

That day Himchan had time to hang out with his friend. He didn’t have to pick Junhong up from the daycare. His dad called him earlier, saying his job ended early and he can go and get Junhong. He even reminded him to have fun with his friends. Which a thing he wouldn’t mind to do.


Not far after he left the school compound, his phone rang again to find it was his father calling. His friend stopped walking as well and looked at him questionably. He shooed his friend telling them to go first.


“What’s up dad?” he asked. Only to be answered by an incoherent panicked voice. “Dad, calm down.. I can’t tell what you’re trying to say.”

“J-junhong.. Junhong.. he”

“Junhong? What’s wrong with Junhong dad?” his brows furrowed, worried by the way his father stutters.

“I just turned m-my head for a moment, to pay the lady for the tteokbokki.. and when I turned…”


“Now he is gone missing??”


He hoped his father would say he was joking and it was just a prank. But he all he received was a nervous whispery yes. He assured his father that he will make sure to find Junhong and told him to report it to the police. He shoved his phone in his pants pocket. He couldn’t think anything at the moment but his instinct made him ran quickly to the daycare, hoping Junhong would be there. Luckily, he met Yongguk, who was sweeping the falling leaves outside the daycare. Himchan ran down to him, as he got closer he grabbed the man by the arm, panting heavily.


“Oh Channi-“ but the older male greets were instantly cut by the breathless Himchan.

“ J-junhong! Did you see him anywhere?”

“Yeah.. Didn’t he went home with your dad? Wait! Don’t tell me, hi-“. By the tone of the other, Himchan knew what he was thinking and cut him off again.

“No, no! That was my father, but he kind of… lost him. I was wandering if you seen him”. He explains when he finally catching up his breath.


And again he didn’t know what to do. What if something happened to his beloved precious Junhong. All the bad thoughts of what could possibly happen to his brother start to invade Himchan’s mind. What if someone kidnapped him? Then kill him and sell his organs?! He was on the verge of crying, his eyes becomes watery making his vision to blur.


“J-junhong” the name of the curly-haired boy left from his quivering lips.


“Himchan calm down!” Yongguk snapped. Himchan knew crying right now was utterly useless, when he can go and look for his brother. But he can’t help it.


Without a second thought, Yongguk pulled him into a hugged, hoping hugging would calm him down, which Himchan did.

He whispered to the younger ears. “I promise you, I’ll find him. No matter what, I swear I will.” He let go of Himchan when he was sure the blond had at least get his head straight.


*    *    *


Yongguk begin his search after he got all the information he needed from Himchan. Since he was seen last from the street stall, he started to look somewhere near there. The stall was a block from the daycare centre. Junhong couldn’t possibly be far.


There was a park across it. He silently prayed for Junhong being in the area. As if his prayer were answered, he saw the familiar curly locks sitting near the bush. He bent down and boy was he ever glad that it was Junhong. He fished for his phone in his pocket and dialed for Himchan. He could hear the sigh of relief from the other line.


“Junhong-ah!” he called.

The called boy shot his head up to see Yongguk looking down at him.

“ Hyung! Look what I found! “ he said excitedly as he pick a cat up. “It has a love pattern on it!”

Yongguk smiled at the grinning boy and squatted down, and made their eye equally leveled. He grabbed the cat paw and massaged it softly.

“How long have you been here?” he asked looking in the boy large sparkly eye.

“For a while.. I think?” he let go of the cat from his hold.


“Junhong-ah..” he said softly. “You shouldn’t roam to places by yourself… Don’t you know how worry people are.. Especially your brother.. he is so worried when he knew you were missing”


Junhong felt guilty as his gaze fell on the ground. The cat purred and mindlessly warping its tail on the boy leg.


“Don’t worry; I don’t think he will be mad at you.” Yongguk assured the younger. ‘but I’m guess he will be a lil bit upset though’ he thought. But those words enough to make Junhong smile again.


“You know hyung.. Sometime I feel embarrassed at my hyung act but I do like him a lot.’’ He grinned before continues to ask. “Do you like Himchanie hyung, hyung?”

Yongguk lets out a soft chuckle before ruffling the kid curly locks. He felt his face heat as he admitted his feeling towards the child. “Yeah, I like him”


A minute later, Himchan came by running with teary eyes. He falls on his knee and gave Junhong a tight hug. Of course, calling him an idiot multiple time for running off like that. Yongguk did thought Himchan was doting on Junhong to much. But that what amazed him about the younger.


*    *    *



Himchan walked Yongguk to the door after he tucked Junhong to bed. The night breeze made Himchan shiver, so he tucked his hand in his pocket.

“Thank you for the help Yonggukie. If I was by myself I probably –“

“Don’t say that. All that matter is he is safe now.”

Himchan again thanked him. Yongguk didn’t know how grateful Himchan was. He would probably bawl if he hadn’t found Junhong. He didn’t know what to do if he’d lost Junhong.


They said goodbyes and Yongguk began to take his leave, but then he stopped. He turned again, looking at Himchan. The blond raised his brows. If it wasn’t because of the fluorescent light coming from Himchan house, he probably wouldn’t realize the shy blush tainted on Yongguk cheeks.


“Umm.. Himchan—“ Yongguk nervously called. Himchan stare at the man who was fidgeting in front of him .Himchan found the other is being such a cutie.

“I j-just want to say that..”

“Yeah? “ Himchan waited expectantly.

“I just want to say that I like you.”

Himchan smiled. He liked what he heard. “Thank you, Gukkie.”


Yongguk stood there, waiting patiently for Himchan to answer. While in the back of his brain, he wandered if the younger were even on the same page as he was. Himchan, who still have the smile lingered on his face, clasped both of his hand behind him. He leaned forward and pecked softly on Yongguk heating cheek. Yongguk had his hand palming his cheek afterward, it made him flustered. He felt butterfly fluttering in his stomach.


“Should I take that as a yes for my next question?” he asked boldly when he regained his composure.

“Why not?” Himchan smiled again, his bunny teeth-like was showing and the dimple under his eyes formed.


After that, they really bid each other goodnight. 

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Chapter 1: This was very fluffy. I like fluffy BangHim.
Chapter 1: Kawaii

I really love the way they talk together!

just feel LOVE BLOOMING...

cheesecakesoulmusic #3