Happy love life

Happy love life

Hey, my name is Park saehone (새혼). I’m an undergraduate student in Taeyang University. That’s boy, who stand beside me is my boyfriend,Hwang Chanseong. He’s a Taekwondo athlete. I’m falling in love with him because he really look great when practice Taekwondo. We have spent one year together and I really love him.

“Saehon-ah. Why you looking me like that? Is there something in my face?”

“Aniya. I just miss your ugly face.” Haha, please don’t shocked. I always call him like this. This is my special name for him. Yeah although many people said that he’s an old face, he’s still the handsome man for me.


I turn around when someone shout my name. ah Minsun eonni. She is my best friend and the one who have a big role in my love story. Because of her, I can be coupled with Chansung. I like him from long ago, but I don’t have any brave to say. I just saw him from far away. Then one day, MInsun eonni know my feeling and help me to closed with Chansung. And finally I can be his girlfriend.

“Waaa,, eonni. Wasso? Is your homework done?”

“Fiuh. I finished it only 5 minute. Hehe.” Ah I’m forgot. She is a smart girl. Always get the best score in all subject. Not like me. Hei, I’m not that stupid as you think. In some subject I got perfect score too, just some subject I get 7-8 from 10.

“How about your test today? Success?” Minsun eonni asked me back.

“Ah molla. Oryowoyo.” I make a deep sight.

“Hwah, I’m bored heared this. You know from this past 10 minute, she always grumble that the question is too difficult, incredible and bla bla bla.” I look Chansung sullen, he just laughing.

“Hahaha. She always do that. Although she can do it really great, she always said can’t. she just didn’t believe herself.”

“Aish. Are you happy always tease me like this? Huh. It’s because I’m the youngest?”

“Hahaha. Look, she really childish. Sometime I feel like a baby sitter being his boyfriend.” My heartbeat increased fastly heared it.

Pluk. Minsun eonni hit Chansung head.

“Aish. She’s your girlfriend. You can’t say something like that.” She scold Chansung, make me smiling. “Wuaaa, MInsun eonni daebak. He always say that eonni. My heart really broke when he say it.” I made a sad face.

“Gwenchana. If he do that again, tell me. I will make him regret.” Hahaha. This one of my favorite scene in my life. When saw Chansung face fed up. He look cute.

“You’re my favorite eonni. I will do anything for your shake eonni.” I hugged her tight. She just clap my shoulder. “Ah I know. Why we don’t search a good man for her?” I looked Chansung and Minsun eonni. They looked shocked.

“Aniyo. I can found it myself.” MInsun eonni smile awkward.

“Aniyo. This the only thing that we can do after all your help.” I try to pursuade her. “Chansung-ah, have you a good friend that suit Minsun eonni?” I turn saw CHansung hopefully. But he turn around.


“Ya! Answer clearly. Have you?”

“Molla. I don’t know her type.” He seem not care.

“Aish. I promise call you oppa if you introduce MInsun eonni with a good man.” I used my aegyo to pursuade him. He always said yes when I do oit.

“Arraso.” See? Hahahaha.


Next day

“Hei Chanseong-ah. What kind of guy that would come? Is he good looking, smart and cute?”

“You promise call me oppa if I granted your wish.” He used disssapointed face.

“He’s not coming yet. Who knows you’re not liar.”

“Aish. Ever I lie to you?”

“Molla.” I shake my shoulder.

He sight fed up.

“Jwisonghamnida. I’m late.” A tall young man greet us.

“Ah, Taecyeon hyung. Anjo anjo.”

“Annyonghaseyo, joneun Ok Taecyeon imnida.”

“Annyonghaseyo. Park Saehon imnida. Can I call you oppa?” He smile then nod. He look really suit Minsun eonni. “Chansung oppa, I don’t know you have this kind of friend.” I whisper, but he just keep silent.

“Saehon-ah. I’m sorry for late.”

“Aaa eonni. Anjo anjo. Eonni this is Taecyeon oppa and oppa this is Minsun eonni.”

“Annyonghaseyo, joneun Ok Taecyeon imnida.”

“Kim MInsun imnida, bangapsemnida.”

“Waaa, You look great together. What do you think oppa?” I asked chansung courious.

“Molla.” He answered cold. What’s wrong with him today? He looked weird.

“Aish. This brat. Arra, just forget it. How about we make a double date? It’s seem fun.”

“I think we just sit and chit chat here.”

“Wae? Is have fun a crime?” I’m sullen.

“Ne. ne. ne. kajja kajja. Let’s go where ever you fun.”

I smile brightly. My plan go easy. I’ve not telling him if we would do double date. I set this plan to make Minsun eonni and Taecyeon oppa closed. And all at once I can date with Chan oppa. Although we have one year relationship we never coming to Lotte world. We just eat or seeing movie.

“Wuaaaa. It’s really crowed. I don’t know if this place would be this crowed although is not weekend.”

“Hais you acted like never come here.”

“I came here when I was 7. How can I remember?” I answered coldly then looking around. “Wuaaaa,  Jet coster. I want ride that. Kajja kajja let’s go.” I drag Chansung to Jet coaster area.

“Saehon-ah. I would wait here. You guys can go.”

“Eonni why don’t go with us?”

“I have acrophobia. Hehe.”

“I’ll wait here too.” Chansung said.

“Ya. CHansung-ah. Why you don’t go?” I scold him.

“I feel sick, it’s better if I don’t ride something like that.” He answered cold.

“Arra. Let’s go another area.” I give up.

“Aniya. If you want ride that, just ride it. I’m fine.”

“Aniya. It’ll bored if I’m alone.” I looked down.

“I’m in. Chansung-ah, I borrow your girl friend.” Taecyeon oppa volunterer hisself go with me. After paid ticket, we ride it. But it seem not fun at all. I choose this kind of game for more closed with Chansung. But he can’t ride it. From the high I looked Minsun eonni and Chansung. They acted awkward, not chit chat at all. What’s wrong with them? Is they fight? I never saw them like that.

“Have you fight with Minsun eonni?” I asked Chansung after finished the jet coaster.


“But, Why I saw you not talking each other?”

“I’ve said that I feel sick.”

“Arra.” I ended our conversation then walk away. Today he’s looked really awkward. Minsun eonni too. What’s wrong with them?

“Oh I’m thirsty. I want to buy some water. Did you want?” I offering.

“Mineral water.” Taecyeon oppa and Minsun eonni answer together, make me smile.

“You don’t asked me? I’m really thirsty too. Buy me one cool cola please.”

I glare at Chansung. Why he ordered too? I plan to buy it together with him.

“Ya, why you not just go together? She is your gilrfriend. It’s better if you go with her and take care of her. I think there is no man want his girl out from they’re eyes. Want you go with me?” Taecyeon oppa offering.

“Gwenchana oppa. I can go alone.” I smile then go away left them. Taecyeon oppa word completely fullfil my head. I think there is no man want his girl out from they’re eyes. If I think back, Chansung never romantic with me. He always cold. Without passion I back to their place with 4 cold drink. I’ve just greet them went they said something that make me freeze.

“Did you plant to lies forever? Have you ever think what Saehon feels?”

Why Taecyeon oppa said that? My heart?

“Musun suria hyung? I don’t understand.”

“Hah. Did you think I don’t know? I know you for long time ago.”

“I really don’t know what you say hyung. Ah I must catch up Saehon.” I saw Chansung walk away when Minsun eonni looking down.

“Why you let him with that girl? You not love him anymore?” Minsun eonni stil closed . and I still not knowing anything. “Why you don’t have say a word? Did you love him? Did you love each other? So why you let him with that girl?”

Chansung and MInsun eonni love each other? Andwe. It must wrong.

“That’s just our past.”

I let all bottle in my hand fall. Chansung dan Minsun eonni really love each other? A tears falling slowly. Why they never telling me? Why Chansung let me be his girl friend? Why they do this to me?

“A past? I can saw your love for him in your eyes, just like him. You think I don’t know why Chansung refused to ride jet coaster? Because he wouldn’t me beside you. The one who ever loving you.”

So Chansung still love eonni?

“Hah, you don’t know what have you say.”

I saw a pain in eonni face. So they’re realy love each other? So why she let me with Chansung?

“Give me one good reason, why you let them together?”

“That’s what you did to me.”

“It’s different. I let you go because you love each other. But you? I don’t understand what do you think.” Quiet, they don’t say a word. “Is that girl save your life?” Taecyeon oppa answer carefully.

“Ani. He save Chansung life.” I can’t read eonni face.

“Save Chansung?”

“Ne. Did you remember about Chansung accident? She’s the one who sent Chansung to hospital. And because of him, Chansung still alive..”

I covered my mouth. my memories back to two years ago. When I was in my way to school, I saw a one side accident. A BMW car hit a three. That’s my first time saw Chansung. He’s the driver. Because that’s time no one near, I try to help him out from the car which begin to burn then bring him to hospital. I just left him there after paid the bill. And then 6 month later I meet him again. I think it’s a destiny, that’s why I try hard to get closed with him. But I don’t know that he’s my best friend boyfriend. Minsun eonni is the one who introduce me with him. I feel something strange when she introduce him, I should notice it before. But I’m too happy and forgetting. I can’t heard that conversaton longer.  It’s too painfull. I feel like a crime. With silent cry, I walk away from them, try to calm.

Braaaakkk. I hit someone then falling down.

“Jwisonghamnida.” I bow to sorry then run. But a tought hand hold me.

“Gwenchanayo?” ah I hit Chansung. Why we must meet again? “SAehonn-ah, gwenchanayo? Ultjima, wae geurae?” Why he must care about me? He never do it before. Why now? “Please say it. Tell me what’s wrong?” I make a deep sight .

“Let’s break up oppa.” I used his shocked to moved away. I don’t care he shout my name many time.


Author pov

Three day was gone after the Lotte word tragedy. Relationship between Chansung and Saehon being awkward, Saehun always turn around when meet Chansung. Not like when seeing Minsun, Saehon trying acted naturally. She still smiled like before. But three days not seeing CHansung and Saehon together make Minsun courious.

“Did you two fought?”


“But why I never looked you together again?”

“Ah, That’s because Chansung oppa busy.” Saehun smile.

“Ah, geurae. I think I must talk with that guy, so he still have time for you.”

“Gwenchana eon. I don’t want be overprotektif. “

“Arra. Up to you. Ah ye, I must attend a class now. Kanda.”

MInsun walk away from Saehun. She lied when say have class. She want to know what really happened. When she found Chansung, she scolded him.

“YA! What are you doing with Saehun?”

“Naega? I don’t do anything. She’s the one who want to break up.”

“You’re break up?” Minsun shocked.

“Ne. She didn’t tell you? She said break up suddenly in Lotte world last day.”

“She want break up? Aish, what that girl think?”

“Molla. But I saw her cry.”

“She cry?” MInsun glare Chansung suspicious.

“Aniyo. I swear didn’t do anything. She run then hit me. He try to escape but I try to prevent. But when I saw her face, she’s cry.”

“Aish it’s because you hit her hard.”

“Ya. She hit me, not me. And that time she avoid me.”

MInsun quite. What wrong with that girl? He acted really weird. She didn’t look Saehon.

“It’s really weird. What wrong with that kid?” MInsun mumble.

“Maybe she just need time to alone.” Chansung grap Minsun then hug her. For a second they enjoyed.

“Aigo. What the hell. aish, the world would scold me if they saw what we have done.” Minsun push Chansung away.

“Wae? We love each other. Then what’s wrong?” Chansung grabbed Minsun shoulder once again.

“Geumanhae CHansung-ssi. Don’t make me mad.” Minsun say formally.

“Wae? I and that girls just broke up. She does. You said we can together again if she said break up to me. And now we just break up.”

Minsun lost a word. that’s what she said when she asked Chansung said love to Saehon. She broke up with Chansung and let them being a coupled. It’s not because she didn’t have love again. She happy hear that Chansung and Saehon broke up, but when remembered that Saehon save Chansung life, Minsun feel bad.

“Wae? You want to deny your word? why you sacrifice our feeling just for her? What a special her?” Chansung said full of anger.

“You really want to know why I do this?”

“Yes, tell me why.”

“She save your life.” The secret has open.

“She save my life?”

“Ne. She’s the one who drag you out from the car when you got accident. She risked her life for you. That’s why you must be good with her.”

“She can save my life, and I owed her, but I just loving you Minsun-ah. Didn’t you love me too?” Chansung force Minsun look his eyes, but she refused.

“My love was gone.” She whisper.

“gotjimal. You never look my eyes when you lie.”

“I’m not loving you anymore Hwang Chansung-ssi.” MInsun try hard to looking his eyes and said the most painful word make Chansung shocked. But he still not believe.


“That’s the fact. Sorry I must go now.”

Minsun run away from Chansung. Her tears drop swift. That conversation really hurt her heart. Not far from them, Saehon heared everything that they said.

“They really love each other. I never see something like that. And they become like this because of me. Hah, what kind of b**** I’m.” Saehun said to herself. “Arraso. Because of me they broke up that’s mean I must make them being couple again.”


Saehun pov

@Creamy restaurant

It’s more than 10 minutes I’m here, but Chansung and Minsun eonni not come yet. I’ll dying if they’re not coming. They must be here. After heared conversation beetwen Chansung and Minsun eonni, I decided to bring them back. I would be the most evil people if they really break up. Ah.. thanks God they came.

"Eonni, oppa." I shout to let them know where I was sitting. Both face looks equally uncomfortable. Well, I know they might be uncomfortable with this meeting, but it must.

"You're late. I got moldy know. " I tried Cheerful as usual.

"AH mianhae. I’ve a long lecture. "

"Ah yes, me too." Chansung replied awkwardly. Well I know, he definitely not felt good because the last time we meet, I ran away without giving any explanation.

"Ah ye, why did you call us here? If you want dinner together should you invite only Chansung. "Minsun eonni trying to liven up the atmosphere.

"Aniyo. I miss our meals together like this. And anyway I've broken up with Chansung oppa. did not he tell you? " I saw a shock faces of Minsun eonni. I know, my happy face which make her surprised. "Aish. Ya Chansung oppa. You should tell eonni that we've broken up. What kind of man are you, huh? "

"I'm ... I .. "

"Haha. Come on oppa, do not so clumsily. I'm just kidding. "I took a deep breath before continuing my words. "I asked you to came here actually for apologize. During some of this time I bother you two. I asked too much to you regardless of your feeling. "

"Aniyo. What are you talking about. "Minsun eonni cutting me off.

"Let me finish my sentence eonni." Minsun eonni not open his mouth again. "I'm would be the most evil person if it continues to be a parasite in your life. Maybe I did once save lives Chansung oppa. But it does not mean you owe me. Maybe I do like Chansung oppa, but did not set that I had to have it. I can not if it has something to harm others. I know you love each other. And I know because of me you lie to each other. I would be very selfish to continue in Chansung oppa side. Eonni is my best friend ever. And now I'm returning Chansung oppa to you eonni. Keep him well. And do not ever let him go to anyone else. I would be very angry if you were let him go for someone like me. And you oppa. As a man you should be assertive. Do not just according to what was eonni said. No matter how great you love her, you should reject when eonni asked you to do strange things that do not make sense. And promise oppa, you will always keep eonni and never hurt her. "I put my hand on eonni and oppa forearm, enabling them to grasp. "Cha. My job is done here. I pray that you are happy. See you. "I got up to leave the happy couple.


"Ne oppa."

"Gomawo and mianhae."

I'm just smiled and continued my step. Somehow my feet feel lighter than when arrived. A single tear fell. It's not the tears grief, but the tears of happiness. I do like Chansung. And be his girlfriend for a year more than enough for me. Indeed, this is the time they have come back. And I believe, I'll find my love and my soulmate.

Brakk. I slammed into the floor pretty hard. I thought I heard my bones crack.

"Jwisong hamnida Agashi. Gwenchanayo? "

"Aish. Be careful next time. "

"I’m really sorry. Are you okay? "

"I'm fine." I replied rough.

"What if I pay a cup of coffe for my apology?"

I thought for a moment. Seemed to be well. Anyway this namja look good and handsome.

"Hmm, not bad."

"Let us to the cafe across the course. I'm Lee Junho. "

"Park Saehonn imnida."

See? When you do good, God will have a way to return the favor.

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Very cool story!!!