When he cheats on you (Nu'est) 3/5


Baekho Version

"Just come to my apartment first, and after work i'll be there, okay?" You told your boyfriend, Baekho 

"Totally! I'll see you later Jagi!" He smiled with that adorable eye smile he was known for and leaned down to kiss your forehead.

You jumped up giving him a hug and left the cafe for work

(3 Hours Later)

You were busy typing files on your computer and not paying any attention to your surroundings. You finally pried your sight from the computer and looked up in the clock. You sighed. "Seriously? It's been only 3 hours?" You groaned at the fact there is 4 more hours of work

Just then your cell had received a text message 

'Hey Jagi! I'm out with some friends tonight, don't worry! I'll be at your house at 10! Love you! :)'

'What? Really Baekho-ya? I can't wait to get off work to see you and now i have to wait even longer? T_T you're so mean!'

'Don't worry ____-ah, I'll be home before you know it!'

'Where are you going?'>_<'

'I'm just going out to the bar for a bit with the guys'

'Fine! Don't drink too much!'  You texted back, being worried that he'll over-drink, knowing baekho, how he gets out of control and does stupid things when he's drunk. But still mad for not hanging out with you

"I should give him some space... I wouldn't be a good girlfriend" You decided to let it go and let Baekho have some fun

(6 Hours later)

"Ahhhhh" You sighed as you stepped out of your office with a sore and shaky fingers

"Stupid Manager. Like I don't have enough work!" you angrily mumbled as your manager had told you to work overtime 

you took out your phone, "11 already? Omo! Baekho-Oppa must be home by now then!" You happily chimed, forgetting about your overtime work

You drove home to see your apartment lights all turned off. "That Pabo Baekho, must have fallen asleep, I don't blame, it is pretty late" You smiled to yourself as you made your way up the stairs to your door

You poked the key into the keyhole-- only to realize it is already opened. "What the-?" You asked as you turned the lights on "

Your eyes widened to the size of soccer balls as you saw a trail of both Baekho's and a woman's clothes and underwear scattered on the ground, leading up to your room "THE ?" you screamed out

You stormed into your room and flicked on the lights maybe a little too hard cause the thing cracked. The roomed reeked the smell of strong alcohol "WHAT THE ACTUAL BAEKHO??" You literally shrieked and pulled the blanket of of them, as you saw Baekho and another woman cuddling, both shirtless, and sleeping. Baekho's eyes shot open

"Oh hey Jagi!" Baekho answered, obviously still being drunk. until he jumped to the conclusion that there was a half woman lying beside him

Baekho fell off the bed when he saw the woman next to him"What the ? Who the are you? WHY ARE YOU HERE? AND WHY ARE YOU ?" Baekho asked the woman next to him, totally dumbfounded with the most lost puppy eyes ever

You scoffed at him with red eyes from the tears streaming down your face, "Really Baekho? Really?" you stood at the door frame, leaning against it with your arms crossed

"Jagiya! I have no Idea how she got here" he pointed at the woman who was checking out her nails like none of this is happening and shrugged

"Baekho. HOW MUCH DID YOU DRINK??" You asked curiously

"2 glasses" he replied nervously

"You narrowed you eyes right at him and he began to turn a shade of crimson

"Fine, 3"

"Baekho" you said sternly, knowing he wouldn't be this lost with only 3 glasses 


"7???" You yelled, not expecting that many glasses for Baekho

"Yeah" he replied smiling like a doofus

"UGHHH. THIS IS WHY THE IS IN MY BED. MY BED" the woman gave you a dirty look, but you ignored it

"I'm really sorry ____-ah we didn't do things! I swear!-- or maybe i forgot" Baekho's voice trailed off and he bit his lip

You scoffed once more and looked at the girl on your bed who is now applying another coat of her red lipstick. "YAH!" you pointed at her

"Me?" she pointed at herself

You shook your head with sarcasm "What the hell are you still doing here? OFF" you replied bluntly but strongly as the girl scurried off and took hold of her clothes then left the front door

You turned to Baekho who was staring blankly out into space. He could be such a lost puppy sometimes. That's why you believed it was the alcohol which did this to him, Baekho would never do anything like that to you, he was much too innocent, he can't even hold your hand without blushing and smiling like an idiot.  And you have been dating for almost 3 years. But that's why you love him. Goofy, shy, innocent, and adorable. Just the way you liked your Baekho done.So you forgave him, but not with a bit of girly violence, of course.



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