He's back

Falling Back In Love


(day later, in morning)
{Aris' POV}
I woke up in Shinwoo's arms.
As much as I didn't want to leave them, I really had to pee.
I was almost free when his arms pulled me right back into his chest, this time I was facing him, our lips barely an inch away from each other.
Cnu: where are you going?
Ari: I have to p-
Cnu: *kissing you* okay, now you can go.
{Aris POV}
I got up from the bed.
It feels so weird to be dating him..but in a good way.
Its how I've always wanted it to be.
{Cnus POV}
I got up and started to walk to the kitchen to make breakfast for Ari and I.
Ask walked last the bathroom door, it opened and Ari came out.
I smiled and grabbed her hand, lacing my fingers with hers.
We continued walking to the kitchen.
She sat on the counter, as I prepared breakfast.
Ari: how long do plan on staying here?
Cnu: umm..I was planing on leaving tomorrow, my schedule starts back up the day after..
Ari: oh ok.
Cnu: *walking over to her* but I'll still be able to come see you, that's something I HAVE to do. *kissing her*
(couple of hours earlier at the dorm)
Gongchan: she won't answer her phone!
Jinyoung: well try calling her again, this is serious Gongchan!
Baro: have you tried calling Cnu hyung?
Gongchan: yes...but he won't answer either. I'm just going to go and tell them. 
Sandeul: do you know where they are? 
Gongchan: yes hyung told me..I'll be back later! *grabbing car keys*
(Present time)
{Aris POV}
I sat there on the counter as Shinwoo, ran around the kitchen trying to make breakfast.
I heard a loud knock on the door, so I got up to go answer the door, Shinwoo following me.
I opened the door, to a very tired looking Gongchan.
Ari: Gongchan..come in..what's wrong?
Gongchan: I've been trying to call you all night Ari.. Why weren't you answering me?
Ari: I get no service out here, but why were you calling?
Gongchan: its your sister..they had to take her to the hospital, but..
Ari: "but" what, Gongchan? *tears forming in her eyes*
Gongchan: they say she doesn't have much time left.
{Aris POV}
I didn't reply to him, I just walked back to the room, gathered my things in my bag, then walked back out to the front door.
Ari: Take me too her
Gongchan: ok here *handing her keys* go wait in the car, I need to talk to Cnu.
Cnu: I just finish up cleaning here, I'll get my stuff together and I'll meet you guys there.
Gongchan: you sure?
Cnu: yea just give her some space.
(Hours later)
{Aris POV}
I walked into the hospital, Gongchan by my side.
I didn't say a word the whole drive back..I can't say I didn't see this coming, I knew it was going to happen, I was just hopping it wouldn't be this soon.
The lady at the front desk  gave me directions to her room, I made my way to her room, only to find her lying there, all the life out of her.
I pulled a chair closer to the bed, and sat down taking her hand in mine.
After about two hours of sitting there her eyes opened, a few words left .
"Ari, Don't forget me."
And just like that she was gone, doctors and nurses rushing into the room, the machines no longer beeping, everything becoming chaotic.
Along with the doctors and nurses, Shinwoo came rushing in.
Silent tears ran down my face as he came pulled me into his arms.
Ari: ..she's gone, Shinwoo. 
Cnu: Ari..
Ari: I've got no one now.
Cnu: no you've got me, and you've always got me.
Ari: but Shinwoo- *becoming tense*
Cnu: Ari.. What's wrong?
Ari: *pulling Cnu away from the door*
Cnu: Ari..*turning around* 
{Aris POV}
I thought we were done.
He broke up with me, I thought that meant I could be with Shinwoo and be happy, with out ever seeing him again.
But he...he's here in the same room.
Looking right at me, with that same cold look in his eyes.
Shinwoo tried to step in front of me, but I stopped, he's my problem, so I'll take care of it.
Ari: Sehun.. Wh-what are you doing here 
Sehun: well I heard about your sister, so I wanted to come see how you were doing, someone told me I'd find you here. Obviously not alone..man Ari you just hop from one kpop idol to another don't you? 
Cnu: look-
Ari: Shinwoo let me handle this.
Sehun: yea Shinwoo let the girl talk. *cold smile*
{Aris POV}
I felt Shinwoo become tense, as if he was ready to start a fight, but I put my hand his arm, motioning for him to relax.
I told him to go, and that I would handle this on my own.
Sehun just stared at me, as if he was amused at how scared I was right now.
Sehun: look Ari, I miss you.. I want you back. *smirk*
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