
Welcome To Your New Life. [HIATUS]
Baekho's P.O.V.
     ''Hi, my name is Ren. You wanted to see me.'' Sh--Or is it 'he'? said with a smile outlining his face.
What is this? Is this some kind of joke. You can't possible make me believe this is a guy.
I've never even seen a girl this beautiful before. You can't tell me this oh so beautiful girl actually has a .
It was a few seconds of nothing but silence, making the atmosphere very awkward. I coughed signally for everyone to snap
out of the daze that Ren had put them in.
''What are you? Are you a guy or a girl? Or one of those trannys?'' I spit out
Was that to harsh? Nah he can take it, if he really is a man.
''Well why don't you see for yourself'' He said with a snotty voice.
Of course Jr took upon this opportunity and stood up approaching Ren with a curious expression on his face.
Ren stared at Jr unsure of what he was about to do.
Jr stopped infront of Ren and looked him up and down as if he was some sort of alien.
Then with one swift tug he pulled up Rens shirt.
What is he doing?! I covered my eyes. 
     Hm, I guess thats just a reflex considering how girly he looks. 
I peeked from between my fingers, and sure enough this gorgeous human being was a male. 
Or a really flat chested girl, then the only way to figure that out was to--
No no. Thats too much. This is definatly a boy.
Ren had a hateful gleam in his eyes as swatted his hand away.
''What do you think you're doing?!''
''Well you did tell me to see for myself..So I did what you said?'' Jr stated.
Ren rolled his eyes and pushed pass Jr and into the chair that was placed next to my father. He gracefully held out his hand, signally 
for my father to shake it.
''Hello, Nice to meet you, I'm the one you wanted to see right?''
My father was still basically stunned by the gorgeous boy that had entered the room not to long ago.
I could tell he didn't know what to think. This kind of thing was new to him, well I guess new to my whole family.
I wonder if this kids gay? Since he is so pretty and femine. 
I sure hope not. Thats really nasty, and also since my father is a highly homophobic, it would just end up being a huge mess.
   I stared at the two.
My father stared at the boys hand then finally took it into his, shaking it. 
Hm what do you know, he has pretty hands too. Like a girl's. 
My father finally decided to say something.
    ''Uh, Hi. My name is Siwon nice to meet you too.''
Ren decided to take the conversation into his own hands, almost as if he knew my father wouldn't have been able too. 
''Do you have any questions that you would like to ask me, sir?'' He said polietly, and added on with a small smile 
trying to ease the tension.
''Yes actually, you don't mind do you?''
''Not at all!'' He said cheerfully, bouncing up and down causing smoke to eluminate from the dusty chair.
I giggled softly at this action. 
Wait what? No Baekho stop it. He has a . Remeber that! 
I shook my head clearing my head of the sick thoughts.
I quickly snapped back into reality when Jr gave a hard smack to my back.
I turned to him averting my attention towards Ren and my father, only for a few moments.
''What do you want Jr?''
''Hes pretty cute. Right hyung?'' He gave me a nudge to the side.
''Um, something you want to tell me Jr?''
''Nope. Hes just cute. And look at his ..'' He said zoning out.
I could of sworn I saw a tail start to wag.
''Hes just so..Wow.'' He stuttered
''Aigoo!  Shut up. This is a boy your talking about, if dad heard you, you'd be dead.'' I whispered.
I turned my attention back onto the younger and my father.
Psh, how could Jr even think about violating such an innocent boy.
A few more minutes passed, they were still discussing a few random things, when my dad decided to bring a certain..topic 
into the conversation.
''May I ask why your hair is so long, and why you have nail polish and make up on? I don't really see many boys
your age wearing things like these.'' 
Ren's P.O.V
    ''May I ask why your hair is so long, and why you have nail polish and make up on? I don't really see many boys
 your age wearing things like these.''
Oh no..I knew this was coming.
I can't tell him that I'm gay, I will never be accepted.
I could tell by the way his tone of voice that he wasnt too fond of homoualtiy and clearly wasn't fond of the way I dressed.
I know I can't tell him the truth I will end up only never having a home.
I guess the one and only choice is to lie to the man.
So I said the first reasonable thing that came to mind.
''Its just fashion sir. Many kids my age dress like this.'' I said rather calmly.
He slowly nodded, taking in what I said, thinking a bit.
''Okay..Well its nothing more right? Because I cannot allow..that kind of thing into my family.'' He pointed out.
I immediatly knew what he meant by 'that'.
I nodded at the man and gave a weak smile trying to hide the hurt expression that had appeared on my face.
I looked around the room and noticed that both Jr and baekho were staring at me.
Uhm? Jeez I know I'm pretty but know need to stare.
I smirked at them both and they quickly averted their eyes.
I looked back at the father that was still contemplating his decision.
I stared at him with big, hopeful eyes.
He got on of the chair, that now had an imprint of his on it and stood up. I chuckled slightly and got up to follow the man.
He held out his hand motioning for me to shake it once again.
I did, and he made his way out of the room.
Wait..What? Is that it? Did he not like me?
I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
Don't let them fall Ren. Don't be a big baby.
Baekho looked at me and gave a smirk.
What an . 
I looked at Jr to see what he was doing. He actually looked like he was about to start balling just like me.
Umm. I didn't know how to respond so I just blinked innocently and plopped into the chair.
I sat there for a few seconds untill their father came back with paperwork.
''Wait..Wait..Wait!'' I started bouncing up and down and my seat.
''Are you gonna adopt me?'' I ended up sounding like some kind of homeless puppy that finally had been given a home.
''Mhm'' He nodded and gave a small smile.
I literally can't explain how happy I am. I'm finally going to have a family!
Someone will love me.
I giggled at the thought.
I could feel Baekho's stare burning holes into me. Hmph I wonder what his problem is..I decided to not let it bother me and only smiled
 JR on the other hand was just as excited as I was. 
This kid was weird..
My 'father' signed the paperwork and everything was set to go.
Good bye adoption, hello new life.
Um, I hope it was better? ; v; Im trying guys.
Anyways, Ren will finally be moving into his new home in the next chapter :D Finally. xD 
I was starting to get bored of writing this whole adoption thingy majigger. 
BIE ~Olivia♥
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Chapter 5: cute chapter! it's like reading a diary!^^ make it longer per chapter~~^^
Chapter 5: kekek nice chapter! so, Baekho likes xD
Chapter 5: yaaay a new update !!!

Oh Baekho what wrong with you boy haha xD
Ren make you sooo confused lol
can't wait to read more and more
I wanna some hot/ scenes between JRen xD
and Ren gifs are fabulous !!!!!!
Chapter 4: hahaha Baekho is so weird lol
Chapter 3: the meeting was epic and sooo enjoyable I love that part
the boys reaction to Ren's beauty was soo cuteee & funny hahaha
I'm happy their father accept Ren to the family
can't wait to see what will happened between this boys
Chapter 1: omg....the flashback was so sad and painful...
poor Reeen ohh.. :"(((
that sick man can't be called a father.... he is devil..
omg I just read the description and I subscribed!!
it sound soooo enjoyable !!! gonna read the chapters now
fighting !!!
Chapter 3: yup! Interesting kekek
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next chapter Author-nim