Quickest Move-in in the World Part 1

We Will Melt Your Heart



As the end of the day bell rang, Younha stalked out of school. The wave of people parted in the middle like the Red Sea for her. As usual no one wanted to touch her. Everyone believe the one and only rumor ever spread about her. They believed she was mute due to and accident that made her develop a sickness and also they were afraid of her. Younha wasn't sick, and she wasn't mute. She just chose not to talk and when the kid's pranks and endless picking on her got to her nerves, she became violent. She never was fully concious of her violence either and never knew why people were scared of her. She just thought they thought she was weird. As she walked through the middle, a 1st year boy was pushed out in front of her. "Eh, ah,  erm erm.... sunbae-nim.... PLEASE DONT KILL ME!!" he cowered. Four boys in a corner laughed quietly, but Younha tuned into her hearing and found them. Rolling her eyes to the boy she walked past them and zeroed in on the four boys. The freshman fainted and the four boys froze as she closed in on them. Giving them a deadly poison look that made them huddle together cowering she gave each a good kick and stalked out of the front doors. The kids stared at her. "She's never going to get a boyfriend. Not with thet emotionless attitude." "You're right. There's a reason why she's the emotionless fairy." The 1st year woke up to that. Scrambling up he asked,

"Sunbae-nim what do you mean by emotonless fairy?"

"People say that she's beautiful underneath her that horrid mask. And it's true she is beautiful, you can tell by her eyes and cheekbones."

"Erm not really"

"Well that's cuz you're a boy. Anyway. She's that part fairy like, but she is entirly emotionless. The most emotion anyone has seen is her in an angry state which you don't want. What we saw was just her being annoyed. You don't want anything after that."

"So this is nothing?"

"Compared to what she's done in the past. Or rumored to have done, yeah this is nothing."

"So what's her deal?"

"That's the issue going on for 2 years now! No one knows."

The girl couldn't finish her comment because the gym teacher came yelling to either get back to class/afterschool activities or go home


Younha was really tired of hearing how everyone in her school had a story for her. It pissed her off. No one could even imagine her story, and no one ever will. She was forever alone in her mind. Everyone criticized her for her mask. Those idol wannabe's wore them to cover their ugly faces when dancing so makeup won't fall off. Or when it did no one saw their bare faces. Or their panting from lack of athletic ability. Younha wore this one mask everyday to school as a symbol of her past. Younha's mask was the one thing aside from a picture she had left that was a reminder of her brother. Her oppa had given her that very dance mask as a present for her 10th birthday.  As she walked towards the front gate, Hyeseong's car pulled up and Younha was pushed into the front seat. Alarmed she tried to run away but whomever was pushing her had a strong grip. She managed only a punch to the gut before she was thrown in. "Younha, you could just have gotten in without a struggle." Younha glared at her aunt. "And you could have just told me to get in through the window" Youhna signed angrily. " But where's the fun in that?" Younha mentally threw her hands up in frustration. To her, Hyeseong was more like a friend or sibling rather that her guardian. The trip home was silent and Hyeseong was rather determined to get Younha to say at least one word. "Younha, you know you have to talk at one point. This will be over and done with as soon as you start to open up. Its been 4 years now and you never said a word to me entirely." Younha looked away and Hyeseong sighed in defeat. "Younha please will you do you therapy homework already!" Younha quickly glanced at her aunt. Although her yes didnt show it, she was surprised at the suden outburst. Her aunt never talked about her therapy homework with her and just had her do it on her own. Younha had a special way of doing her homework but it seemed like Hyeseong wanted to become even closer than before and she didnt know why. This perplexed her and she didnt know the reason for it. "Younha, you're going to be living with other people now. Sweetie, you have to talk." Younha turned away while signing clearly pissed "No I don't have to do anything"


"Emo, I don't know why you are doing this. Shouldn't this be up to me? Shouldn't I be making my own choices?"  Younha signed angrily as Hyeseong drove closer and closer to home

"No because 1. I am your legal guardian.," To which she recieved a snort in defiance "And 2. you won't open up after 4 years. It's time I step in.

"You don't understand anything! How can you understand what I am going through? Huh? Is is possible for someone so bright and happy like you to understand what I am going through? Huh? How would you know, you never lost anyone!! You're just in your own happy little world where everything is just cheeky for you and you-"

Younha flinched at the sudden outburst from Hyseong. She has never heard this voice from her and was thouroughly surprised.

"Younha, I'm doing this because I care okay? Please just do this for me and be happy for once. Please!"

Younha turned away biting her lip. She secrerlty wished that Hyeseong wouldnt use that tone with her. She coulldnt help herself but feel sympathy to the lady that was only trying to help her.
"Fine, I'll do it. I'll do the damn program. Just dont expect anything from me alright?"

"OMO!! REALLY???!!?!? Younha you don't understand how happy you made emo! I haven't been this happy since you said your first words to me

"Emo.. My first words to you was 'leave me alone', why would you be happy?"

"Because I thought you went mute due to the accident. I was so happy that you were okay"

Younha felt guilty about not speaking to her aunt for almost 2 years. She was scared everyday that one day she might leave unexpectedly, so Younha had waited for the right time to acknowledge Hyeseong, just to have that reassurance that she would not leave suddenly. As they pulled into the driveway. Younha nearly opened her eyes in surprise at the site infront of her. 6 medium sized black boxs, 3 medium sized black duffel bags and her beloved travel backpack were being carried into a 6 seater van. "Younha, you're moving in today! ^_^ Come on. Let's go!" Hyesong said excitedly. *Dear Lord help me* Younha thought.

~Somewhere on the other side of Seoul (but still relativly close by) ~

B.A.P Dorm

"HYUNG, HYUNG HYUNG HYUUNNGGG!! Is it true that we're going to get a little sister??!?!?!?!?" Zelo shrieked. "Yeah why?" Youngjae asked. "ASSA!!! I'M NOT THE MAKNAE THEN! VICTORY!!!" he screamed "YAH!! YOU DON'T NEED TO SCREAM!!" Himchan complained. "Can both of you just shut up?" Youngjae complained. Everyone wsa bickering expect Yongguk, Daehyun and Jongup. Jongup being the peacemaker he is, was trying to solve things diplomatically by finding interesting things and doing aegyo. Daehyun was quiet because Yongguk was holding a picture of his sister when she was 6, smiling at him taking her picture. He almost shed a tear thinking if she was smiling or not. Daehyun sat on the couch playing with the corner of his mask watching Yongguk and trying to figure out how to get him to become attatched to their new 'little sister'. He hoped that Yongguk would accept her rght away, but knowing his past Daehyun knew it would take awhile to get him to accept the newcomer. Yongguk easily gets attatched to boys. Zelo and Jongup had no problem getting along with the elder. It was always the girls. *This is going to be hard* Daehyun thought *This is going to be long and hard*




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please excuse the inconsisant updates. im trying to juggle the story, work, and physical therapy.


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kgrl123 #1
Author-nim here.. i fixed the pictures so you can see the beloved characters. lol im going to post the new chappie soon.
kgrl123 #2
hai hai! author-nim here! i you can't see the pictures of everyone please tell me so i can try to redo it!. thank you!
Bananamilk25 #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^