chapter 1.. The friend in lead...


Starring:,,zelo,han sunhwa,G.O,kim dasom,lee dong hae,song ji hyo,gong chanand and hyuna.


One day there was a guy named zelo he was waitting for to go to college.And proff his study to his friend and teachers.

At night zelo before going to sleep he ask his father. when i will go to college.

father.Oh...I have  to show you this letter.

zelo.what is it ....!?

father.THE letter  is form your principal.

zelo.where is it....!? you go..

~zelo read the letter and the letter say ......


dear zelo

we love you to come  to our college 

so i think you love this news

and you can come to the 

college tomorow

thank you .

TO~ zelo



zelo.Thank you father.

father. You welcome happpy .

zelo.Yes...  :D

father. NOW you go to sleep.


~zelo went to sleep happily....... :D


To Be Continued........................In chapter 2 ............. :D


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sidlovsgaga #1
soory guy this is my fist time but in chapter 2 i do it better
thank you