Lets go somewhere

Falling Back In Love


(couple of months later)
{Aris POV}
It's been two months since I've told Cnu the "truth", and he acts different around me..he's comes over more often and we just sit and talk about the times we weren't together.. Just trying to forget the past and start fresh.
But I know he's still hurt..
I came home one night and saw Victoria sitting on the couch, she looked as if all the color was drained from her face..
I went and sat next to her.
Ari: Victoria..what's wrong?
Victoria: I've been thinking of ways to tell you this..
Ari: tell me what?
Victoria: Ari..I've only got one more month...
Ari: one more months of what?
Victoria: of life..
Ari: what are you talking about?
Victoria: I've...I've got cancer.
Ari: what..no you don't..you've always been very healthy and in shape, and you've always took care of your self..you can't have cancer! *starting to cry*
Victoria: it can happen to anyone Ari.
Ari: b-but can't we take you to the doctor? Can't they help you?
Victoria: its too late. *staring blankly*
Ari: but you're the only family I have left..you can't leave me! *crying harder*
Victoria: *pulling Ari into a hug* everything will be ok..I'll always be with you. Just like mom and dad..in your heart. 
Ari: I'll be alone now..no one to talk to on my worst nights or-
Victoria: you won't be alone, I'm sure there's one person who will always be here for you..and you know that.
Ari: ..what are you going to do now? If you only have one..month?
Victoria: to be honest..I don't know..
{Cnus POV}
I decided to go see Ari, so I drove over to her apartment.
I got out of my car and walked up to her door, I knocked.
It took awhile for someone to answer the door.
*door opening*
Ari: oh Shinwoo..hi
Cnu: Ari..are you okay? You-
Ari: no *starting to cry*
Cnu: *stepping into the apartment and closing the door behind him* she told you didn't she?
Ari: you knew? And you didn't tell me?
Cnu: I didn't want to..I didn't want to see your beautiful smile fade..
Ari: but now-
{Aris' POV}
He pulled me into his arms, before I could even finish my sentence
I didn't move, in his arms are the only place I could find peace, the only place where everything felt like it was going to be ok..
Ari: why are you being like this?
Cnu: what?
Ari: just a couple of months ago you hated me and told me how much I ruined your life, and now-
Cnu: *pulling away from the hug* I never hated you. What I never did was stop loving you. You could ruin my life again and I would still love you.
Ari: *small smile* 
Cnu: lets go some where, just us two..maybe that will gets some things off your mind.
Ari: where?
Cnu: *smiles* just pack your bag
{Aris POV}
I did as he said and and packed my small weekend bag, I walked out into the living room.
He came over to me and took my bag, then led me out to the his car.
Cnu: do you mind if we stop by the dorm, so I can't my stuff?
Ari: sure lets go
{Aris' POV}
We pulled up in front of his dorm and got out the car.
I followed him up to the door, I felt somewhat nervous..I hadn't seen any of the guys, except for Gongchan, in ages.
He opened the door, and soon the quite winter air was filled with loud noises and screaming voices coming from inside the dorm, causing me to crack a smile.
As I stepped in, I dodged the TV remote, that was flying strait at me.
Sandeul: oh sorry I didn't mean to throw- Ari?
Ari: hi *weak smile*
Jinyoung: Its been awhile since We've seen you here..
Ari: yea..it has
Baro: well the guys make it sound bad that you're here, I on the other hand missed you! *running to give her a hug*
Sandeul+Jinyoung: we missed her too!
Jinyoung: just out out of curiosity why are you here?
Cnu: we're going somewhere..
Gongchan: oooooooh where are you going? And who are you going with? *smirking*
Cnu: we're going somewhere, just the two of us. Now if you don't mind us I'm going to get my stuff and leave. *taking Aris' hand and taking her to his room*
{Aris' POV}
I sat on his bed while he got his things together.
Maybe I needed this, a trip somewhere away from here.
There's just too much going on..
Victoria told me not to worry about it, but how can I not? She was my older sister, my only sibling..the one who took care of me when mom and dad passed away a few years back..but she wasn't the only one who took care of me..Shinwoo did too.
Maybe that's why she told him, before me.
Cnu: *putting last thing in bag* ok I'm- Ari, please stop thinking about it..
Ari: ..sorry
Cnu: *taking her hand* you're with me, and it'll just be you and I, I'll make you forget all your pain, I'll make you feel better. I promise. Now can I see you smile again? *smiling*
Ari: *small smile*
Cnu: perfect. Now lets go! *leading her out of the room and out to his car*
Gongchan: have fun!
We got in his car, and drove off.
Ari: where exactly are we going?
Cnu: you'll know when you see it *smiling*
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