Snow and Suffering

Snow and Suffering


It was the dead of winter and as the snow gently began to fall coating the already white covered ground, a man gazed out his window and out into the glorious day that was made just for him. After a few minutes more of letting his mind soak up the beauty of the snow covered ground he grabbed his boots and plopped down on the bed beside him. 
"Hae..." the lump of a person groaned from the bed opposite of his as he heard the creaking of the bed springs. "Go back to bed it is too early for this kind of crap." 
"But it is beautiful out Hyukjae!" Donghae whined. "It is so beautiful and most of all quiet." He laced up his final shoe as and got up before making his way over to his coat that hung above his suitcase. He put on his coat and zipped it up before running over and hopping on top of Hyukjae. "Come on get out of bed you lazy bum!" He shouted while hopping up and down. 
"Alright! Alright!" Hyukjae shouted while crawling out of bed, "I'm up!" The tired man slowly crawled out of bed and fell into the floor with a thud. "You are overzealous this morning, you know that?" He kept whining to his best friend as he made his way to the bathroom and slammed the door.
Donghae got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom door. "We did not come to a ski resort to lounge around in our rooms all day long!" He shouted. "Get dressed and be quick because I will wait for you down in the lobby and so help me god if you are not down there in ten minutes I will-" 
Hyukjae cut him off, "What! What will you do you irksome little brat?" 
Donghae huffed, "Watch your attitude and remember that I am older than you." A tad bit annoyed he headed for the lobby of the resort and slammed his room door shut with a bang. Donghae made his way down the long narrow hallways and down the stairs to the spacious room that was filled with comfy couches and a cozy fire. Lost in his inner thoughts of his skis and the snow, Donghae sunk into a chair by the fire and waited for his friend. Since the sun was just starting to rise most of the resorts guest had yet to get out of bed leaving the usually lively lobby a deserted ghost town. Donghae didn't mind much; in fact he loved the silence. That was the main reason he wanted to go skiing so early in the morning was so he could enjoy the tranquil serenity of the snow covered mountains. His thoughts were disturbed as Hyukjae came stomping into the lobby, his skis dragging behind him on the floor.
"Come on I'm up!" He said. "Now get your up, grab you skis, and lets get going before to many people show up." 
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Hyukjae histrionically complained as they made their final steps up the mountain. "Why the hell did you have to pick the highest mountain to climb? My claves are killing me and my feet feel like they are about to fall off! Did I mention that I cannot feel my damned face?" 
"Will you shut up!" Donghae shouted. "Your adamant attitude is not needed! Shut up and enjoy the quiet joyful sounds that nature has to offer!" The man bent over and started lacing his skis to his feet before Hyukjae stopped whining and did the same. Both men quietly hummed to themselves and enjoyed the soft sounds of wind blowing against the trees. The angle of the sun luminously shining, causing the snow to reflect a glimmering light. "Lets get going," Donghae said as he took off down the mountain with his friend cursing behind him. 
With his feet gliding effortlessly across the soft snow Donghae felt completely at ease. Hyukjae soon caught up with him and together they started to race down the snow covered mountain. Swerving in and out of trees and rocks for Donghae was second nature while Hyukjae, who was more accustomed to a snowboard, was finding it hard to keep up. "To old to keep up?" Donghae shouted.
"No one needs to hear your jocular comments!" Hyukjae shouted back. Donghe turned around and stuck his tongue out in a childish teasing fashion. "Hae!" The man screamed, "Look out!" Hyukjae watched as his friend successfully dodged a tree at last minute and he mentally cheered out of happiness. Suddenly out of nowhere Donghe fell through a patch of snow and sank into the ground. He quickly brought himself to a stop, unhooked his skis, and ran down to where Donghae fell through being careful not to do the same. "Hae! Oh ." He screamed as he dropped to his knees beside the ice covered hole. Underneath was Donghae pounding on the surface that separated him from a calamitous icy demise, and world with hope for life. "Donghae hit harder!" Hyukjae shouted as he pounded on the ice from the other side. "I'm calling for help!" He panicked as he pulled out his phone and dialed 911.
"Hello this is 911 what is your emergency?" The operator on the other line said.
"My friend is trapped under ice in freezing cold water! You need to help him!" Hyukjae histrionically exclaimed. "Please, he could die!"
The operator calmly replied, "We will track your phone and send help right away. Stay positive until help arrives." 
"How the hell am I supposed to stay positive!" Hyukjae shouted as he shut his phone and shoved it back in his pocket. He crawled back over to Dnghae who was desperately trying to stay afloat in the cerulean blue water below. These were the scenes on tv and movies that most people would find risible and laugh out for hours while they are thankful it didn't happen to them, but this type of situation is anything but laughable. Donghae attempted to breath what warm air he had left onto the glassy ice above him; he brought up his one hand and traced out the word 'cold' in the warm mist before slowly closing his eyes. 
Hyukjae quickly scrambled to his feet and ran back up the mountain to a pile of rocks. Being more voracious than picky, he grabbed a small but heavy rock and ran back down to the ice than had been keeping Donghae prisoner. "Donghae if you can here me watch out!" Hyukjae said before slamming down onto the ice with the rock. After a few hits it started to crack in a tiny spot, and Hyukjae smashed down one last time breaking a hole in the now weak point of the ice. Donghae quickly brought his face to the hole in a desperate need for air. 
"Hyukjae," Donghae breathed out, "It's so cold... I'm so cold." 
Tears started to fall from Hyukjae's face as he watched his friend suffer from the noxious water below. "You'll be okay Hae." He managed to choke out. "I can try to break more of the ice." 
"D-don't bother H-hyu-ukjae." Donghae managed to stutter, "th-thank you for wh-hat you've do-one." A small smile appeared across Donghae's face before he slipped into complete unconsciousness. 
Hyukjae let his tears freely flow down his frostbitten cheeks as he watched Donghae. "You and your damned benevolence." He muttered to himself, "You're the only one I know who can be thankful while your dying you... You idiot." He brought his arm up and wiped the tears from his face. 'If it wasn't for that insidious weak spot and your stupid over confidence you wouldn't be in this mess Hae." Hethought to himself. 
Suddenly the silence was broken with the mechanical sound of propellers flying through the sky. "Hae!" Hyukjae shouted even though he was sure he wouldn't be heard. "Help is here! You're going to be safe... I hope." 
~                                                                            ~                                                                           ~            
Hyukjae was kicking a rock down the quiet arcadian street of the resort town he came to years ago with his best friend, Donghae. The man who had everything going for him until the thing he loved most decided to try and take it away. He swore he would never come back to the place that held so many memories, but here he was anyway. "Damn," he sighed as he leaned against a light pole, "Why did I even come back here in the first place?" 
"To meet me." A quiet voice said. "Hi Hyukjae." 
A tiny smile appeared a crossed his face, "Hello, Hae." 
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Chapter 1: Ohh!!! I like this ending. So mysterious!
Chapter 1: Unexpected ending... What happen? Did this mean hae survived?
Chapter 1: "try".... so that means, Hae survived, right ?
gayforhyuk #4
Chapter 1: Omg...this is so make me cry with snots and everything but I dont care T.T I thought hae would be safe..but is he safe? Isnt hyuk talking to hae at the last part? Or its just hyuk's imagination? o.o
Chapter 1: Ohh is beautiful! U make me cry..should win first place is have all..humor, friendship,love,suffering and tention. Is a very good one shot ^^
Chapter 1: is hae can be saved???
But what is hyuk lost???

Thanks for sharing this...^^
Chapter 1: What happened to Hae btw? OuO;; huehue. This is kinda cute tbvh but I was kinda confused at the last part XD
Chapter 1: What happened to Hae btw? OuO;; huehue. This is kinda cute tbvh but I was kinda confused at the last part XD
AngieAngel #9
Chapter 1: I HAVE SEEN THIS BEFORE!!! OH WAIT! HAHA!!!!! <3!!!
EunHae_KyuMin #10
Chapter 1: What happened? Did Hae died? Or is he survived? I'm confuse....