Merry Christmas

First Love II: Always & Forever
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Warning: There are lots of fluffy moments in the chapter~ ;D

Also a long chapter too. 









“Taehyung, what are you doing?” Haneul asked looking down at her husband, who was resting his head on her lap. “Didn’t you say that you were tired?”

V smiled, looking up at his wife, “Yeah, but I wanted to be with you and our baby so I came down here.”

Haneul blushed when she heard him say ‘our baby’. V saw her red cheeks and chuckle. He turned his body so that he was sleeping on his side and was facing her stomach. V planted a kiss on her stomach causing Haneul to let out a gasp.

“Taehyung.” Haneul stared at him with wide eyes. V chuckled and looked up at her. “I just wanted to greet our baby. I wonder if it’s a boy or girl. What do you want our child to be, a boy or girl?”

Haneul shrugged as she ran a hand through his hair, “I don’t know. I’m not really picky about it.” “Well, I want a son. I’m going to name him Taekwon.” V grinned happily. “And if our child happens to be a girl?” “Then I’ll name her Taegeuk.”

Haneul looked down at her husband with a brow raised, “Taekwon and Taegeuk? You have some very interesting names picked out there.” V chuckled, “Well, they’ll be unique. Not everyone can come up with such cool names like those.” “Of course because not everyone wants to have their name in their child’s name.”

V shrugged, “Doesn’t matter. If they have a part of my name then I know they’re my kids.” Haneul shook her head, laughing through her nose. Her husband was just the cutest thing ever. Really, he was.

“What did mom and omonim say when you told them the news?” V asked. “They were definitely more excited than the both of us combined together.” Haneul replied.

V chuckled and grabbed Haneul’s free hand, lacing their fingers together. “Well, they have been waiting for a grandchild, haven’t they?” He asked looking up at her with a teasing glint in his eyes. Haneul rolled her eyes, pushing his forehead, “Aigoo. You’re such a byuntae, Taehyung.”

V gaped at his wife. How in the world was he a byuntae? He didn’t even do or say anything that made him one.

Haneul giggled and poked his nose, “But it’s one of your charms. Though I’d prefer if you wouldn’t have such raging hormones.” V arched a brow, “You want me to have raging hormones? Deal. I can do that. We can go right now if you want.”

Haneul frowned and flicked his forehead. “Ah.” V winced, rubbing his red forehead. “What was that for? It hurt.” “It’s because you were being a byuntae.” Haneul replied. V made a face causing Haneul to let out a soft laugh.

Hearing her laugh, V smiled and looked up at his wife with loving eyes. Haneul looked down at him and raised a brow, “Is there something wrong?” V shook his head, “No, everything’s perfect. I’m married to the most beautiful girl in the world and she’s carrying my first born. There’s nothing better than that.”

Haneul softened at his words. She placed a hand on his cheek and caressed it, “I think everything’s perfect too.” V smiled then placed another kiss on her stomach.

“Baby, this is your daddy. I can’t wait to meet you in nine months. Be good to your mommy and don’t give her so much trouble, okay?” V planted another kiss. “Daddy loves you, a lot.”

Haneul felt like crying. She couldn’t have asked for a better man than the one with his head resting on her lap.


“What do you mean you’re going Christmas shopping? You don’t want to go with me?” V asked. Haneul smiled and patted her husband’s cheek, “Don’t worry. Me and Minzy will be fine. Plus we’re not going alone.”

V raised a brow, “How are you two not going alone?”

“I’m going with them.” A voice answered.

V spun around and stared at the figure standing in front of him. He narrowed his eyes with a frown, “JR.” Then he turned to his wife, jabbing a finger at JR, “You and Minzy are going with him? What if he tries to take advantage of you when I’m not there?”

Then he turned back to JR, “How did you get into the house?”

Haneul glanced over at JR, who rolled his eyes.

“Thanks for thinking of me that way.” JR sarcastically stated. V grinned, “No problem.” “Taehyung.” Haneul frowned.

V turned to look at his wife, “What? I’m just worried that JR might hurt you and our baby.” JR raised a brow, “Me, hurt a pregnant woman? You have got to be kidding me. Do you think that low of me?”

V turned back to look at JR with an indifferent expression, “Yes.”

“Taehyung!” Haneul slapped his arm. “Ow.” V winced, rubbing his arm. “That hurt. Who knew a pregnant woman could be so strong.” Haneul rolled her eyes and stepped towards JR, who couldn’t help but laugh at how cute Haneul and V were.

“Taehyung, you’re just overreacting. Well, we need to get going because it’s already eleven and I want to be done by six.” Haneul stated.

V’s eyes widened, “You want me to be without you for seven hours?!” Haneul looked at him weirdly, “Uh, yeah. I don’t see anything wrong with that. You’ll live. Bye Taehyung.”

Haneul waved at him before linking arms with JR, walking away together to the front door.

V couldn’t believe it. His wife and enemy were walking away…again.


“There, all done.” Jimin grinned. V glanced over at his best friend, “Finally finished wrapping your presents?”

Jimin nodded with a proud smile on his face, “Yes I am.” V chuckled as he continued to wrap his presents, “I’m curious to what you got me.” “Nothing.”

V snapped his up to see Jimin putting his presents under his bed. He narrowed his eyes at the latter. “You got me nothing?”

Jimin nodded, “Sorry but I don’t like you enough to get you anything. I don’t think the others did too.” V frowned, “What’s that supposed to mean?” “That me and the other guys didn’t get anything for you. We didn’t think you’d need anything, so don’t cry about it.”

V rolled his eyes, “I’m not going to cry about it. I didn’t even want anything from you and the others. All I need is Haneul and our baby. I’m happy with that.” Jimin glanced at his best friend, “Of course you would. Anything that has to deal with Haneul would make you happy.” “Why wouldn’t it? She’s my wife and soon-to-be mother of my child.”

“That make me wonder what you got Haneul.” Jimin tapped his chin as he was now sitting on his bed with his legs crossed. V smiled, “Something special.” “A hint?” “No, it’s not for you so stop asking.”

Jimin shrugged, “It’s probably just a pair of sock for your unborn baby.” V’s eyes widened as he stared at his roommate, “How’d you know?!”

Jimin looked at V, whose eyes were as wide as an orange. He burst into laughter, slapping his thigh.

V saw this and frowned. “Why are you laughing?” “Because of your

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HoesGotNothingOnMe #1
Chapter 48: YASSSS ok that wuz so good :)
I read this and the previous fic in a stretch whooooooopsies~
Anyways, idk what I was missing out on all this time cuz this is so good ?
RizuJK #2
Chapter 48: Woow this story is so cute.I have read the previous story(Part 1) but I couldn't read this one but I'm glad I finish reading it now.I miss Haneul and Tae's cute fights and interactions and BTS,INFINITE,NU'EST,Minzy.Even though this is a just a story,I wish I had friends like them for real.I mean I envy Haneul alot.My poor lonely life :D :D This is going to be 'that story' where I will never forget.Thanks for writing such a beautiful author nim.Good job!!
Chapter 48: this story was a piece of art <3
munkkebi #4
Chapter 36: I come into conclusion right after this chapter... these are torturing me. Yes i hate everyone there, no exceptional. Not a single person is helping right at the moment or smth (or i just dont realize it yet, maybe in the next chapter) but here is my current opinion. So fast to jump into the solution (divorce) i regret reading the story seconds ago, But dayum, i am craving for a happy ending and i cant stop scrolling down the pages.

Ugh, i hate thris kind of feeling. However, its still well written and well done ms writer. Lafya
Naomi_islamxx #5
Read ur last ages I don't know how but I found only just found I'm gonna die
iqlimahumaira #6
Chapter 48: Really love this story
iqlimahumaira #7
Chapter 48: Really love this story
alejandra12 #8
Chapter 48: Love this STORY
Reemsaif #9
Chapter 7: Is he boy or a girl ??
Omg I waited for this question for along time .lol