the batter, Daehyun entered the kitchen. "Ji Min ah! You're so slow! What are you making?" He sang as a placed his hands on my shoulders. I flinched. "Crepe..." Daehyun nodded and peered at the pan from behind. I blushed and shrugged him off my shoulders. "Look, just wait at the dining table. I'll be done shortly," I mumbled. Daehyun laughed and waltzed out of the kitchen.

I laid the plate of crepes on the mat and sat down. "Mm.. What's inside?" Daehyun asked. I picked up a crepe and showed it in his face. "Are those strawberries?" He asked as he took the crepe off my hands. I nodded. "Is your back okay?" I asked cautiously. Daehyun smiled. "Don't worry, I'm fine." "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. It's not even the end of the first week and you already hurt yourself because of me.." I said. I felt so guilty. "Aw, don't feel bad. I told you I'm fine. And it's no trouble at all. In fact I think it's quite interesting. My life actually became much more interesting ever since I met you," Daehyun reached across the table and gently took my hand. I blushed again. Could he stop doing that? It makes me like him even more!

Dear diary,

It's 10am now. Daehyun is getting ready to go to school in his room. I'm done changing and packing by bag. I think he is taking a long time due to his injury. I still feel really bad for him. Even if he says he is fine, I'm sure he's not. It must really hurt. And his actions just make me like him even more. I admit I have a crush on him but I can't possibly show it, right? I mean he is my friend now. If I were to told him I liked him we would either be together or we would never talk to each other again. I wouldn't want that to happen. Okay I don't want to touch on this subject anymore. Anyway, his kitchen is seriously bare. If I'm going to stay at his house for two weeks, we would have to go grocery shopping or we could die of hunger. But I don't want to take him with me. He is already hurt and I don't want to him suffer something worse. I know, I can invite Suzy! And maybe I could tell Suzy about my problems. She might be able to give me some advice since she has dated before. Oops, he's done changing. I better get going!

"Ji Min~ Are you done?" Daehyun called. I closed my diary and rushed out of the room. Daehyun laughed. "Lets go." I paused. "Your back... We're taking a taxi again today?" I asked. Daehyun shrugged. I followed him out of the door and to the bus stop. We took a bus instead. I hope Daehyun is alright. He was smiling brightly with his arms over my shoulder. I sighed in relief. "Hey, what's your schedule today?" Daehyun asked as he took out his schedule. We exchanged our schedules to have a look. I smiled brightly. "We are having math and Literature together today!" Daehyun laughed. "You seem happy," he teased. I blushed. "Of course I am! Do you know how lonely I was on Wednesday? You and Suzy weren't with me at all!" I exlaimed in defense. Daehyun laughed and nodded.

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HELLLOOOOOO! Leaaaaaa and meg love you x
wow, this is a great fanfic!!!!
Chapter 8: Chingu ... ur fanfic is really good ! i love it ... i want more n more n more parts ... ^^