
Transferring Love

Minho sat there again. Listening to one of Taemins situations on the phone. Minho doesn't really know what the 'cause to his roommates problems. He didn't really bother to ask, knowingly Taemin doesn't like to talk about it.

"Are you sure there isn't any options?" Taemin asked, over the phone.

Minho slowly glanced his eyes over to Taemin, who was in the kitchen.

"Alright then. Thanks anyway." He hanged up, as he sighed.

"Anything wrong, Taemin?" Minho finally said .

"Aniyo " he said while staring at the floor.

Taemins POV :

There isn't any options. Finally next in line, but no donor. Half of the year, this came in such a shock. No one ever knew about this. I just wonder how long I can keep up with this. But, one thing for sure.. how am I suppose to tell Minho? Just have whatever life gives you, and in the end, that's what you get .. Almost, an hour has past . I began to forget about the problem, and began to have fun chatting with Minho.

"Awww~ Minho is so cute! ^-^" I said to the boy I've like years, and still do.

"Okay, Taemin..look away. .For a bit . ." Minho said. I nodded and stared at the oppisite direction. He began to count, 3-1

"Okay, you can look now !" . I stared at him, who was holding a cute teddybear.

"For being my friend since we've moved in together ^-^" He said with that cute smile. I smiled, and grabbed it.

"Kamshabnida~" I said as I hugged it tightly.

"I'll forever cherish it ..^-^" I said again.

"Better cherish it always..or else..I'll be sad" He said.

"Don't worry, I will . ." From that time, I couldn't stop hugging it.

I imagined it would be Minho who I was hugging. Another hour as past.

"*yawn* Taemin .. I think we better get to bed.." I nodded . He got up and stretched a bit, so did I . "Nighty ..Minho.." I said. We both headed to our beds. Also, there was another person living there too. His name is Lee Jinki or known as ..Onew . I sighed. And grabbed my journal.

' Today was okay, Minho gave me a teddybear. And it was the same bear I wanted at that small toy store. This is why I love him. And I, Lee Taemin. Just blushed by writing those words down. One more thing . .Saranghae Choi Minho, my Flaming Charisma '

I sighed again, and closed my journal. I shut the lights, and headed into dream land .

NEXT DAY --- [still Taemins POV :: ]

Today, I don't feel too good...................

First, my chest really hurted .

Second, I was sleeping ontop of my bear.

Third, Minho already left to school without me.

I was getting ready. So, was the guy next to me, Onew. I grabbed my fluffy bear. And soon, me and Onew headed off.

"So?.." I said as I broke the awkwardness.

"Mmm?" he said, glancing towards me.

"Do you think a person can survive Heart Disease?" ...He kept quiet,

"I don't think so, I mean.. It's your heart..not many people could survive that..Your heart is the reason why you're still alive and healthy" I nodded. .

' My Love For Minho Is Strong(: ' I said in my mind .

There is no way, AND I MEAN NO WAY, love is that strong to help me live..Or is it?

We did our regular school routines in the first class. Work, the others, were..fool around, not caring about their educations and flirt with girls. Yup, that's all. Then finally the bell rang. I quickly grabbed my books, and headed where me and Minho usually meets. I stood there, ' come on, Minho..Where are you? ' I mumbled. I just waited there. The bell was about to ring soon.

' Atleast . .Just atleast . .just one second stare would make me power up the whole day. . '

I was beginning to lose patience. Minho wasn't coming? It sure hurted me alot.

1. He left without me, this morning

2. Right now, he's not meeting me

This day, just gets more worse. Then Onew walked towards me.

"Taemin-ah, are you waiting for Minho?" he said to me, I looked down and slowly nodded.

"He told me, he had something to do, that's why he left early this morning and that he's absent.."

He said to me. I nodded. My throat began to hurt more and more. It was the feeling where I just wanted to cry. Onew stood there. I looked at him, AND..there was more than one Onew,

" h-hyung? " I said in my light voice, then it was pitch black.

Minhos POV ::

I was getting ready, I stared at Taemin, who was sleeping like an angel.

I smiled. I got dressed. I was nearly leaving when Onew woke up.

"M-Minho?" he said as he rubbed his right eye. I looked at him.

"Yes, chicken?" . He made a small tiny laugh

"Where are you going? It's only..6 . and school doesn't start in another hour.." I looked down and sighed

"I'll be gone for the whole day, so...yeah.." . He nodded and began to yawn again, he was about to head back to his bed

"And before you go to dreamland, tell Taemin I won't be at school" . He nodded, lazily and fell into his bed. I walked off ..Mianhae, Taemin ..

flashback ::

Taemin : Make sure, you come to that meeting spot! I want to finally tell you something I've been dying to tell you for awhle now. *he made with one of those cutesy smiles*

I nodded.

Taemin : Are you sure?

I nodded : I'm sure *I smiled lightly*

Taemin : Let's promise it..

We did our promise dance. And, it was sure worth making one. Even though, it's embarrassing..but, who could not forget, it was part of the dance moves that Onew made.


How, I am being mean to Taemin . I know soon, I'll regret it . .But, this is more important. I could handle one day without Taemin, but a life time without him ? I had to see my current dokko, Gu Ki Won . There was those signs coming back . And if you don't know, I have this rare illness called ' Falling in Love with your Roommate ' . heheh, no.. Every now and then, I go get a check up :P . . .and a doctor said something is slowly spreading... No one knows yet, not even the experts...I had to go do some tests. I hope that it wasn't that bad. I mean, I'm perfectly healthy, all the people I care about are 100% healthy. I was waiting in the waiting room, well you know, for the results. I was bored out of my mind, I found a little baby that was close too looking like Taemin . ^-^ I began to smile.

"Hello~" I mouthed the words as I waved at him.

He began to clap his hands in exitement. ...Aww~ . I wanted to hug that little child, but his mother might mistaken me for a you-know-what. Heh. That baby looked at me with those cute big eyes. I couldn't help it, I was trying making him smile again..and gladly worked! ^-^ Those cute wittle wittle chubby cheeks, teethless smile. Heheheh....It makes me wanna hug Taemin now~ .

Then suddenly my phone was vibrating. Must be Jonghyun asking for that ducky hat I stole from him . Heheheh.. "Yobuseyo?" I said, smiling.

"MINHO-YAH! Taemins IN the HOSPITAL!! " Onew..said . I quickly sat up by those words ,

"What?! What hospital are you at??" Then finally, Onew replied. I didn't care for the test results. TAEMIN IS IN THE HOSPITAL !!

I was soon there, I found an only 21 year boy/man crying in the waiting room. I walked towards him, "Where's Taemin?" He looked at me, "I don't know!! I just got here a while ago, and they won't tell me which room it is!! " He shouted and began to cry again. But this time, he hid his face. I hugged him, .Onew really cares for him. And so did I. WELL!! EVERYONE CARED FOR HIM!

[A/N ::actually true!! ^-^ ..right? ]

'I hope it isn't that big, I hope this all was a misunderstanding. .' I said in my mind. 20 minutes past by, a tear was rolling down my face. I was starting to think that . .Taemin wouldn't come out of his hospital alive. . Then this doctor came towards us.

"Are you related to Taemin?" he said . .

"If not blood related..then yeah.." I said.

"I need to talk to someone who..Taemins related too..A parent, guardian..etc"

"Well, it's just us that are here for Taemin.." I said.

"Sorry, but - " He got cut off by Onew .

"I'M HIS APPA!!! " He said and quickly stood up.

"Where is the mother?" That stupid doctor questioned.

"When to a friends place . ." He said .

{ APPA :: Onew . | OMMA :: KEY | FRIEND/ or having an affair w/ Jonghyun }

"Well, you've got the message the hospital said to you months ago, right?" DOKKO said.

"Uh, uh..Well, I currently forgot . .due to hard of hearing. .May you say it again?" Onew said.

He began to sigh.

"Your son..he has ..heart disease.. Haven't you knew that? I mean, almost a half year already.. " DOKKO said.

My eyes began to widen.

' Taemins had HEART DISEASE????! '

"But, your son was next in line...The only problem is..we don't have any donor.." DOKKO said again.

I looked down, ' Why hasn't he told me this in the first place? '


I slowly woke up, finding Onew hugging me tightly .

"YAH!! Taemin !! Why haven't you told me about your DISEASE!?!? " He said as he slapped my back head abit.

"Hyung, don't hit the patient .. " Minho said walking in .

I stared at him. I took a gulp. ' He knows about it now ? '

I closed my eyes, waiting for another hit in the head.

"Glad you woke up, Taemin-ah" Minho said.

I opened my eyes, he was just smiling at me. Is that all? No ' You should've told me from the beginning! ' ? Or. .even a tiny hit ? I stared at him, blanky. "The doctors told me that you'll be out of here a week?" He said smiling some more.

"W-What? Why a week?" I said. I mean, I can't stay here just for an HOUR. It's already boring here!!

"Mm, there's 5 letters in it. And it's very exciting ^-^ "

5 letters....

"DONOR??" I said, curiously. Hoping it be that. Then, he nodded. My curiousity changed into a very unexplainable happiness. I mean, this is just LUCK! ^-^ .. Wee..Then I let my happiness come out, I was YAY-ing & WOO-ing. I spreaded my arms out.

"I WANT A HUG!! ^-^ " I said still waiting for them to come ..

"YAY!! ^_^" Minho came, so did Onew, who was blank.

Then the DOKKO came in.

"Taemin-ah..are you ready??" DOKKO said. I quickly nodded.

"Okay, Minho ..come with me.." DOKKO said glancing towards Minho. I began getting curious. Why does the dokko wants Minho? Then Minho walked out.

"Onew-hyung..where is Minho going??" I whispered into his ear

Onew stared at me as if I were really stupid .

"Taemin-ah...Minhos the donor..He's willing to end his life for you to keep going with yours.." Onew said, tearing up.

Then suddenly, I was being pushed into the surgery room. I was begging to stop this surgery. But, they refused and still did it. They put the sleeping gas mask in me. I began slowly sleeping, still trying to beg them to stop. Then, I was into deep sleep.


Minho stared at the sleeping Taemin, and began slowly smiling. A couple of hours past..who knows how many. But, Taemin woke up. Finding only Onew, Jonghyun, Key, and his real parents.

"W-Where's Minho ?" Taemin said, slowly searching for him in the room.

"Tae, I think you know.." Key said as he looked down, Onew began having tears himself.

"We're all just glad he'd do something like this..not everyone would do something like that..especially if it's a friend.." his mommy said.

The rest, expect the dad began smiling sadly.


' this is just a dream..A VERY HORRIBLE DREAM !! ' I said into my mind . Then the same DOKKO came in.

" You guys can all leave now, visiting hours are over .." DOKKO said, ..idiot..

Everyone nodded and walked out . But, not DOKKO, who was standing there.

"Here, the young boy wanted you to read this.." DOKKO said & I was guessing, the young boy was Minho, because, I could see the env. with his name on it. He handed me the env. then he left. I stared at it for a bit. And opened it.


Hello, Taemin

You're probably reading this by now, And you'll know that I won't be by your side anymore ...But ..I'll be inside you, Because, forever . .you're my handyman This is how much I care for you, . .I gave you all my love [heart ^_^ ] And there is only one rule to it ..

  • Cherishing everyone you care about each day . .


And this was ment to be spoken in face-to-face, and I say . . it isn't never too late to say this to people you care fo . .I love you, Lee Taemin <3 ~~~  







































SCROLL ...!!


















Isn't this FUN?! .....











-----continued here(: Heheh. got bored !!



Taemin suddenly woke up, finding Minho sleeping next to him. He began poking his cheek. Hoping that who he sees is real . Minho began smiling.

"what is it, Taemin-ah?" Minho said and sat up. So did Taemin. Tae hugged Minho tightly .

"I'm just glad YOU'RE ALIVE!! ^-^ " again Taemin hugged him, tightly

"O---kay??" Minho said, not knowing what dream Taemin just had, but he hugged back.

2min happily with eachother !




heheh,, yes...I AM A FLAMER ..I can't let Minho die ..and even if it's in my story..^-^ . I want 2min happily with eachother, so does a friend of mine ! ^-^ ...heheheh...


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Chapter 1: The scroll thing was just evil! Good job though!
Chapter 1: ahh you scared me thinking minho died T.T i'm a flame as well i hate stories when 2min aren't together
keilovetaemin #3
Chapter 1: oh m gosh authornim..... i thought taem was really died....
but im so glad if that just a dream XP
naznew #4
haha..i almost cry...
CharismaticLove #5
Lol thanks
heme-sanloveminho #6
I HATE/LOVE you so much right now. How could you play with your readers in such a way (lol) First you make me cry the say it was all a dream. You really know how to mess with people. ^.^<br />
In other words I LOVED IT!!!!!!
I thought my baby was gonna have a heart attack when I read that O.O
asianunicornbaby #8
update soon !!!<br />
<br />
Update soon!
dyahnugraheny #10
can't wait to read it....