White Feathers

To Infinity (Your heart will always belong to me)
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Sehun is walking along the corridor when someone bumps on his back.

“Ouch! ‘’ he groans and he heard the guy who bump on him laugh.

He narrowed his eyes to the guy but it doesn’t stop the other from laughing.

‘’Next time you watch where you’re going Nerd’’ The guy spat and Sehun feels his blood boil and when he’s about to slap the guy on the face, the guy grabs his wrist tightly.

‘’Oh look~ the Girly nerd is trying to slap me’’ the guy said with a sing-song voice.

‘’Please, stop making scene here!’’ Sehun mutters but the guy seems unaffected as he laughs and laughs.

Sehun just covers his eyes when suddenly the laughter gone.

He opens his eyes slowly and he sees Kai holding the guy in the neck.

Kai’s grip on the guy’s neck is so strong causing the guy to choke and even tears are slowly forming on the corner of the guy’s eyes.

Sehun gasp and run towards Kai. ‘’Please Kai! Stop! You’ll hurt him!’’

Kai turns to Sehun. ‘’But look what he did to you earlier! He deserves it!’’ Kai angrily shouts but Sehun shakes his head. ‘’You will be punish if you do that! ‘’ Kai sees tears falling from Sehun’s eyes and he let the guy go.

The guy immediately run away and Kai grab Sehun’s wrist.

Watching from a far, Kris frowns.





When they reach the rooftop, Kai immediately pull Sehun into the nearest bench and sits Sehun on his lap.

For other people they’ll say that the position Sehun where sitting is awkward but for them it’s just the way they’ll comfort each other.

‘’Did he hurt you?’’ Kai said while wrapping his hands on Sehun’s lithe waist.

Sehun who’s nuzzling Kai’s neck shakes his head while his arms are wrapped on Kai’s neck.

‘’Really? ‘’ Sehun nods. Kai smile

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Bigbang06 #1
Chapter 4: i read this again.. Hehe.. Now i just find something confusing.. Who is kyungsoo actually ?? In third chapter, D.O is sehun's friends, in chap 10 kyungsoo is sehun's father and in chap 12, he is sehun's new friend.. Hahaa.. I am just confused about this.. Btw nice story.. I hope you don't forget about this story.. Hehee
ayanesakura #2
Chapter 13: ahhhh this one is long... i'am sorry to your parents sehunnie. but don't worry you still have kris and jongin by your side... *nodnod
ayanesakura #3
Chapter 12: nooo they can't die???!!! oh poor sehunnie...
ayanesakura #4
Chapter 11: aaaaah actually this is soooo good. but why is it sooooo short??? make it longer pweeeeaseeee with cherry on top!
Chapter 9: Omg yongguk! Kris you evil man xD
Chapter 8: Wow Is that luhan?!
carrot_19 #7
Chapter 8: Omo omo omo!!please update soon!!
jacqueline_mikyou #8
Chapter 7: That was sweet krishun moment, i love it! >////<
Chapter 7: im loving krishun :D