
Peter Pan

I look up to make sure that I am in front of the right class. 10-1. Yep, right. This is my class back then, when I met Aeri, my first best friend after years sticking with Baekhyun. I still remember those innocent glint in her eyes when she offered her hand for a handshake, asking me to be her friend.



Another new academic year. Separated from Baekhyun, I entered my new class for the new year. 10-1. I glanced at a piece of board indicating the room’s name. Yep, right. 10-1. Entering a half-full class, I make my way to the corner at the far back of the class. Seating myself on the seat near the window, I propped my elbow on the table, I throw my gaze outside the window. Until a tap on my shoulder steal my attention.


“Hi!” a girl beamed cheerfully. She wears the same school uniform with me, but her looks is somewhat unfamiliar. But I replied with a smile anyhow.


“I’m new here.” she explain. Well, that explains her unfamiliar look. “Is this seat occupied?” she pointed the vacant seat beside me. “Mind if I sit here?”


“Nope. Go ahead..” I nodded, moving my belongings under my table.


“I’m Shin Aeri..” she offered her hands for a handshake. A wide smile plastered all over her face.


“Jung Hyemi..” I shake her hand, replying with a small smile.


“Ah, Hyemi? That’s a beautiful name..” she gaze dreamily. “Then, Hyemi, since I’m new here, will you be my first bestfriend?”


I was startled for a second. Since I never had any other best friend other than Baekhyun, I was kind of taken aback and not know how to react.


But seeing those hopeful and innocent eyes of hers, I finally smiled and nodded. “Sure!”


It was lunch time. I was chatting with Aeri when Baekhyun approaches us.


“Hey, Tink!” he greeted me. “How’s your first day? It that we’re in different class this year.” he pouted.


“It’s great so far. Oh, and by the way, Pete, this is Aeri, my new friend. Aeri, this is Baekhyun.” I introduced them to each other.


“Ah, you’re Hyemi’s new friend? Well, since you’re Hyemi’s friend, then you’re my friend as well.” Baekhyun offered his hand for a handshake.


After exchanging handshake, Aeri squinting her eyes at me and Baekhyun. Looking at us with accusing, yet playful eyes, she stated “You two are lovers, aren’t you?”


Baekhyun burst into laughter. “Of course not.. She’s my best friend. Right, Tink?” he nudged my shoulder.


For some reasons, my heart clenched painfully at Baekhyun’s statement. Even though I know, that it was true. I let out a fake smile, hoping that no one can read my eyes.


“But what’s with those nicknames? Pete, Tink?” Aeri asked, still curious.


“Well, it’s just something we have ever since we’re young. Peter Pan & Tinkerbell, that’s how we called each other.” Baekhyun explains. One of his hands rested on the back of my chair casually. A gesture that maybe he did unconsciously, but making my heart rate increases by a few bars.


She looks at us with sceptical eyes momentarily before she proceed chomping her bento lunch. “Okay then, I’ll let it pass for now..”


While Aeri’s busy munching her lunch, Baekhyun leans to my ears and whispers “She’s really cute..”


My heart freeze for a moment. But regaining my composure, I smacked his shoulder, “Did you just checking my friend out?”


He stiffled a laughter, “Can’t help it..”


Deep down in my heart, thousands pieces of shards piercing my heart. ‘Because you are just his Tinkerbell, Hyemi.. Because you can only have him until his Wendy come..’

-End of flashback-


A drop of unwanted tear escaped my eyes, as I proceed to the last place. Where my Peter Pan united with his Wendy, and Tinkerbell lost her gleam.

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I'm sorry I haven't write the bonus chapter yet :( so busy these days T___T


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kimmiekimmuackzzzzz #1
Chapter 10: Dammit i shud have read the alternate ending instead of the original !! Omg this is awesome!!!!! Omg my feels!!! But if we r talkin about reality the originl ending is more real tho...
baekruby #2
Please make next story for hyemi from the ending of epiloge 1, get her a new man please!-with another exo member i wouldnt mind tho ㅋㅋ-
It was really good! Keep writing and working on your english. All i have to say about it is watch your tenses stick with what you started. Alsooooooo the first ending was soooo goood :)
Chapter 10: OMG this is so GOOD! I'm crying now!! thanks for made this!
Chapter 10: Omg. You... Are you sure English isn't your first language?! You write so well ;___; And I cried so much reading this as well lol though I had to hold back my tears since I'm in school. Oh and sorry for creeping ehehe I know this fic was long ago but I just stumbled across this. I love both endings! <3 Especially when Baek said, "Will you now be my Wendy?" Feeeeels ;~; Though the first ending was more realistic. Hehe.
janale6 #6
Chapter 8: it hurts so much. im crying. but i like how
it's so real and that they didnt really end up
together. and how baek explained to her
how and what love he feels towards both. i
wish to read a sequel of hyemi and another
guy.. sehun? hehe since in the end you mentioned she catched the bride's bouquet. :)
awesome story btw.
Chapter 10: i feel bittersweet ehe..at first im heart broken then im happy again hohoho.. <3 i like both of your endig though.. and i've always feel bad for tinkerbell whenever i watch peter pan movie..its just..heartbreaking. Thanks so much for a wonderful story ^^
OriannaGoldelle #8
Chapter 10: I prefer this one, of course. Maybe because i got to be Wendy ehehehehe
OriannaGoldelle #9
Chapter 8: Awww Tink :''')