Chapter 2

Is It Still Poppin ? : SEQUEL

SORRY IF I JUST UPDATED NOW. >< I WAS STUDYING MATH!! AND ITS HARD :3 >< Aishh!! MATH is my weakness! I'm not good at math!



No One's P.O.V

"Where do you want to meet?" Chunji asked.

L.Joe sighed in relief. L.Joe and Chunji are really close friends.

They treated each other as brothers . 

"Gomawo.. hyung" L.Joe mumbled. Chunji sighed. 

"Where?" Chunji asked.

"Oh.. It's up to you.. " L.Joe said.

"Let's meet at the ____ coffee shop then..6pm later" Chunji said. L.Joe nodded even though Chunji can't see him.

Chunji was about to hang up when L.Jow called him .

"Chanhee.. wait" L.Joe said.

"Oh?" Chunji asked.

"Gomawo.." L.Joe said.

Chunji sighed.

"I'm still not fully forgiving you--."Chunji was cut off.

"I know.. but .. Gomawo .. for giving me a chance to talk to you.." L.Joe said.

Chunji sighed and nodded.

"I'll hang up now.." Chunji said before hanging up. When he turned around

He was shocked when he saw Cap standing infront of him.

"Can I go with you?" Cap asked.

"Eh? Wha-what do you mean , hyung?" Chunji asked. Cap rolled his eyes.

"Stop playing innocent.. I heard your coversation with him.." Cap said. Chunji sighed .

"Why do you want to go with me , hyung?" Chunji asked.

"I wanna talk to him too.. Just.." Cap said. Chunji sighed again.

"Fine.. hyung" Chunji said.

They both left and joined Teen Top and 4minute again.

"Hyung , what took you so long?" Niel asked Cap. Cap just shrugged.

"Hyung , who was on the phone?" Ricky asked Chunji.

"A-Ah.. Omma.." Chunji lied.

"Hmm.. Jinjja? It dosent sound like it is..?" Ricky suspected.

Chunji became nervous but Cap defended him..

"It is Chunji's omma.. I heard him talking to his omma a while ago.." Cap said.

Ricky pouted and just shrugged.

Chunji sighed in relief.


L.Joe sighed and played with his phone bored.

He looked at the time and saw it was 5:30 already.

*Ehh?!* he thought. he shrugged and he wore his jeans and hoodie.

He took a cab and went to the ____ coffee shop.

When he arrived , He went inside the coffee shop and saw no signs of Chunji.

He looked at his watch and saw the time was 5:55 .. He sat on a table .

Later , Chunji went inside the coffee shop. 

L.Joe saw him and sighed in relief. He thought he wouldn't come.

But , He saw Cap beside Chunji.

He stood up and looked away.

"What's up?" Cap asked . L.Joe didn't respond

"Still guilty?" Cap added. L.Joe sighed.

He sure does feel guilty.

"Hyung , Mianhae.." He said and looked down.

Cap sighed and patted the younger one's head. He shook his head.

"Sit.." Cap said and L.Joe followed at what he said. They all sat down

"Why did you cheat on her?" Cap asked.

L.Joe sighed again.

"I dont know.. but what I know now is I'm a jerk.. and I totally regret it now.." L.Joe lied.

Cap raised an eyebrow.

"You're saying...You still have feelings for her.. ? You still love her?" Chunji asked.

L.Joe looked away.

"I never stopped loving her." L.Joe said

"Then why did you cheat on her?!" Cap shouted. He was now pissed because of L.Joe.. Hyuna is an innocent lovely girl..

How could he do that to her?

L.Joe felt a pang on his heart.

Cap's right.

If He loves her... He wouldn't cheat on her.. but He dosen't know the real reason why he cheated on you.

"But You dont know the real reason why i did that to her! So dont talk and shout at me like you know anything!" I shouted.

Now all the people's attention are on us.

Cap and Chunji kept silent.

I looked down and sighed.

"What reason are you talking about?" Chunji asked.

I sighed again.

"Forget it.." I said and ran out of the shop.



"But you dont know the real reason why i  did that so dont talk and shout at me like you know anthing!" L.Joe


*Flashback end*

*What is he talking about?* Chunji thought. He sighed and dialed L.Joe's number.

after about 5 rings , L.Joe answered.

Chunji sat straight.

"U..h Yoboseyo?" Chunji said.

L.Joe didn't respond. Chunji sighed.

"A while ago.. What were you talking about?" Chunji asked.

L.Joe sighed.

"Just forget it , hyung.. Don't mind it.." L.Joe said.

Chunji sighed.

"L.Joe - ah.. if you need to talk to someone... you can always talk to me.." Chunji said.

"You forgave me already?" L.Joe asked.

".. You're still my best friend after all , and we always have treated each other as brothers.. you know " Chunji said.

L.Joe smiled and nodded even though he can't see him

"Hyung , gomawo.." L.Joe said. Chunji nodded. He hang up .

L.Joe sighed and lay down on his bed.

*Should I tell them the reason?* he thought. He sighed for the 1234567890th times this day again. 

A tear rolled on his cheeks as he uknowingly slept.


Sorry if the chapter is too short! >< It's evening now in our country and my mom wants me to sleep now :3 *sighs* I'll just update tommorow! I promise! :D Saranghae!! and mind if you 






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Chapter 3: please update
Tiffany365 #2
Chapter 3: please update soon~~
Chapter 3: omg please update! and what is the reason?!
update soon
wildandyoung #5
Chapter 2: what is the reason?!!!
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #6
Chapter 1: SEE BYUBGIE!!!U REGRET EVERYTHING NOW HUH?!?!?.....Author nim...Ur pic of Jongin makes me wanna cry...><
CherryTotomatoZELO96 #7
Lisa_lp10 #8
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
AhJinzxzx #9
Update soon! :)