Henry's Tour

When Dreams Mix with Reality

Henry's POV

They were STILL laughing. I'll admit, I knew exactly why they were laughing, because I have to hear it everytime one of them attemtps to speak english. Scratch that, when any of them call my name. At last they got off the floor (yeah, they were ROFLing)  and wiped the tears from their eyes (yeap ROLFing that hard.) ^^

"Erm, you guys can speak Korean, right?" I asked.

"Ajujoguman (a bit)! " the one with round eyes answered excitingly. Man, I love the fans <3

"Oh, goody!" I said still in a mood to speak english. "Why don't you introduce yourselves in Korean to everyone else? As you heard, their english is not the best.." I winked at them.

"A-annyonghaseyo! Sunhae Woo imnida! I turned 17 last month!" the girl with round eyes said, bowing. I wonder if she could possibly beat Sungmin at aegyo..... nah, that's impossible!

"A-annyonghaseyo! L-Leowoon Jung i-imnida! I will be t-turning 17 next month!" the pretty tall girl said. Aww, she stuttered! Darn these girls are cute ^^


Heechul POV

"How come you guys introduce yourselves so formally and weird?" I asked them, cocking my head to one side. Sunhae and Leowoon hesitated, not knowing what to say. Henry laughed.

"In Canada, your last name is said after your first name," he explained. I just nodded and continued peppering them with questions.

"WHere are you guys from specifically? Is Canada really known for all that nature? Will a moose attack if it sees a human it dislikes? Do all Canadians say 'Eh'?" They were speechless, looking at Henry for help. Oh yeah, there korean isn't good....

Leowoon POV

Geez! Is this how you treat a guest the moment they come? I mean, I know I'm a fan and all, but really? Shoot them with a fajilion questions?? If I wasn't such a big fan of you guys, I would've slapped ductape on that pretty mouth of his!

Calm down, you even heard in the news that Heechul's like this.... chilll

But STILL!! You don't do that! If he wasn't like a decade older than me, I would've given a scolding!

Sunhae squeezed my hand, knowing how I felt. I calmed down a bit and tried to listen to what the others are saying.

"Erm, are you guys Korean? You guys don't really look korean..." Yesung asked. Leeteuk hit him in the head. Well, excuse me! Just because we aren't tan, doesn't mean we aren't Korean! GAH so what if I'm not pale??? Oh wait.... we AREN'T Korean.....

"Aniyo, we're Chinese Canadian," Sunhae replied, ignoring the fact that the question was rude. Oooh, if these guys weren't so hot and talented, there would be some medical issues....

Sunhae squeezed my hand urgently. I sighed. I have a feeling this is going to be a long dramatic stay.

Ryeowook's POV

They're not korean? How did they even enter the contest? Their Korean sounded perfect! O.O

"How do you guys know korean?" I asked, confused now.

"We taught ourselves in our free time" was Sunhae's short reply. These two fans are so strange!

"If you guys are not korean, how come your names are?" Shindong asked. Leowoon and Sunhae exchanged looks and laughed.

"Those aren't our REAL names! Our Korean friend helped us choose new names so you guys could say it easier!"

"Then what are--"

"Are you guys going to keep questioning them in the front door? Look at them! They are still holding their suitcases and all!" Leeteuk shouted.


"Erm... I need to start cooking," I said and excused myself from the hall.

"Wait!" Sunhae shouted. I stopped and turned around. "Leowoon can help cook!"

"You know how to cook?" Leowoon shrugged.

"I cook meals for my family when my mom goes on buisness trips," she said. I grinned and grabbed her hand. She yelped as I pulled her to the kitchen.

"We'd better get started then!"


Sunhae POV

Ryewook pulled Leowoon away to the kitchen. I wanted to go with her, but Henry stopped me.

"Hold it! I haven't even showed you around yet!" now he grabbed MY hand and tugged me the other way. I was mentally being torn apart between:


But he's pulling you away from Leowoon!


Leowoon's getting farther away though!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO

"This is where you're sleeping, and this is where Leowoon is sleeping!" he pointed to two rooms across from each other.

"Um.... aren't those rooms Donghae's and Ryeowook's?" I asked

"How do you know? Have to been to our apartment before? OHMYGOSH ARE YOU A STALKER???" Henry panicked.

"Erm... no..... I just read the name tags on the door..." I stammered, pointing to the doors.

"Oh," Henry said, blushing deeply. "You can read Korean too?" I nodded. It IS like an alphabet, after all!

"Where's Donghae and Ryeowook sleeping then?" I asked. I hope it wasn't the couch! Leowoon and I could take the couch! We don't mind! At least I don't!

"With you guys!" I was shocked. T-there's only one bed!!

"oh....." I trailed off, calculating the number of pillows needed to make a barrier. Oh a note to self: NEVER change in the room. 


Henry's POV

I noticed her strange expression, as if she was scheming a plan or something.

"Are you alright with the sleeping arrangements? We were planning to do a rotation every week or so in case," I told her. She snapped out of her thoughts and smiled at me.

"I-It's alright, I was just working out some things," she said, turning red. "But I guess rotations are fine."

Are these kids flexible with everything we give them? Wow, so polite ^.^

After the long tour, we plopped down onto the couch with everyone else and started chatting. Suddenly our noses were filled with the greatest smell ever...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

Sorry for the shortish update! Hoped you liked it!

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