(Day 2 Part 3) Shh..

Love Is Like Magic

Eun Chae's POV

Aeihhh.... What's up those two?

"Do I just collect the water from here?" I asked Min Ae.

"I think so." I sighed again before I bent down. When the bucket was full, I lifted it back up. Man this is heavy. I poured some water out to make it a bit lighter.

"Help me." I told Min. I held the handle with my right hand and she held it with her left hand. Seungri and Hyorin were just laughing and talking super loud. They started walking again before us.

"Ugh... switch hands." we stopped and put down the bucket and switched places. Now I was holding it with my left hand and Min Ae held it with her right.

"Seungri, I think you should help them. It seems very heavy." Hyorin looked at us. I don't need you to pity us. But I don't want to carry this either.

"Ok." he walked to us and picked it up when we put it down. Oh well. He's not bothering me. I should be happy. I started to hum a song quietly while walking back.

No One's POV

"Guys. It's raining." Seunghyun looked at the clouds.

"And they're not back yet!" Daesung told the others. He was worried about Min Ae and the others who went out.

"I think they will be back soon." Jaeho said.

"It's starting to rain heavier.. the roof won't leak right?" Hye Su wondered.

I hope they don't catch a cold... Hye Su thought, looking outside at the weather. The idea of having to take care of two sick patients triggered her memory.. she used to babysit her older cousins, like they weren't old enough to take care of themselves. Now that it's raining, it's easy to get sick and once Eun Chae and Min Ae - oh Hye Su doesn't care about Seungri and Hyorin - gets sick from the rain, it'll be a pain in the for Hye Su. The eldest acts more like a kid compared to the maknae; whereas the maknae is more mature yet lazy (at times). But when they're both sick at the same time, they'd request Hye Su to do things for them... it's like taking advantage of the weak. 

"What are we going to do now that they're still outside?" Taeyang asked and everyone shrugged.

Suddenly, a sneeze was heard from the guy's room. Seunghyun walked over to the guy's shared room and the rest following. He slid open the door and saw Jiyong lying down in his own comfort.

"Omo! Jiyong, are you okay?" Hye Su ran into the room and kneeled/crouched down beside Jiyong. "Seunghyun-ah, what's wrong with him?"

"Oh it's nothing serious. He usually reacts like that whenever it rains." he replied. Hye Su heard that and calmed down. She didn't need to worry over him. It's not like he was in need of her care.

"Okay then..." she got up, "Oh and can you go outside and check if they're back yet? They should be... the river isn't that far from here anyways." Hye Su turned to Seunghyun before walking out of the room.

Eun Chae's POV

"Min Ae look!" I pointed.

"What?" she turned around. I walked closer to the flowers that was next to a giant tree.

"Come on, it's raining. Let's go.." Min Ae held me back.

"Ok. I just want to- AHH!!" I slipped on the rock.

"Owh..." I sat back up.

"Eun Chae!!" I heard someone call.

"Who was that?" I asked her as I slowly rolled up the hem of my pants until I had a view of my injured knee..

"I think it sounded like Seungri. Oh it is!! Seungri!" she jumped and waved to him as I sat by the tree.

"Man, I'm bleeding.."

"Are you ok?!" he quickly ran to me.

"Uhh.. yeah. I can heal- w-whaaa oww!!" he poured some water on my knee.  "it stings..."

"Anyone have a bandage?" he asked Min Ae and Hyorin who just shrugged.

"I-" I wanted to say that I CAN HEAL MYSELF.

"Found one." he pulled out one from his pocket.

"Do you usually carry those around?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Eh.. sometimes." he carefully put it on my knee. This. seems. familiar.  Déjà vu.

"haha" I laughed a bit.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked me.

"Nothing." I shook my head.

"Ok! Let's go! My clothes are already wet." I got up halfway.

"EWHH Mud. Do they use the same mud for mud baths?" Hyorin noticed my pants had mud on it.

"I think we should go. I see the house but it's small from this view over here.." Min Ae jumped up and down again.

"Can you walk?" Seungri helped me get up for some reason.

"Y-ye- awh. ok It hurts. But I can- what are you doing?" Seungri kneeled down and faced his back against me.

"Get on."

"I said I c-" he swung my arms over his shoulders before I can say anything and carried me. Wohh.. What is- Ok whatever. I don't have to walk.

"Do we have to carry this then?" Hyorin asked.

"What do you mean we?" Min wondered. Surely enough she did not want to carry it. But in the end she did. Why is he being nice? Why was he acting so....... So..... NICE AND CARING? Yeah, maybe that's why his ex liked- wait. What? No. No No. NOOO HOHH OH. This isn't right. He was just flirting with Hyorin and ignored me a few minutes ago now he's helping me? He's messed up. He's not going to-.  I looked behind to see where his hands were. Ok he's not going to touch me inappropriately.. Hmm... he seems like a ert though.

"you guys are back!" Daesung happily said. Seungri lowered himself so I can get off. I realized that I was smiling after I saw Daesung smile. How long was I even smiling? Don't tell me the whole time Seungri was carrying me I was. There are cameras around! There must have been. I changed my facial expression to a straight face.

"whaa! Why is there blood on your knee?" Jaeho came out.

"she was bleeding." Seungri answered for me.

"so you carried her all the way here?"

"I'm going to take a shower. I'm all wet.. And so I will be clean.. And change into dry clothes." I said as I practically limped.

"Oh my god this is so heavy!!" I heard Hyorin say. Haha thats what she gets. Sorry Min. I understand how you feel. I quickly grabbed my towel and a pair of clean clothes and went into the bathroom. When I was in the shower, I took of the bandage and examined my knee. I put my right hand over it...

"Are you ok in there!? Why are you taking longer than usual." I heard Min Ae call out.

"Yeah! Just a minute. I'm almost done." I shouted back. I removed my hand to look at my knee. I smiled. "I told you I can heal myself." I thought.  And with that I turned off the shower, dried myself with my towel, and put on dry clean clothes.

"hey, you are walking perfectly fine!" Hyorin pouted when Min Ae ran into the bathroom again.

"I tried telling Seungri that I can heal myself. He just wanted to carry me." I shrugged.

"Can I come in?" Seungri knocked before opening the door when Hyorin said yes.

"are you ok?" He kneeled down to examin my leg but his eyes widened when he saw that ther was no blood or scars.

"I tried telling you I can heal myself." I looked around the room.

"and where did Hye Su go? What happened to everybody else?" I asked him.

"everybody else? You mean Jiyong? The guy that you like? Tch." he said quietly hoping I didn't hear but hey, guess who is an Earth and has good hearing~?

"the guy that I like? Jiyong? He's like my brother you've got to be kidding me." I rolled my eyes.

"Didn't Hyorin say that you two like each other?!" he got up.

"I... Oh look you hear that? I think someone is calling me." she quickly left the room.

"So all this time you thought I liked him?"

"that's what Hyorin said... But do you really?"

"I already told you. And if I do or not, why do you want to know?"

"I was just curious.."

"then what was up with you and Hyorin today? All of a sudden..."

"so you did notice! Hah! You were just pretending." "what?" "Oh. Nothing." he sat back down.

"you were jealous weren't you.." he smirkes as he leaned closer to my face.

"No. You two were so loud it was disturbing." I leaned back and looked away. Why is he so close? Ok we are only 3 inches apart.I felt my cheeks heat up when I looked away.

"Eun Chae. I-" he was about to say.

"Wah! What are you guys doing!?!" Min suddenly came back.

"There was.. something-in-her-hair-I was.. getting it off!" he ruffled my hair.   "hehe it's off now. And I'm off too!" he ran out of the room. Was he turning pink?

"did you guys.. KISS? Omo did he kiss you?!? He didn't do anything else to you right?" Min asked me.

"N-no..we- Ugh- He didn't" damn why did I just stutter? And now I notice after I said it.

"Ok good. And where is everybody?" she left the room.

"what was he going to say?" I touched my lips.

"oh man don't tell me he was playing with me." I made a fist. Seriously. Where is everybody?? It's like pouring outside. All I can hear is the rain hitting the roof. And it smells like rain.. >_>     Oh! They must all be in the other room.  I got up and walked quietly to the guy's room. They must be having some kind of discussion. Oh!? I hear Hye Su's voice. I opened the door a tiny bit and peeked inside. Hopefully it's nothing shocking or scary that I shouldn't see...

No One's POV

"Yah wake up and eat your porridge." Hye Su lightly nudged Jiyong at his sides since he was sleeping soundly. 

Jiyong stirred in his sleep and he soon opened his eyes. He slowly got up from his sleeping position. "Is that for me?" He noticed Hye Su was holding onto something - a bowl filled with hot food.

"Obviously... it's not like I'm the sick patient." she rolled her eyes and sat down next to Jiyong. A smile crept on Jiyong's face.

She doesn't seem that pissed now... He thought.

Ugh... he looks so weak and I hate weak people though I'm somewhat weak on my own... I guess I have to feed him. Hye Su thought, looking at the frail Jiyong. She took the spoon from the bowl and scooped a spoonful of porridge. Since it was just done cooking, the porridge must be hot, right? So instead of stuffing the substance into Jiyong's mouth, Hye Su slowly blew on the congee, cooling it down.

Jiyong watched as she did that and felt light-hearted. He's never seen this side of Hye Su - a considerate person.

On the other hand, Min Ae and Eun Chae were sneaking outside the room watching the show starring Hye Su and Jiyong.

"Don't you think they have a thing for each other?" Eun Chae whispered to Min Ae who just quietly giggled. 

"What are you tw-" Before Taeyang or Daesung could ask them what they were doing, Eun Chae and Min Ae shushed them and pointed at the room. Daesung peeked at what's going on first, and then Taeyang followed in. They continued observing the interesting scene placed in front of them.

"Why are you being nice all of a sudden?" Jiyong asked after taking a bite of the congee but Hye Su just ignored him and continued feeding him the porridge.

"Mmm this is delicious. Who made this? Taeyang?" Jiyong took another spoon of the delicious porridge. He was resting his elbow on the flat surface and awaiting Hye Su to feed him again.

"Actually... I made it."

"By yourself?"

"Sort of... Seungri tried helping but almost burned down the kitchen. Taeyang helped look out for when it's done."

"I see... it's delicious. Thank you." he smiled at her and she responded with a small smile - one that people could hardly see but it's still present.

"I don't get it... what are you four looking at?" Seungri suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"SHHHHHHHH!" they shushed him, telling him to just continue watching the show like he did earlier.




He knows I hate him and I know that I hate him.. but how come I- NO IT CAN'T BE! Nah... it can't be.


"I know him very well. Enough to know who he likes."


"You two seem to be very close."

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bigbang (Y)
update soon please!
Very nice! :D
update soon ^^
Starlightshine #5
Hahaha Eun Chae!!! It's sooooo obvious and yet you still keep denying it. Girl, stop running away already! And lol at the 4th reason you two gave. I guess that's the downside of having a co-author? Lol! Haha anyway thanks for the update! :)
Awwwh~~<br />
Eunnie Chae-y likes Seungy-ri-yi~~!!!<br />
<br />
^.~ Thanks for the update unnies!! =D<br />
Annd~~ good luck on writing!! =D<br />
Hope you update soon! :)
Starlightshine #8
Awww Eunnie, just admit it; the reason why you enjoyed being hugged by Seungri is because you like him. /grins/ hahaha Jiyong has a habit of hugging in his sleep? Hahaha poor Ri then, but we get some G-Ri 'love'! XD thanks for the update!
Awwwhh~~ Eun Chae is being huggled by Seungie-oppa! ^^ <br />
O.O -reads preview-<br />
MWO!? TWIN EUNNIES??!! Hahaha... sounds like I'm saying Unnie... hehehehe... ^^<br />
Haha... This is a cute chapter.. Hahaha