Chapter 002

Men In Love (HIATUS)


On the next day the girls woke late again. They did the same thing as yesterday, but this time they remembered of Bochan. Hwayoung accompanied Bochan to her classrom and followed to hers. She sat and waited for the teacher.

"Hey Hwayoung!" A girl whispered to her. She turned around and leaned closer to listen. "We have a new student."

"It's he or she?"

"I don't know yet-" She was cutted off by the teacher who came in.


"GOOD MORNING MR. KIM." They greeted back.

"Like the big part of you already know, we have a new student. He's a little late but-"

"Mianhae sunseng-nim, I'm late." A boy came running through the door. Hwayoung was startled by him and took out her cellphone to tell the news to Bochan.

'We have a new student, and he's a totally diva!' - HY

'Cool! And how do you know he's a diva? You don't even know him.' - BC

'Guuuuurrl I can smell it. He's using eyeliners and his hair is to stylish for him.' - HY

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Lee Sungjong. Please take good care of me." He bowed and smiled. Hwayoung took her cellphone again and, being the ninja she is, she took a pic of him an then texted Bochan.

'I knew it! Just look at this.

I bet glitter comes out when he sneezes.' - HY

'So better the school be prepared for both of you.' - BC

When Sungjong finished the teacher told him to sit in the chair in front of her. Everybody started to whisper about his handsomeness and because he's going to sit closer to Hwayoung. This wasn't good. While he was sitting he sent a small smile to her and she did the same. Little did he knew that she's cute and calm just in the outside.



The girls were late again. Chohee ran so fast that she bumped at some peoples.

"Yah watch out!" A guy warned her when she bumped on him.

"Mianhae." She bowed a few times.

"Don't you have a good vision?" She looked up and changed her face to a cold one.

"Aniyo. Now excuse me because I have a class to attend."

The guy, who's Sunggyu, blinked a few times and gave space for her. She walked away and left Sunggyu and his group dumbfounded.

"Whoa~ such a cold girl." Sungyeol complemented.

"Unnie!" Four girls came screaming and running at her.

"What's wrong girls?" She turned to her kind self again making the boys stare at her with big eyes.

'I know them... I saw them before! But where?" Woohyun thought.

"You forgot your english book." Haewoo showed a book to her.

"Oh thank you~" She smiled and looked the book with a frown. "Wait, that's not my english book."

"Oops, wrong book." Haewoo gave the right book.

"Girls you should go to your classes now."

"Yes ma'am" Hoseok pretended to be a marine and the girls did the same.

"Dispensed." The girls giggled and turned to their classes.

"We should do the same." Hoya broke the silence.

"What? Pretend to be marines and then giggle to each other?" He spoke innocently and the guys turned at him.

"Yeah, lets do it now. Of course not!" Hoya slapped his head.

"Then what?"

"Go to class!"

"You know what, people say you're like 'L'. Well, just on the outside because you're so dumb." Sungyeol said.

"Lets go to class." Dongwoo started to walk but stopped because of a scream.

"THE KIDNAPPER GIRLS!" Woohyun screamed.

"Yah you little... You scared me!" Sunggyu started to breath heavily. "What was that for?"

"I saw those girls kidnapping a girl yesterday."

"Are you in drugs, hyung?" Myungsoo asked.

"No! I really saw them-"

"Dude, lets just forget them and go."

"Sungyeol is right. We're already late."


Dongwoo, Woohyun and Hoya had their classes together with Eunkyung. The teacher told them to introduce themselves first and go sit. Woohyun didn't noticed but he sat next to her.

"Annyeong I'm Han Eunkyung." She extended her hand to him.

"Annyeong." His smile faded when he saw her. He cleared his throat and looked away. Eunkyung thought that weird but turned her attention back to the teacher.


Sunggyu was siting behind Chohee, he couldn't stop looking at her and she knew it. She tried her best to ignore his presence but he started to poke her and it drived her crazy.

"What do you want?"

"You're always this mad?"

"And why you wanna know?"

"I just wanna know how a girl can change from a kind girl to a cold one and then be kind again. It's weird. You're on your period, aren't you?"

'He just freaking asked if I'm on my period!' "Excuse me but who are you?"

"Kim Sunggyu. I introduced myself in the begining but I think you didn't noticed because I'm too pretty for you to handle."

"Argh just shut up and leave me alone."

"Yeah you're clearly on your period. Okay I'll leave you alone now 'two faces'.

Chohee turned her head like in the exorcism and then said what she hated the most.

"My plesure 'small eyes'."


Hoseok stood there looking blankly at the new guys. The teacher told the students to take partners at the physics work. She lowered her head  on the desk and waited, she knew no one would pick her. After few seconds she sat her head up again and looked around, the new guys were alone and seemed uncomfortable so she made the first move.

"Annyeong." She moved her desk next to them. They looked up and smiled at her. "I'm Hoseok."


"And I'm Sungyeol."

They started to chat. People started to stare at them. It's because Hoseok don't like to socialize with others and like to stay at her own little world. They were laughing to each other and that seemed odd.

"I'm really bad at physics. I'm good at the other subjects but physic is like... Constipation." They laughed.

"Myungsoo can help you. He's good at this, right?" Myungsoo nodded.

"Jinjja? Gomaweyo!" She hugged them.

This was awkward for everyone, especially Myungsoo, who blushed. They exchanged number and turned back to work.

"Wanna have lunch with us today? I have more friends and they will like to meet you."

"Yes! We have friends here too then we can talk with them to come along."

"Good idea!"

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Haha this story is really funny! I hope you update soon! ^^
lastdivinesong #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
milesjai9 #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^