Chapter 2

KkWeb. [apply-CLOSED]

Lastly on Kkweb, 6 people met & their names are; Jjongdino, Spark, Min Mi, KIKWANG, June, Dongho. They're all about to play a game until many more people join in on their game.. How will they manage to keep up? I DONT KNOW KIDS! :)


Kkweb Chatroom

Please respect others. NO spamming,trolling,swearing.

12 Users online

16 Guests online

1 mod online


Julie has joined the chatroom.

DongwoonBEAST has joined the chatroom.

Seuly has joined the chatroom.

Leisha has joined the chatroom.

Dwaeji has joined the chatroom.

Miyo has joined the chatroom.

JjongDino: yahyah, Dongho. Who else are you inviting here?

Dongho: Not me~


Jjongdino: hey, dark green is my dino color, get a different one.

Julie: So?

Dwaeji: You guys are such freaks!

Spark: were freaks?

June: whaaaa, thats mean.

Dongho: I dont like Dwaeji.

Min Mi: guys, dont be too mean.

Min Mi: wheres KIKWANG?


JjongDino: EW

June: EW.

Seuly: EW.

Min Mi: tmi.

Dongho: I wanna play~

Spark: yeah ! lets play please.

Julie: there , its light green, & LETS PLAY ~

JjongDino: Alright , all you do is tell me your reaction to the #imagine that Im going to say.

JjongDino: imagine Kkweb being shutdown due to copyrights.

Dongho: I'LL DIEE ~

Min Mi: Me too.

June: yeah , this is where im gunna meet all my new friends :\

Spark: I won't make new friends this summer ):

KIKWANG: I would find a way to get it back online so everyone could be happy again !

Dwaeji: thats really nice of you kikwang ~ if you really did do that.. ( and so on, they kept playing. )


short update , POOP. Red ~ kekeke ! I hope you guys enjoyed this update. I dont think I really did that much for you guys though :\ Do you think I did?

FROM NOW ON, I WILL REPLY TO COMMENTS. Please don't leave really 2-3 word short comments. It's make me go bizarre.. really.

I hope you all love my work ~ ! ^^

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Hehe thank you for answering my comment! I am in now gutter level 25... Dang it! How does one not go any deeper? XD And their flirting was pretty entertaining. That's really hard to say with a straight face. XD
fishy4life #2
LOL their flirting is so funny! xD
lMBO! ouuuhhhhh`! Kim jonghyun youh flirt!xD<br />
Joking jokingg<3
it's not good to threaten people >____><br />
LOL, yesyes, i (jihye) am dongwoon's bad girl! :3
KikaLee #5
This is a good chapter! ^-^<br />
LOL at Kikwang shaving. XD I always find men shaving the funniest thing in the world. :3<br />
That sounds like something DwaeJi would say 'You guys are such freaks!'<br />
:O DONGHO doesn't like her!!! Well. Screw. You. Dong. Ho. :)<br />
KIKWANG IS THE NICEST! :D Yay for Kikwang! ^^<br />
UPDATE SOON PLEASE! :D (and yes, you do enough for us. :])
fishy4life #6
hahaha i loved this chapter :D<br />
so entertaining!! ^^<br />
Haha kikwang shaving...Depends where eh? Whoah TMI hahaha XD
LOL, did dongwoon just sit back & watch this convo? xD<br />
KIKWANG WAS SHAVING! no wonder he's so hairless. LMFAO.<br />
/ignore me. :{P<br />
update soon!
Lmboo`! This is so awesome`!! Lmfboo`!<3<br />
I would diee`! && Ewww~ xDD<br />
Goshh Stars these dayss` Joking joking`<br />