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"wah~ Kyu-oppa, carbs in the morning already? no wonder your  is getter fuller by the hour" 


"at least better than going up to my face...like..." 


Kyuhyun couldn't finish his teasing as he was busy dodging the hand coming for him.  Uee is the only person he decided to joke with in the office.  Well actually he joke with everyone, more like Uee's the only one dare enough to back at every given  chance. She somehow manage to knock down his don't-talk-to-me wall and come to a nice and friendly stage with Kyuhyun.  He even consider staying contact with her after he left the place.  Of course he didn't tell her anything about the deal between him and his mom.  But Uee could sense something after his first week already, every time she invites him to join her with the others for gathering or happy hours.  Kyuhyun always gives some lame excuse and skip out.   It isn't her place to pry hence she'll wait till this cheeky oppa  care enough to share.


"Uee... what do you think of that cold security dude?"  On their way back from the pantry Kyuhyun try to ask as casual as possible and judging from Uee shrug of her shoulder he might have fooled her. 


"meh... nothing much..."


"do you even know which one i'm talking about?"  Kyuhyun sneak a peck at her reaction, how could anyone just 'meh' at someone like Siwon, what is wrong with this girl?


"oh...why why... i'm sensing someone's a bit flirrrrtyyyyyy today"  The little finger poking at Kyuhyun's arm sure nudge something more than annoyance.  But as if he'll let that show, but who was he joking, gals have a special antenna when its comes to stuff like that. 


Kyuhyun speed up just so Uee might not spot his blush and end this conversation like it never started.  Without looking much where he was going, with his head lowered. Kyuhyun came head on rather roughly against someone that's equally not looking at where they were walking. 




"Omo... oppa you ok?"  Uee attentively ask while rubbing his arm and shoulder, mostly where it took on full impact with the other.


"I'm fine...i'm fine...ahjuusi, you ok?"  They both turn their attention to the mid-fifty security with a dark scowl on his face.  Thinking he must have hurt the older man,  Kyuhyun took a step closer as he apologies again.  "I'm terribly sorry, I wasn't watching where I was walking."


"oh...no...i'm ok, it's alright" The older man finally snapped out whatever daze he was in and smile weakly at them both.  While rubbing his own neck with a sharp sigh, which troubled Kyuhyun more than he liked.  Thinking he must be hiding some internal pain, Kyuhyun didn't want the man to be injured and refuse to tell him due to whatever reason.


"ahjuusi, you sure? you don't look ok though."


Even more sigh came out from the gentle older man.  "To tell you the truth, our whole security team is currently in a bit of a pickle."


"What do you mean?"  Uee, the forever gossip queen felt a bit lagging since this was her first time hearing such news. 


"well... i'm not suppose to..." The older man started, but the sudden air around him turned a little hostel and the way these two looking at him was sure tell him, he wont be leaving until they know what he's going on about.  Letting out another sigh, the older man gave in to their powerful stares.  "You see, couple days ago, we have news that there's a ert going around the building, installing hidden cameras and spiking people food and drinks in different departments." 


A simultaneously gasp escape the two.


"So we try to strengthen our visitor clearance and search bags before letting anyone in.  But we still getting reports of places been installed with pin-head cameras and unidentify and unclaim drinks and food in frigdes.  So the police have narrow down to...." The man motion the two to come closer(which they did) and look to his left and right to make sure no one was around them.  "... that... its an insider job..."


"omo~!"  Uee clasps her hand over while Kyuhyun frown deepen from this creepy news.  The good news Kyuhyun assure himself, offense consist of physical elements erted conducts are 10 to 1.  That 10 being, ten male to one female.  So unless Kyuhyun is that unlucky to have that 'one' in this big city of Seoul targeting a demographic of 70% male that somehow manage narrowing down to him.  He could only count his bad luck.  However that doesn't mean Kyuhyun wasn't worry for all the females in this building.  The guy isn't made out of stone, he still doesn't tolerate indecent behaviours to people he know or might know or will know. 


"Well what are you guys gonna do? or are the police gonna to anything about it." Kyuhyun place his arm around Uee to support her slightly shaking body.  It is an alarming issue and its not something they could just sit around and watch it unfold.


"Well... we're having a meeting with all the departments head later.  Meantime, you two better watch out and warn others as well.  But watch what you tell them.  I don't want every female in this building freaking out, yet.  We still want to catch that bastard."  The older and gentler man gritted through his teeth with disgust and force.  It is depressing to think there's a creep walking around spiking people's stuff and installing around the place. 


"Alright, we'll tell the others to be careful... thanx..." Kyuhyun gave the man an assuring look and motion Uee to head back to their desk.  Suddenly this morning felt abundantly  lengthy and information overload.  Luckily they later found out from their department head that no one has fallen victim to the spiked drinks and food. 


Having the mention of mystery food.  That totally got Kyuhyun freaking out.  He think back  to all the free stuff he was getting two months ago.  He didn't tell no one about his idea of a secret crush.  He simply ate all of them and think happy stuff about it.  But after hearing, there's a weirdo out there sent shivers down his spine.  Even though not once he felt weird after eating those lunches, but to clear the fog in his mind regarding free food, ert and Siwon.  He swear he'll work on that fool-proof plan soon enough. 




Before Kyuhyun realise he was the only one left on the level(again) as he tries to finish off his report.  He's franticly types on the keyboard and how he grimace at the clock on the wall as if laughing at him.  The fact that the pathetic face of the clock was actually a smiling pooh-bear didn't help.  Damn the kid of his manager for getting his dad a stupid clock and him being proud of his son.  Must hang it up out in the office to remind us of love and sharing.  jackass...!


The sudden ring on his phone pause his typing as he glace over to the screen. After a pitiful sigh he picked up the ringing device. 


"umma...where are you now?"


"Santorini...baby... I wish you are here with me... umma misses you."


A light smile twitches around his lips, he knew his mother loves him very much.  But the stubburness in him just couldn't let his mom win this round. 


"I miss you too.  When are you coming back anyway?"


"Why baby... you miss me that much?"


Kyuhyun could see the moon shape eye on his mom that beam hope and unconditional love.


"Of cos, missing you very much... come back soon"


"Ok, umma's catching the first flight home" 


That caused Kyuhyun to laugh out loud for the first time he could remember.  ChoMama heard her son laughter and follow suit, mom could truly turn her son frown upside down with just a simple call.  But a certain familiar keys jangling sound behind him broke his little time with his mom.  Quickly turning towards the sound, Kyuhyun half guessing it might be that ert.  But the face he came across soon turn his aghast expression into a blushing shy smile.


"...kyunni...baby....Kyu.. you ok there?"


"yea... i'm fine... I'll call you later..."


Kyuhyun didn't wait for his mom reply before hanging up on her.  He watches how the uniformed Siwon stood nervously with two desk between them.  Normally if the guy was to inform his times up and go home, he would have said it right at the entrance.  Seeing him this close got Kyuhyun thinking what could be in his mind.


"Sorry, I didn't know you were... busy..."


Kyuhyun look back at the files and report on his desk, and then back at the man.  He nodded slightly with a guilty chuckle to cover his embarrassment.  must be always be Siwon to know how slow i'm working here... arghhhh... He didn't want their little moment to end, yet he didn't know what to say to his new friend(?).  He continue to play with his fingers and stare this black leather shoe, while his supposedly smart brain think of trivial stuff to say but always chicken out.


"Sorry, I didn't know you ... i'm sorry..."


Those non-necessary apologies from that heartbreaking tone from the muscular man in front of him gave Kyuhyun a heavy frown.  As he snap his head back up to Siwon, noticing the dark aurora around him.  It took one second for Kyuhyun to dodge those passionate dark orbs of the man.  The whole tensed expression gave Kyuhyun such messed up feelings, it's ragingly alluring yet agonizing and tragic.  Kyuhyun could feel his own heart pulse quicken as his mind plays back the look over and over again. 


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Chapter 4: I love wonkyu.
I love You .
I love Choi Siwon.
I love Choi Kyuhyun .
I love Finc.
ohmysuperjunior #2
Chapter 3: omfg the whole scene was so friggin hot and y *-*
and lmao babybuggaboo?! xD
dianti232 #3
Chapter 3: Please you can't end this story, I need more chapter it's not finish yet. You drive me crazy here...I beg you to continue, I hope you can continue as soon as posible...
Chapter 3: So LoL FOR baby bugaboo :D
annurthegreat #5
Chapter 3: You leave me hanging here !! Btw, great story author -nim
Mydeluluworld #6
Chapter 3: Noooo, you can't end this story like this dear.
How about mamacho and their agreement. And what Kyuhyun answer, will he move in to Siwon place. Please others chapter..
Chapter 3: Eh??? Kyunnie didn't answer yet when siwonnie wanthis baby move in with him...and how mamacho reaction when she know that her baby hv a boyfie...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 3: please... don't end like this. i want more and more wonkyu moment.
and i really want to see umma cho reaction, and the final result.
so pleaseeeeee.... continue...
forogh #9
Chapter 3: oh noooooooooooooooooooo >.<
plz!!! i beg you !!! just continue on it !!!!
i love it!
and its the first time i put comment... sorry about that ~_~
thank you!
i loved it!