

‘’Umph! Hey! Watch where you-‘’ the student words died down when he realized who he was bumping into.

‘’Oh! My bad! I’m sorry! I didn’t see you there Bang Yongguk-ssi’’ he bowed a few times to him before running off somewhere else. The intimidating man just shook his head when he saw such reaction.


Bang Yongguk, Himchan thought. The obnoxious piercing made him look more threatening than he already was. He heard a lot of rumors about this red-haired boy Oh, yes he did. People said that he associated with one of those mafia, gangster, something that Himchan not sure. Despite that all Yongguk still scored well in his exam. Thus, it made him to be the top student.  How doubting that was. For those students who envied him, might likely made rumors about him threatening the teacher to give him high scores.



Yongguk passed by him and they exchange gazes. Somehow something tells Himchan to doubt all the rumors he heard about him. 


He glanced at the time on his watch.


“Oh sorry guys, I have to go now’’

“Oppa, where are you going? Didn’t we promise to go to karaoke after this??” a girl asked him, fluttering her long fake eyelashes at him in attempt to make an aegyo.

‘’Omo! Himchan oppa could it be that you have a girlfriend already?? Is she a student of this school?’’ another girl asked looking all surprised.

‘’Aye, or maybe her girlfriend is a noona or something huh? That’s why he had to meet her outside school’’ his friends added making stuff more heated up than needed.

“Aissh. Shut up guys, you know I don’t have girlfriend yet’’


He laughed half-heartedly as he punched softly on his friend’s arm. Of course he wouldn’t have one, his gay anyway. No one knows about this except his dad, whom accepted him without making any needed drama. His dad didn’t mind it though; he said that he’ll be happy as long Himchan is happy. Of course, despite that he doesn’t waste himself unnecessarily. He can take care of himself.


“We can go karaoke another time, I’m going then.” he smiled and bid them goodbyes.


*   *   *


Another thing that his friend didn’t know was the fact that he has a younger brother. His name was Junhong, he was five years old. He was cute and has curly hair.


He walked to the convenience store and bought some snack for his brother. His brother love to eat snack on their way home. The daycare was a bit far from his school. But that’s the only daycare there was in the town. As he was walking towards the daycare, where he suppose to pick his little brother up, he saw a familiar figure playing with the kids in the playground. The figure seemed to enjoy his time with the kids around.


“ Himchanie hyuunngg!!!” a little boy called as he ran to Himchan and hugged his leg.


He squatted down and ruffled the boy’s curly hair. ‘’Hey Junhongie. Did you have fun today? ‘’ he asked like he would everyday.


‘’Mmm yeah I did, especially when Yongguk hyung came to play with us!’’ he smiled cheekily and turned his head toward the mentioned man, who seem to be shooing the kid.

“Shoo shoo. D-Don’t follow me b-brat! Go away‘’

‘’Oh are you playing as bad guy character, Yongguk hyung?!’’ one of the kid stated excitedly.


“What chwi waitin foe fwends? attwack!!” (T/N: What are you waiting for friends? Attack!) Another one of them command. And because of the sudden attack, Yongguk ended up falling to the ground, being piled up by the kids. Even Junhong went to join them. Himchan chuckled at the scene.


‘Well that was unexpected.’


He went to help him up after the all the kids went back inside the daycare after being called for snacks.



*   *   *


They sat at the swing and have a little talk.


“You know what?’’ Himchan started.

“What?’’ he furrowed his brow despite there’s a tint of blush creeping on his cheek. He was still embarrassed after being caught by someone from his school.

“After looking at the whole scene earlier.. I just realize’’ he stopped for a moment, hesitating to continue but he did ‘’that you look so lame you are despite your scary look’’ he laughed.

“ S-shut up. I don’t even want to hear that from the sassy Himchan.’’ He said with a small pout forming on his lips. Oh that’s cute. Not caring by the offensive comment.


“Oh so you know my name?” Himchan asked, he was quite surprise that Yongguk knew who he was.

“Yeah. Of course I know you. I couldn’t really ignore the loud girl fangirling over you. It’s like a daily basis now.” He chuckled. “ Hey, you’re actually good looking now that I look closer.’’ He leaned closer and squint his eyes a bit, observing the blond features. His face was few inches from Himchan’s.


Woah , I know this might sound like it escalated fast but I think I might have fallen for this guy. My heart is beating like crazy!’


“Of course I am, I’m flawless you know’’ Himchan was internally relieved that he managed to say it without stuttering.

“Haha yea right ‘’ he said, finally backing off to Himchan relief and continue swinging his swing. ‘’ I didn’t know you have a brother’’

“Well now you know. Isn’t he cute? Just like me~’’ Himchan giggled. Yongguk just rolled his eyes at the younger.

“So… Why are people scared of you anyway?’’

“I don’t know. That’s what I’m trying to find out. I wonder what I did to make them scared of me.’’

‘’Well, If you ask me hmm’’ Himchan look at Yongguk with his finger tapped on his chin. ‘’ maybe it’s the way you look?’’

“I knew it’’ he sighed, hanging his head low and start muttering. His hand palming his face “ I mean what would you do if you wanted to avoid being bullied or anything. Of course you dyed your hair, get piercing and some tattoos right?”


Himchan laughed. It’s been a while since he really laughed like that lately. Yongguk is such a simple-minded.


“ Well, I still don’t think anyone wants to bully you. You worried too much, Yongguk”

Yongguk sighed again. “Well, whatever. I can’t change the time back anyway.”

A silence filled for quiet some time. But Himchan find the silence comfortable. He turned his head at the red-haired man when he heard a nervous cough.


“So… tell me about yourself Channie-ah”. Himchan stared at him, cheeks shade into a color of pink. He hadn’t heard that nickname for a long time.

“Uh.. sorry..” Yongguk rubbed the back of his head, eyes glancing all over the place, trying to look somewhere other than Himchan.

Himchan laugh. “ No, its fine, I don’t mind. Its’ just been a while since anyone ever called me that.”  He then started to ramble about himself. And told him about his mother who died after giving birth to Junhong.


“Oh, sorry…” Yongguk apologize, feeling guilty.

“Its nothing to apologize about, Gukkie~ “

*   *   *

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Chapter 1: This was very fluffy. I like fluffy BangHim.
Chapter 1: Kawaii

I really love the way they talk together!

just feel LOVE BLOOMING...

cheesecakesoulmusic #3