Chapter two

Going public


"Get up! Get up, Sae Jin ah!" A deep rumbling voice echoed in your ear. You mumbled some incoherent string of words and tossed around. Seunghyun shook you some more and pulled the pillow from under your head.
"Sae Jin! Filming is in two hours! We promised Jiyong we’d actually get you there in time," Seunghyun sighed, smacking your arm.
"Aish noona, mian," you faintly heard a reluctant Taeyang apologise before strong arms flipped you off the bed.
"Aaaah, ack!" You screamed as your senses came back and you landed in a tangled mass of sheets on the floor. Grumbling, you sat up and raked your fingers through your bed-head hair. "Oh I’m late," you cursed, hand flying over your mouth jut a tad late as you saw Taeyang and Seungri sitting by the edge of your bed looking as amused as a frowning TOP.
So the day of the had filming come, and you were a nervous wreck. You were frantic, jumpy and anxious. You Tasmanian-devilled around your bathroom and your room trying to get ready in under twenty minutes while the three Big Bang boys sat around your living room tapping their feet impatiently. As you speed-brushed your teeth, you let jut one tiny thought enter your mind. If you embarrassed yourself on National television… would crawl under your bed and stay there forever.
A week had passed in a blur, too quickly in fact, and you and Jiyong had went to see the President once more to go over some preparations and procedures. Once the news let out that you were dating, you were to have a body guard follow you around for about a month or two until the news died down. President Yang Hyun Suk had predicted it to stay in the Hot topic section for about five months though.
Your boyfriend wasn’t a member of some rookie group, he had said. 
Along the week, you took some classes at the YG Headquarters on how to speak, act and carry yourself during broadcast. There were tons you were of we’re told not to do. You weren’t sure if you could remember not to openly scratch yourself if you were itchy, not to gulp water from your bottle but just to take dainty sips, not to sit without the blanket draped over your lap, not to stutter or ramble, and apparently, the most important, you had to look confident at all times if not the fans would eat you apart.
“Noona, noona! We’re here!” Taeyang shook your arm vigorously as they pulled to a stop into the parking lot, snapping you back from your reality.
“Yeah? Oh, okay,” you said absentmindedly, opening the car door.
“Sae Jin, get your hood up. No one’s supposed to see you yet, remember?” Seunghyun reminded you, just as you entered the building. You pulled your dark blue hoodie over your head and walked between Seungri and Taeyang, head down the whole time. They led you through corridors and past dressing rooms behind the filming set. 
"Oh, annyeong, Seungri ah!" A deep voice called from a distance away.
"Nichkhun hyung, I didn’t know you were on this episode!"
"Yeah, cause you don’t reply my texts!" Nichkhun shot back, playfully punching Seungri.
"Ah well, sorry about that. Been busy! Oops, gottarushseeyoulater!" Seungri replied quickly, bowing slightly and pulling you behind him a bit as they passed your 2PM bias. You bit your lip and chanted to yourself quietly, do not get weak-kneed, do not get weak-kneed!
"Ouch, that hurt…” Seungri groaned under his breath, rubbing his arm where Nichkhun had hit him.
After another few seconds, the trio leading you stopped once more. “Ah, Il Woo!” This time it was Seunghyun’s voice. Your eyes grew wide under your hood. It couldn’t be….the Jung Il Woo? The totally-amazing-just-the-man-of-your-dreams-before-meeting-Jiyong Jung Il Woo? You let out an involuntary gasp.
“Seunghyun, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were smuggling in someone,” Il Woo chuckled.
You covered your mouth with your hands and let Taeyang forcibly drag you away because your legs had frozen to the spot. 
After a few more moments of walking, you couldn’t think you could take anymore. You had almost stepped on super gag woman Jung Juri’s foot, bumped into a couple more actors and idols, oh it was nothing much.
Finally, when Taeyang closed the door of Big Bang’s dressing room behind you, you turned around and ripped the hood away.
“Ah, what was that!” You whined, sliding down into the nearest chair. Silence ensued, followed by a slight clearing of the throat. You turned around slowly to see Jiyong and Daesung surrounded by several makeup and coordi staff. Immediately, blush crept up your neck and cheeks as you hurriedly got up.
“An-annyeonghasaeyo,” you bowed. Everyone bowed back to you.
"Sae Jin-sshi, you’re very late,” a coordi unnie reprimanded as she passed you a set of clothes and rushed you into a changing room.
When you changed into the simple lavender-coloured dress and came out, all five members of Big Bang clapped and hooted, making you turn 360. “Wah noona, you look totally amazing!” Daesung clapped his hands like a wild seal. Jiyong smacked his chest and squinted warningly at him.
“You look great, Jin ah,” Jiyong winked at you, his eyes creasing at the sides.
Without letting you say a word, the makeup unnies claimed you next as they forced you into a studio chair and started on your face. “Well, Jiyong, Manager says we need to leave for the studios now,” Seunghyun said after seeing a text. One by one the three members not filming stood up and said their goodbyes.
”Do you guys really have to go now?” You pouted.
“Don’t worry noona, the crowd will love you no matter what!” Seungri patted your arm reassuringly and gave you a thumbs up before he zipped out the door behind Taeyang and Seunghyun. The door had just barely been closed when it opened again. A guy with a wireless mic holding a clipboard came in and motioned for Jiyong and Daesung.
“You’re on now,” he said before bowing and leaving quickly.
“Argh,” you groaned, still in the midst of having your eyeshadow applied. “Already abandoning me?” You huffed. Jiyong stood up and place a hand on your shoulder.
“Never! Don’t worry too much, okay? You’ll do great,” he whispered, placing a quick kiss on your cheek before leaving with Daesung.
You spent one hour hidden inside Big Bang’s dressing room while they filmed. Your thoughts hounded you mercilessly.
What if something went wrong? What if the audience reacted negatively?
Suddenly, a woman with a headset knocked and came in.
“Sae Jin sshi, GD-sshi is on. You’re cued to go on in two. Please follow me,” her eyes flickered over you, giving you the once over. She was probably trying to deduce in her head why and who were you and what important relationship you and Jiyong had since she’d never seen you before. The woman led you back across all the dressing rooms and down to the set. You saw bright lights and a live audience. A live audience. Your heart was caught in your throat as you saw your boyfriend sitting in the front row.
"So GD-sshi, you sure have an eye-catching title: My love. Are you going to confess something to us today?" The MC, Lee Dong Wook asked joking lightly around. Jiyong laughed charismatically and nodded.
"Eyy, you’re not going to confess love for your fans or something right?!" MC Lee made the audience laugh once again.
"Ani, that’s my maknae’s job," GD shook his head. You held in a giggle. Well, that was wholly true. The maknae was the eternal-fanservice diva.
“I’m going to introduce you to the woman I love, my girlfriend, Song Sae Jin,” Jiyong continued, standing up and holding out his hand. He looked over at you standing by the curtains and grinned, his smile dazzling. You stared at him from where you were standing.
Faintly, from somewhere behind you, you heard a voice say, “Sae Jin-sshi, you’re up,” but all you saw was Jiyong. All you heard was Jiyong.
“Sae Jin ah, why don’t you come join me up here!” He said.
Your ears muted out the audience’s roar and the guests’ wild speculations. You smiled back faintly and stepped onto the stage. 
Reaching him, you held on tightly to his outstretched hand. You tiptoed slightly and whispered in his ear, “Jiyong-ah, I love you," 
Jiyong squeezed your hand. “Everyone, the woman I love," he announced loudly. The crowd was deafening.
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Chapter 2: Yes, that JiYong should do in real life when he meet the right person.But when is it?