Chapter one

Going public


You sidled onto the cool leather couch and sighed to yourself. ‘It’s time for my me-time,’ you thought as you settled down, armed with a thick woollen blanket, your favourite book and a hot cup of English tea. A winter night at its best, definitely. You had spent the day cleaning out your boyfriend’s group’s dorm because, well, it was practically begging for a clean-up. For such a nice dorm, those five big pabos really didn’t maintain it well. Stray T-shirts were draped across flat screen televisions and laptops. Belts hung from the windows and leather jackets carpeted the marble floor. They desperately needed a woman’s clean touch around there - and that’s when you came in handy. You huffed and smiled to yourself. What would your five Big Bang boys do without you, Jiyong especially. Daesung would probably poison them all with his crazy spicy ddukbboki. Chuckling, you opened your badly battered up copy of Wuthering Heights and immersed yourself in the world created artfully by Emily Brontë.
Your eyelids were fluttering, threatening to close when the door suddenly flew open and startled even your dull, half muted senses, making you jump out of your skin and drop your book on the floor.
“Yah, you scared me!!” You scolded as Taeyang danced (haha) into the dorm.
“Noona I didn’t know you were here!” Daesung yelled, bulldozing Taeyang over.
“That’s great! Now hyung can tell you - OOMPH!”
In a matter of milliseconds, poor Dae had gotten tackled and pinned on the floor by the other four members. “Ouch! Daesung-ah! Guys, get off him!” You half screamed.
Your boyfriend, the charismatic leader of Big Bang was on the top of the human stack grinning at you sheepishly. “Hi, jagi. Sorry you had to see this,” he apologised smoothly and got up, brushing himself off.
“Noona. Save…me….” Daesung croaked from the floor, his face turning red from all the weight on top of him.
Jiyong bent down and smiled at his second maknae. “You’re going to your room right away, am I correct?” He asked. Daesung hurriedly nodded and Seunghyun, Taeyang and Seungri rolled off of him with effort. All four groaned. 
"Ew you’re all gross. Go and bathe now!" You commanded, seeing all of their shirts sticking to their chests and beads of perspiration adorning their necks and faces. You nudged Taeyang and Seungri with your feet and pulled your boyfriend by the collar. Dodging your hand, Jiyong ducked and swept you up, pulling you to his chest bridal style. "Yuck, Jiyong! Put me down!" You shrieked, trying not to touch his soaked shirt as much as possible.
"Come on, Sae Jin, we’re not even that sweaty!" He protested, trying to hold on to his squirming girlfriend. "I have big news!" He shouted at last, trying to catch your attention. You stopped and cocked your eyebrows at him.
"What? Like you’re pregnant too?" You joked, folding your arms.
At your statement, all five boys looked at you with their jaws open. You felt a sudden whoosh of air and you landed hard on the floor, first. 
“YAH! KWON JIYONG!" You rubbed your , pouting up at his frozen figure. Actually, all the boys in the living room were now frozen, looking at you in shock. "Oh boy," you muttered, getting up. "Jeez, calm down! I was kidding! Bad joke, bad joke!" You smacked your boyfriend’s shoulder and turn around to assure all of them.
"Horrible joke, Sae Jin" Seunghyun shook his head at you.
You grimaced, turning around to face Jiyong. "What did you want to tell me before err, that happened?" You asked, clearing your throat. Jiyong unfroze and huffed at you.
"Do not do that to me!" He stamped his foot.
This time when he attempted to pick you up again, you shook your head.
"Nuh uh, no. You’re gonna drop me again!" You narrowed your eyes and walked off to the bedroom ahead of him. "That’s because you pulled one on me first!" Jiyong argued, going after you. Just before he closed the door to his dorm room, he turned around and shot a nervous glance at all s who each gave him a thumbs up for encouragement.
In the bedroom, Jiyong made an attempt to sit on the bed beside you when you kicked him in the behind and made him slide off onto the floor. “No! You’re all sweaty and disgusting, Jiyong!” You told him.
“It’s my bed and my is not sweaty, yeobo!” Your boyfriend argued, whining.
Upon seeing your determined expression, he sighed and stood up. “Fine you win…..” he groaned. “I’ll stand!”
You beamed up at him. “So oppa, what’s up? What’s the big news? You’re not going away to tour again right?!” You gasped, the thought suddenly occurring to you. Jiyong laughed and bent down to kiss away the worried crease in your brow.
“Ani, nothing like that jagi!” He shook his head at you, scrunching up his nose and winking at you.
“Okaaaay, so what is it then?” You asked, becoming more curious.  
”You know how we’re going on Strong Heart next week?” He asked slowly. You nodded.
“Well, I decided to announce our relationship when I go on,” he said, watching you closely for a reaction. 
Before you even had time to process what he was saying, the door burst open and cheers erupted from the four boys who simultaneously piled in the moment Jiyong told you about his plan. “CHUKAHAEYO NOONA!!” Taeyang yelled, hooting.
“You’re finally going public!” Seunghyun congratulated you coolly, touching your arm lightly, unlike the other members who were suddenly bear hugging you with their sweaty bodies.
“Wait!” You suddenly yelled.
Surprised, Seungri, who was holding you up, dropped you.
“Yah! Seungri ah!” You yelled. Second time in fifteen minutes, boy, your was gonna be sore tomorrow.
“Mian!!!!!” Seungri apologised hurriedly as Jiyong beat him to help you up.
“Are you okay? Do you oppose? I won’t say anything until you agree!” Jiyong said hurriedly, seeing the dazed expression on your face. You sat on the bed heavily and looked up at the five boys standing above you.
"I- I’m just, shocked. Overwhelmed. My gosh, Jiyong. We’re going public?" You whispered. "You aren’t messing with my feels right?! One does not simply say that!" You said louder, suddenly squinting at Jiyong.
He laughed and held up his hands. "My jagiya, clearly you’ve been spending too much time online,"
You blushed and pouted.
"That’s not the point! In a week? That’s really fast, I mean really!” You exclaimed.
“You have time to prepare, yeobo. And -” Jiyong said before being cut off.
”Me? Prepare? Prepare what?” You asked, confused.
“Uh, when I announce it, they’ll have bring you on set. Everyone will want to know who my woman is!” Jiyong laughed like it was the most obvious thing ever. You gaped at him, silent.
“But…your agency? Did they approve?” You asked, your realistic side of up you snapped back into place. 
"Hyung told Manager hyung and President straight up! It was so cool, noona!" Daesung told you. "If I weren’t a guy, I’d totally date him too!"
Silence enveloped the room as everyone stared at Daesung who was looking around nervously.
”Daesung, I will slap you,” Jiyong said simply.
“Ignore me…..” Daesung said sheepishly.
You pulled Jiyong’s arm, “but oppa, what about the fans? Thousands of them will leave the fancafe!! I heard when Se7en’s relationship went public, thousands of fans left!” You were almost frantic.
”Didn’t Se7en hyung also say it was the best thing that could’ve happened?” Seunghyun replied, looking down at you.
"Yeah, he knew who his real true fans were and plus, he could date the woman he loved freely, without being afraid of being spotted and exposed!" Taeyang nodded, agreeing with his hyung.
”Sae Jin ah, you’re the woman I love and I don’t care, I want to shout it out to the whole world.” Jiyong smiled down at you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead. The four boys flying solo sighed and placed their arms around each other. Daesung pouted up at Senghyun.
“Hyung, give me a bbo-bbo too?” He asked.
The only reply was a palm on his face, pushing him away. 
You ignored the banter. Jiyong was the only one in front of you. You looked into his eyes and smiled back. "Yes, okay. Let’s go public," you whispered, cupping his cheek.
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Chapter 2: Yes, that JiYong should do in real life when he meet the right person.But when is it?