Brother Trouble

Modern Fairytale







My nostrils flared in frustration watching the little imp destroy the evidence of his crime into his mouth in seconds. He showed no sign of regret or repentance, still grinning cheekily after whipping cream onto my face while I pout in disdain and… That’s all I could ever do in retaliation against Mi Rae the annoying brat. I mean, yeah…. I’m going to tell mum.


“Mom,” I called out to no avail, trying to get her attention away from psyching Kwangmin. Okay, I do feel bad for him somehow…


Throughout dinner, Daddy had interrogated him about everything too private to be asked about. (Minus that he has a twin, which is just weird.)

Mummy had her psycho psychologist tests on him that left him flabbergasted the whole time.

Mi Rae was up to his mischievous acts as usual, concocting horror drinks with all the liquids on the dinner table and dared Kwangmin to have one. Turns out that they settled for something else, whispering into each other’s ears and left the drinks untouched on the table.

Kwangmin was then busy smiling awkwardly, answering questions bombed at him and getting tortured by my brother.

Me? I kept silent all the time and finished the giant cream cake all on my own.


And if you ever thought that my parents are those ordinary dads and mums, you are so wrong...


My dad may be a small fry company worker at a garment production factory but he is someone of great wisdom but not today for joining mum in the “Welcome-Kwangmin-to-our-family” celebration. Daddy spends most of the time away from home, travelling to and fro the Busan production plant and the head office in Seoul, but, he doesn’t earn much.


My mom, on the contrary, is home round the clock. She is a full time writer and psychologist who work in the comfort of her home office. She writes books mostly on human psychology and analysis – just any and everything not within human interpretation, henceforth; her books aren’t sold very well. This ranks our financial ability in the below average column and explains why my male partner had to bunk into the bedroom Min Rae and I share no matter how inappropriate – because there are only two rooms in this entire apartment…




Ugh… I doubt this is necessary; to have myself trying to squeeze through the tiny opening of the bedroom door to learn that I’ve gained weight. It’s all thanks to the boys immersed in their game of Jenga, playing by the limited floor space near the door while I tried to be considerate to not disturb their game. I bet, the only one happy with this whole arrangement would be Han Mi Rae, having earned a playmate; they seem to knock off pretty well... Boys. Similarly, mum seems to be pleased, sincerely thinking that this love experience course is beneficial for teenagers of our time and could help with her next book. Dad didn’t seem bothered, the usual, while Kwangmin seemed to have grown close with Mi Rae having fun together… So that leaves me to be the only one uncomfortable about the whole situation. But I’m not hating; just uneasy to have a stranger staying at home, a guy and furthermore a Kingka. 



“You can’t, noona!”

“Why?” I retorted at Mirae who seems to be strongly against me bathing before Kwangmin when he had already agreed.

“Hyung has to go first because noona will take an hour singing in the shower instead of bathing quickly.”


[Score check] Mirae: 1 – Miyun: 0


“What…” I rolled my eyes, taken back by his comment, “But he’s playing with you!”

“But noona would take years to bathe!”

“Err... It’s fine! Miyun, you can go first.” Kwangmin motioned me to get into the bathroom with pursed lips and pats my brother on his little frame. “Let’s continue our game, Mirae-ah.”


“Be fast, noona~” Mirae sang in a teasing manner as I stormed into the bathroom. Oh Han Mi Rae… I’ll show you how to bathe at lightning speed!




5 minutes later




I made a grand entrance rooting myself outside of the bathroom proudly, my lips curving a slight smile at the surprised Kwangmin and stuck out my tongue at Mirae. It was a good five minutes of bathing time, amazing feat eh?  My bratty brother then puts on the “I-couldn’t-care-more” act like how he always do when he lost at something, heh. What a day! I overpowered the little devil this time…


“AHA!” Mirae chanted from behind my back as I was about to exit.

“Noona, you dropped this! YOUR BRA!


I swiveled around fast and saw my lingerie in his hands as he snickered away. Good heavens... He waved my lingerie shamelessly at me with obvious intent of embarrassing me in front of Kwangmin here...


[Score check] Mirae: 2 – Miyun: 0


“Aigoo… Haven’t anyone told you that bunny patterns are so lame?”


[Score check] Mirae: 3 – Miyun: 0


I turned red unconsciously and tugged my lingerie out of his hands. At the corner of my eyes I could see Kwangmin blinking, looking innocent and awkward. This pesky little brother of mine…  And that reminds me… Youngmin had said the exact same thing before! Devils a bunch… I dumped my lingerie into the laundry basket and “accidentally” toppled the tower of Jenga.


“Okay. It’s bedtime!” I smirked and plopped down onto the bed.

“What the… Noona!”

“There is school tomorrow.” I reminded and casually tossed over on the bed, snuggling under the covers while feeling content of my accomplishment. In the distance, I could still briefly hear what the two were murmuring about albeit a little soft…


“Hyung! I know what you’re gonna do tonight.”




His heart thumped blindly as he scooted closer to Minyoung by the bedside. That was the nearest he ever got to a girl’s face, just a few centimeters away. He looked over at her brother laying expectantly beside her on the king size bed and nodded green. He took in a huge breath and steadied himself, squeezing his eyes shut…


Here goes nothing…




A/N: Heyho! sorry for the late update!

BOYFRIEND'S DON'T TOUCH MY GIRL ain't helping me to write faster cos I'm stuck at their MV the whole time.

KWANGMIN AH, WHY SHOOO HOT!!! Hahaha~ I kinda dig his mature look.

All of them did so super awesome! The acting and IM SO JEALOUS OF THE GIRL BLEH! K, stop.


Chapter 14 later in the night. K, bye! ^^    

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Chapter 35: Kya....daebak...update please

Mianhe i'm late to read :(
fujimotoasuka #2
Chapter 5: author-san!! It's miyun or miyoung..? I'm confuseeee... "">_<""
update soon!! :D
update please?
xXMaurix #5
Unnie I've been waiting for ages!
What happened to you? T^T
Update soon... Jebal
crissue #6
please update. TT_TT
I want to know what happen~
Please update soon! I love your fic~
KYAAAA~ >w< So exited cant wait PLEASE update soon, I'm already imagining all the fluff in the next chapter *dugun* *dugun*
inadzirah #9
Update soon! :) Jebalyo~~ ㅋㅋㅋ