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"Oh, its you again"
"yes... it's me again"
"Just....just a minute..."
"You said that 10minutes ago."
"I have to switch off the floor power, Kyuhyun-sii please go home...  If you can't finish it now, you won't finish it tonight.  Its 9pm already"
The next moment Kyuhyun could work out he was already been tossed out his building and sitting on the pavement.  Along the way he vaguely heard the harsh security mumble something along the line of "i'm not gonna get scold again...not this time..."   Now when I said tossed, it wasn't Kyuhyun was dragged, pulled and roughly pushed.  More like lifted, carried and gently put down.  He's round bottom only hitting down on the pavement cos his brain finally realise his body are low on energy since he haven't had anything to eat from that morning.  Resulting in those mega strong thighs giving up on him.
"Yah!!! I've still got work to do" Kyuhyun manage to yell back at the rude security whom man-handle him a moment ago. 
"And it'll still be here tomorrow when you come back.  Good Night Kyuhyun-sii" The tanned, poker face security coldly voice while locking the glass revolving doors and disappearing into the darkness of the now dimed building, without even giving him a second look.
"IT'S MR CHO FOR YOU!!!"  Kyuhyun grumpily thrash while knowing very well no one would hear or see his tantrum.  He couldn't believe his luck, its the second time this week and its only Wednesday.  Yet he stop counting over the course of four months since he started this new job. 
Cho Kyuhyun, graduate from UCLA, computing major.  Currently residing in Seoul, due to his mother's illness(faked) forced to relocate back to his home land after graduation.  But life was easy enough or how it should be, he quickly found jobs with his qualification but that was back in LA.  Here in Seoul, things worked out a little differently.  Never have Kyuhyun expect such high quality of nerds.  Computing was basically everyone's major and electives.  A hand full of people simply off the street would have better experience than Kyuhyun in computing.  Hence his hardship in sustaining a long term employment.    Of cos he could always go back to LA, but every time he mention said idea, his mother will start coughing(although she started her pony disease with heart problems) and than headaches and follow up with spontaneous fainting spells.  So after much begging and pleading from both parties.  Kyuhyun and ChoMama have come up with a deal.  If he could stay in a company for more then 12months.  ChoMama will allow her one and only son to move back to LA, but if he fails.  He was to get marry and settle here, once and for all.  
So now you know why Kyuhyun still insist on busting his into the lone hours of the evening.  And consequently forgetting the one and only major lover of his life: Food!   It wasn't always this bad, at least for the past two months Kyuhyun was kinda giddily chubby. He thought someone was having a crush on him(cue grumbling tummy).  Because every now and then he'll find lunch boxes sitting on his desk when he got to work.  At first he thought it was a prank, but after inhaling the food before his sense caught a better hold of him to think about the safety first.  His tummy was agreeing with it texture. taste and aroma already, and Kyuhyun always side with his tummy before logic.    Just like the time he first sample of bubble tea, he didn't stop after gorging four full size with extra pearls for one consecutive week.  Which resulting in his constipation for nearly the next two weeks.  Or the time his addiction to jajangmyeon consequently in not a single shirt in his closet escaping the faith of being kissed by the dark sauce.  So when it comes to 'food' to Kyuhyun, they win over nearly everything.  Besides Starcaft, but that's another stories all together.    Thus when those boxes came back day after day, Kyuhyun would find himself talking rather loudly to random people around him about his favourites.  Weird enough though they seldom was the ones that show up, not that he dislike the food his secret angel packed up for him.  But the little curiosity in him was trying to be Sherlock and work out just who is crushing on him.  He came to conclusion it must be that Sungmin  dude from accounts after three weeks (yes, sadly it took kyuhyun that long, he is no Sherlock after all).  But he quickly rejected the idea, since the guy start showing people his petit size girlfriend.  It wasn't till another four to five weeks, Kyuhyun start narrowing his notion on ZhouMin, dude from his own department. Theory comes from the mystery boxes stopped a few days ago, after he brag about going out with the newer and younger colleague to Uee.  Which so happens to be the desk next to Kyuhyun's piked ears.    Kyuhyun snorted internally while telling himself its for the better, cos ZhouMi was too tall and he was getting bored with the man's use of western touch in Asian food anyway.  Well that's what he told himself.  Kyuhyun did planed on asking why the taller never just confess when he's  already been cooking for him in secret for the past months.  But Kyuhyun gave up the idea of confronting the guy once he saw the two walking hand in hand into the near by café after work all loved up.  Not once he felt anything like 'defeat' for the guy.  He could have be the one cuddling that lean arm as the taller orders hot chocolates.  But that didn't really appeal to him that much, its really just for those delicious food sake.  With that horrible thought and a faint sigh Kyuhyun said good bye to his days of free food.    *~*~*
"Aigooo... poor baby... look at those sad cheeks of yours..." ChoMama coo over the monitor.   Oooh have I forgot to mention how the Cho's parents are currently on their wedding anniversary trip around Europe for a month.  While ChoMama should be coughing up a storm in Europe and not sun baking in MontyCarlo with a perfect tan.  But since the deal is settled, ChoPapa persuade his wife no longer need to fake any illness and should just enjoy their time(in watching their son suffer?!)
Kyuhyun could only smirk bleakly as he see's his mom acting all frantic over the monitor while sipping her strawberry margarita.  "Umma... i'm hungry and there's nothing here to eat!"  Kyuhyun whine just a little too serious, hoping to kick mom where is hurts.
"Aigoo... baby... umma can see you are indeed starving.  Why don't you call sick and come join us here?" ChoMama said with such big glossy eyes with enthusiasm.  And Kyuhyun could already smell the trap of crap setting up with his name across it. 
"And what...get fired for faking sick bcos umma just so "accidentally" post holiday snaps on my~ facebook? I'm not falling for that again, no thanx"  Kyuhyun knew his mom will just about use any method to get him fired and make him lose that deal between them.  For crying out loud, ChoMama even got Kyuhyun's bestie, Ryewook, which happens to be an equally computer nerd to hack into her son's account to post pictures.    "well... who ask you to use the most obvious password ever?!"  ChoMama wasn't feeling a tiny bit of guilt for getting her son fired from his ious  eight months employment (which was the longest record btw).   "Ddeokbokki!!!! IT'S NOT AN OBVIOUS PASSWORD!!!" Kyuhyun scream at the screen with both fisted hands.  Luckily no one is there to witness a mad man screaming at an innocent screen, but not so lucky that his neighbour heard him loud and clear.  Which led to how Kyuhyun was being  tell off with their usual, thundering banging on the wall beside him.    Omo, have I also forgot to mention how ChoMama further kick her son out of their luxury triple level house to find a place for himself and actually prove he could survive without his parents help.  Well, hence the reason why Kyuhyun is currently staying at a close to twenty years old building with paper thin walls between apartments.  Paying something as little as half a million won per month for a studio, ant size apartment.  But the advantage being super close to the best late night snack stall Kyuhyun found in Seoul.  Plus the station exit being directly next to the building.  Although the ride was a little less then an hour train ride away. His tummy-esteem convinced him he's also getting extra snooze time from the ride, although reality is crude, he'll be lucky to get a seat two days out of the week.
"Well... baby, don't say mommy didn't help."
"I need food, not a holiday." Kyuhyun nearly explode seeing his mom just picked up some cocktail shrimps from her nearby pool table.
"Well...go to that noodle stall you like."  She suggest after hurling another shrimp down. 
"It got shut down, some big shot bought the entire block." Kyuhyun near tears by the mention of his favourite stall stand and  their hot and super cheap snacks choice. 
"Well...go...oops, baby... umma gotta go now.  My yacht is waiting, loves you...xx" Kyuhyun watches his mom in disgust, how she waved so happily at him, how she blew fake kisses and how she simply just turn the screen blank with nothing.  Kyuhyun dejectedly hit his head on the desk and think about all the wrong he could have done in his past life to have such faith this life. 
Without the ability to cook anything besides han-gang ramen. Kyuhyun could only rough swallow a pack of instant noodle.  And when you see a guy munching on a pack of raw noodle, that really screams 'HE CAN'T COOK FOR !!!'. With tears (angry tears, kyuhyun would never admit sadness, the guy still have some pride) b around his eyes, Kyuhyun swear he'll married someone whom not only can cook but always willing to cook anytime, anywhere, anything for him.  



His stomach was still playing up on him by the time he step out his place.  If you ask anyone they'll tell ya its the uncook noodle.  But for stubborn Kyuhyun he'll say its his body rejecting such cheap food.  The ride on the subway was never a pleasant journey, the unfriendly stares, the unavoidable smell, and the worst, the most unwelcome groping and touches.  It makes him shiver every single times accidently or purposed.  That led to kyuhyun once again swore he'll married someone that would drive him to and from work every day.  Or better yet they'll have two cars so he could drive himself to and from work.  With that happy though kyuhyun missed the station he was meant to get off. 


After half sprinting back to his building waiting for the elevator with no one around. Kyuhyun realise his watch has somehow stopped.  So even though he thought he was late, in

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Chapter 4: I love wonkyu.
I love You .
I love Choi Siwon.
I love Choi Kyuhyun .
I love Finc.
ohmysuperjunior #2
Chapter 3: omfg the whole scene was so friggin hot and y *-*
and lmao babybuggaboo?! xD
dianti232 #3
Chapter 3: Please you can't end this story, I need more chapter it's not finish yet. You drive me crazy here...I beg you to continue, I hope you can continue as soon as posible...
Chapter 3: So LoL FOR baby bugaboo :D
annurthegreat #5
Chapter 3: You leave me hanging here !! Btw, great story author -nim
Mydeluluworld #6
Chapter 3: Noooo, you can't end this story like this dear.
How about mamacho and their agreement. And what Kyuhyun answer, will he move in to Siwon place. Please others chapter..
Chapter 3: Eh??? Kyunnie didn't answer yet when siwonnie wanthis baby move in with him...and how mamacho reaction when she know that her baby hv a boyfie...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 3: please... don't end like this. i want more and more wonkyu moment.
and i really want to see umma cho reaction, and the final result.
so pleaseeeeee.... continue...
forogh #9
Chapter 3: oh noooooooooooooooooooo >.<
plz!!! i beg you !!! just continue on it !!!!
i love it!
and its the first time i put comment... sorry about that ~_~
thank you!
i loved it!