The Annoying Sister

My Troublesome Boyfriend






The morning began as it always did on a weekday with Mr Kim up and ready in his work clothes at exactly 7, sitting at his usual spot at the table in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in one hand and a newspaper opened up to the sports section in the other hand. A couple of times the elder would glance towards his wife, who was currently moving around the kitchen trying to make breakfast as quickly as possible. Even though Mr Kim was, as some would say, the ‘man of the house’, he was a very hard-working individual but the sole reason behind his hard work was his wife.


He could still remember the promise he had made to his wife years ago when she was pregnant with their first child, Kibum. The day that Mrs Kim had found out that she was pregnant, the emotions she felt were so overwhelming that for hours that day she just sat at home waiting anxiously for her husband to return home from work. However the moment he walked into the house Mrs Kim could instantly tell that something had happened by the slouching of Mr Kim’s shoulders and the way that he instantly walked into the kitchen after taking of his shoes without even glancing over at his wife.


Mrs Kim quickly walked into the kitchen area to find her husband standing at the sink repeatedly splashing water over his face. “Yoebo, did something happen?” Mr Kim patted his face lightly with a towel and walked over to Mrs Kim with a small smile.


“I have some bad news, remember I told you that the company hasn’t been doing very well for these past few months well about a month ago reports showed that the company was beginning to lose money and so they decided to lay some of the workers off” Mr Kim pulled out a chair and sat down whilst placing his elbow on the table and leaning his chin on his hand. He waited for his wife to sit down next to him and gently took her hand in his own.  Mr Kim looked down at his hand laced with Mrs Kim’s, “I got fired today”.


Mrs Kim instantly let out a gasp of surprise but before she could ask any questions or say anything to her husband, Mr Kim continued, “please don’t worry Yoebo, we have plenty of money at the moment that will last us just until I find another job, okay so I don’t want you to worry too much over this” and with that he pulled his wife into a hug. Mrs Kim knew that her husband meant well with telling her not to worry but she couldn’t help herself, she had just found out that she was pregnant and on the same day her husband gets fired. What Mr Kim said next only saddened Mrs Kim further, “let’s just be thankful that you’re not pregnant” he said with a laugh.


Mrs Kim didn’t want to stress her husband out further and so she decided not to tell him at that moment. However as days and weeks went by with Mr Kim having no luck of finding a new job, Mrs Kim didn’t have it in her to put an extra burden on her husband’s shoulders by telling him that she was pregnant. The day that Mr Kim had found out that his wife was pregnant was the day that Mrs Kim had decided to get an abortion. It was pure coincidence that Mr Kim just so happened to see his wife walk into the abortion centre and he didn’t think twice before stopping her from entering the doors.


That night Mrs Kim explained everything to her husband about the day she found out she was pregnant and about how she didn’t want to burden him with a child at the moment especially because he was unemployed. Mr Kim felt extremely guilty for putting his wife through that and made himself a promise that he would never let his wife be in that position ever again. From that day on he quickly found a new job and worked hard every day so that he could never let his wife or son feel as if they were deprived of anything. Soon he even got offered a promotion and on the same day he found out that he was going to have a daughter. Watching his kids growing up over the years and seeing that smile never disappear from his wife’s face was everything that Mr Kim ever wanted and he couldn’t be more content with the life he has.


Mr Kim was pulled out of his thoughts by the touch of soft lips on his cheek and hearing a sweet ‘good morning’ as he watched his ten year old daughter pull out a chair at the table and sit down waiting patiently for her breakfast. He replied with a ‘good morning sweetie’ and smiled brightly down at his daughter. Getting lost in his thoughts again Mr Kim thought it was funny how quickly time went by. He could still remember the day when Sulli would crawl around the house with a bottle stuck in but now she was walking and instead of speaking gibberish she was actually able to form full sentences that made sense even. 


Sulli looked at her dad with a raised eyebrow at how he continued to stare at her with a big smile. Mr Kim simply shrugged, “where’s your brother?” he asked just as Mrs Kim placed a plate of pancakes in front of father and daughter. Sulli took a big bite of her food before answering, “Still sleeping” but it came out muffled as was full of food.


“Sulli don’t speak with your mouth full” her mother scolded to which Sulli simply nodded. Mr Kim figured that Kibum would wake up soon enough by himself as he always did and so started eating his breakfast instead.







Even before they had become a couple Jonghyun had spent many nights staying over at Kibum’s and each time never failed to make him extremely happy. Just simply being able to wake up next to the younger gave Jonghyun butterflies in the stomach. He didn’t know when he started doing it but at times when he would sleepover at Kibum’s, Jonghyun would wake up half an hour before the younger and just lay there and watch the younger sleep. Jonghyun decided that the time when Kibum was waking up from sleep, the way that he would stretch out like a cat and then rub at his eyes with closed fists was when Kibum looked the cutest. And so he would, every time, make sure to wake up earlier than Kibum so that he could watch the younger wake up.


And so this morning was just like all the others. Kibum was just beginning to wake up and there Jonghyun lay beside him with his head resting on his hand so that he was slightly hovering over the younger. Even though, by now, Kibum should be used to the sight of Jonghyun being the first thing he sees when he awakes on nights when the elder would stay over. However the sight of Jonghyun looking down at him with a gentle smile never failed to make Kibum’s heart beat that little bit faster and his cheeks to heat up and turn a rosy red.


“Morning” Jonghyun said with a cheerful and upbeat tone and in return Kibum could only whisper a ‘morning’. As the elder bent down slowly closing the distance between them Jonghyun watched how Kibum tightly closed his eyes and let out a little laugh at the younger’s hesitance and chose to instead place a soft kiss on Kibum’s forehead. Just as Jonghyun was going to move away a hand stopped him. Kibum placed his hand on the elder’s cheek gently the soft skin. Jonghyun quickly grabbed onto Kibum’s hand before he could move it away and placed a kiss on the palm of the hand and trailed kisses along the younger’s arm up to the bare shoulder. When Jonghyun began placing light kisses along Kibum’s collarbone, he felt the younger trying to move away from him.


Once he reached the younger’s pale neck he felt Kibum’s hand weakly pushing at his chest. Jonghyun knew that he shouldn’t take it any further and therefore placed one last kiss on Kibum’s cheek and moved away so that he was now standing and gathering his clothes to change in the bathroom. Before Jonghyun could open the bedroom door Kibum stopped him by calling out his name from his position, still sitting on the bed. The elder turned around with a smile on his face but the smile soon turned into a frown when he heard Kibum mumbled a ‘sorry’ whilst keeping his head down. Jonghyun walked back towards Kibum and sat down on the edge of the bed and gently took the younger’s hand into his own.


After placing a kiss on the back of Kibum’s hand and seeing a blush cover the younger’s cheeks Jonghyun took Kibum’s face in his hands and tried to make eye contact with the younger. “Kibum, look at me” Hesitantly Kibum lifted his gaze from the bed sheets to his boyfriend. “You don’t have to apologize for anything” the elder said with a soft smile.


“But-“Jonghyun just shook his head to stop Kibum from continuing.


“You have absolutely nothing to apologize for, do you understand Kibum?” Jonghyun spoke with a stern voice because he wanted Kibum to understand that no matter how many times he would stop Jonghyun from going further, no matter how long Jonghyun would have to wait, the younger most definitely doesn’t have to apologize for any of that. Instead Jonghyun believed that he should be the one to apologize for even trying to take it further in the first place. When Kibum nodded his head with a shy smile to show that he understood, Jonghyun quickly pecked his lips and told the boy in front of him to get ready for school.







Once both boys were up and dressed for school they headed down the stairs, holding hands with smiles on their faces. However once they reached the last step Kibum froze causing Jonghyun to turn to him with a look of confusion. “My parents don’t know you stayed the night, my mum’s going to kill me if she finds out that I let you stay without her permission”.


Jonghyun gave Kibum a look of understanding and worry “What should we do?” he asked pathetically. Out of the two boys Jonghyun had never been the one with the brains, therefore it was always left to Kibum to think of ideas as to how to get out of these kind of situations.


“I’ll go in and distract them while you quickly put on your shoes and go, okay” Kibum didn’t even give Jonghyun the chance to kiss him bye or anything before he walked into the kitchen and greeted his parents and sister with a loud ‘morning’. For a second Jonghyun stood at the door slightly disappointed that Kibum didn’t even say bye or offer him any food before he left but soon realisation hit him that he had to get out of the house as soon as possible before Kibum’s parents found him there. He quietly sat down on the last step of the stairs and began putting his shoes on.


However just as he went to tie the lace of the first shoe he heard Kibum’s mother ask the younger, “Kibum, isn’t Jonghyun going to join us for breakfast?” followed by Kibum’s father, “oh yeah, where is he? Don’t tell me he’s already left?”


Jonghyun could imagine the exact look that Kibum must have at that moment because he had the same look himself. For a minute he didn’t know what to do, should he go in or should he just leave? He decided to go with the first choice because honestly he was hungry and the smell of Mrs Kim’s chocolate pancakes weren’t helping supress his hunger. He removed his shoes and walked into the kitchen with a sheepish smile before bowing respectively to Mr and Mrs Kim who in return smiled kindly at him.


Jonghyun took his usual seat next to Kibum at the table and opposite Sulli. He smiled brightly at the little girl but in return only got a cold glare. He couldn’t understand Sulli’s behaviour towards him. When Sulli was still much younger Jonghyun remembered how much she used to love him. Whenever he was over at the house Jonghyun would always spent a lot of his time playing and trying to make Sulli laugh. However it was around the time that Jonghyun and Kibum started dating that she began distancing herself from Jonghyun. But the elder also noticed the she had distanced herself from Kibum too.


The two siblings didn’t spend as much time together as they used too and whenever Kibum or he would enter a room, she would immediately leave and it was the same today. Once Mrs Kim had sat down at the table after making sure that everyone else had a plate, the only thing that could be heard in the room was chewing and the sound of the forks hitting plates. However only a minute later Sulli abruptly stood up from her chair, placed her dishes in the sink and ran up to her room.


Jonghyun saw how Kibum watched her go with a sad look in his eyes. The elder leaned closer to Kibum and whispered in his ears, “Why don’t you go talk to her?”


Kibum turned to Jonghyun with a sigh, “and what am I supposed to say?”


“Why don’t you start with at least asking her what’s wrong” The look that the elder gave Kibum told him that he should just go. Kibum let out a sigh and excused himself from the table and made his way up to his little sister’s room.


Once he had reached Sulli’s room, Kibum noticed that the door was slightly open and for a minute he stood there watching Sulli pack her school bag. Wanting to get this over with quickly before he had to leave for school, Kibum walked into the room without knocking, “Sulli, can we ta-“


However before he could even finish what he was saying he was abruptly interrupted by his little sister, “What are you doing in my room?” the look that Sulli gave her brother worried Kibum. “Get out!” Kibum was shocked to say the least. Even if Sulli had been acting different towards Kibum for a while, never had she shouted at him though.


The way that Sulli looked and spoke to him only confused Kibum, “Look, I don’t know why you’re acting like this towards me but remember I am your older brother” the elder gave Sulli a stern look, if there was one thing that Kibum couldn’t tolerate it was when people were rude for no reason. “I just want to talk to you” However when he saw Sulli roll her eyes and look away from him, Kibum knew that she didn’t care about whatever he had to say.


Slowly Kibum was losing his patience with Sulli. Even though he didn’t know what or why things had changed between them, Kibum knew that Jonghyun was right, he couldn’t just leave things as how they were, he wanted things between him and Sulli to go back to how they were. Honestly it hurt Kibum to see his little sister act so cold towards to him. Kibum could still remember the days when she would literally cling to him 24/7 and yeah at the time it had been annoying but at the moment seeing how his sister wouldn’t even look at him, Kibum wished he could go back to those days and treasure those moments with Sulli more.


“Sulli, I don’t like how things are between us now, we used to be so close and now you can’t even stand to be in the same room as me, you’re my little sister Sulli and I care about you-“


“But I don’t care about you” Kibum could feel the tears well up in his eyes. He understood that Sulli was angry or upset with him about something but he never thought that she could ever say something like that. Kibum could tell by the tone in her voice that she meant what she said and to know that your own sister didn’t care for you only hurt the boy deeply. Without saying another word or even glancing at his sister, Kibum walked out of Sulli’s room.


Sulli simply stood there in shock as she watched her brother walk out of her room with tears in his eyes. She was angry with Kibum and she had been for a while now, all she wanted was for Kibum to understand why she was upset and apologize because then everything could go back to normal but Sulli realised that she just made everything worse now. When Kibum and Jonghyun first started dating it wasn’t Sulli who had distanced herself from Kibum, instead it was the other way around. Whenever Jonghyun would come over to the house now he and Kibum would always lock themselves in the younger’s room leaving Sulli play by herself. After the countless number of times that Sulli would ask either of the boys to play with her, or when the couple were going out for ice-cream or to watch a movie and all she would get in return was a simple no, Sulli began to feel extremely lonely and betrayed by her own brother.


It angered Sulli that Kibum didn’t know this, instead he would try to talk to her as if nothing had happened and make her feel guilty into thinking that it was her fault that things changed when the truth was that it was Kibum who changed, not her. The only thing that Sulli wanted was for her brother to realise that he had been hurting her for a long time now and within those two years of Kibum and Jonghyun being together, Kibum never noticed the look of loneliness in his little sisters eyes.


However Sulli knew that what she had said was wrong and a complete lie. She did care about her brother, she cared about Kibum a lot and she only said that out of pure annoyance towards Kibum. But after watching Kibum, who was close to tears just silently walk away without even glancing back at her, Sulli knew that she had gone too far and needed to fix it. Sulli grabbed her backpack and made her way downstairs to her brother so that she could apologize for what she said. However once she reached the top of the stairs she saw Kibum sitting at the bottom of the staircase along with Jonghyun. Sulli could tell by the way that Jonghyun’s hand was rubbing up and down her brother’s arm and the sniffling she heard come from Kibum that she had made her brother cry. Watching her brother cry into his boyfriend’s shoulder Sulli felt extremely guilty and wanted nothing more than to run to Kibum and hug him.


Once she took a step down the stairs Sulli suddenly stopped when she heard Kibum speak, “I don’t even know what I’ve done to make her hate me so much” Sulli hated how weak her brother sounded. “Kibum, you know she didn’t mean it, Sulli just said it out of anger, you just need to talk to her again” Even though Sulli didn’t like how Jonghyun had taken her brother away from her, she knew that Jonghyun did care about Kibum a lot and for that she was happy that her brother found someone who really loved him. “Why should I talk to her after what she said? I don’t care anymore, I’m not going to talk to her until she stops being an annoying little brat!” At that moment, after hearing those words come out of her brothers mouth Sulli forgot about wanting to apologize and instead began to feel the anger boil up inside her again.


“Kibum, what’s wrong?” Mrs Kim immediately noticed her son crying as soon as she walked into the living room but after Jonghyun explained that he had a little argument with Sulli, Mrs Kim straight away understood why Kibum was upset. She and her husband had noticed too how Sulli had been acting differently towards Kibum but both parents chose not to interfere in arguments between siblings hoping that they would just work things out soon by themselves. After reassuring Kibum that everything would get better in time Mrs Kim looked up to find her daughter standing on the top of the stairs glaring at Kibum. “Sulli what are you doing just standing there? Come on or you’re going to be late for school” Jonghyun and Kibum hadn’t noticed Sulli standing behind them but when Kibum turned around to look at her, he noticed how Sulli’s glare towards him had turned colder from before.


“I’m not going” Sulli mumbled quietly as she looked at her mother.


Mrs Kim gave her daughter a stern look, “what do you mean you’re not going? You’re not ill so you’re perfectly capable of going to school”


Mrs Kim became impatient and more confused when Sulli simply replied with ‘I’m not going’ again. “Sulli, we don’t have time for this, you were fine about going to school just a couple of minutes ago, what’s changed?” before Sulli could reply Mr Kim walked into the living room asking if everyone was ready to go. Before Mr Kim could go to work he had the job of dropping his kids off at school first. “Sulli is suddenly saying that she doesn’t want to go to school” Mrs Kim told her husband.


Mr Kim turned to Sulli with a look of confusion, “why don’t you want to go to school?” but after a minute of waiting and still not getting a reply from his daughter Mr Kim became irritated, “Sulli, there’s no time for this so come on otherwise you’re going to make me and your brother late”


Sulli hated how everyone would say that they had no time to deal with her. The young girl felt like everyone around her only had time for themselves, for their own things but not for her. She understood that at the moment she was going to be the reason for her dad being late to work or her brother being late to school but she simply wasn’t in the mood to go to school, all she wanted was to be left alone in her room all day. “I’m not going and you can’t make me!” everyone looked at Sulli in shock when she suddenly shouted. Sulli had always been a calm and sweet little girl so to see her in such an angry state worried everyone in the room. “I hate you! I hate all of you!” No one had time to react before Sulli ran back to her room and slammed the door shut.


When Jonghyun turned to look at Mr and Mrs Kim he could see the sadness and worry in their eyes. Jonghyun hated how kids could so easily take their parents for granted and he absolutely despised how they could say such hateful words towards their parents without even thinking about how much it could hurt them. Instead all they care about is what they’re feeling at that moment and just say whatever comes to mind. Having grown up with his parents not being around much or not being around at all Jonghyun always thought that if his parents were around he would spend every day of his life showing how much he loved them.


That’s why when he saw the hurt look on Kibum’s parent’s faces he grew increasingly angry at Sulli for being the cause of it. Even though he didn’t know why Sulli was acting the way she was Jonghyun thought that no matter how angry or upset a child is there is absolutely no reason for them to say such things to their parents especially when they had Mr and Mrs Kim as their parents. Having known and being around Kibum’s family for so long Jonghyun grew up watching everything Mr and Mrs Kim did for their kids. He admired how hard working both of them were and to think that it was all for their two children Jonghyun did get jealous at times. At times when Kibum would get into an argument with his mother or father Jonghyun would never take the younger’s side, instead he would give the boy a lecture on how he should apologize to them and be thankful that they are always by his side.







The rest of the day had passed slowly for everyone in the Kim household, even for Jonghyun as well. Sulli stayed in her room all day and even after many times of her mother begging her to come out and eat something, the young girl refused each time. Mr Kim went to work, even though he didn’t want to because honestly he was very worried about his daughters sudden behaviour, however he had to provide for his family and that meant going to work even if he didn’t feel like it. Once he returned home though he went straight to his daughter’s room but because he got off work pretty late Sulli had already fallen asleep. Kibum’s day at school could be described as the worst day in his life. Everything and everyone around him just seemed to annoy him. He didn’t want to be around his friends at break or lunch and even on the walk home with Jonghyun he didn’t speak. Jonghyun didn’t take his silence personally though, he knew that the younger was just concerned about Sulli.


A whole week went by and Sulli refused to speak to anyone. Luckily for her mother and father she did come out of her room, she ate at the table with them and she even went to school without a complaint. However she didn’t speak. At breakfast and dinner she would eat her food in silence and ignored any questions her parents asked her and after she would be done eating, she would put her dishes in the sink and go up straight to her room. Throughout the week Kibum didn’t even try to speak Sulli because he knew that she wouldn’t listen. Jonghyun hated having to see his boyfriend upset like this but there wasn’t anything he could do. If Sulli wasn’t willing to speak to her parents or brother then there was no way that she would speak to him.







It was a Tuesday afternoon and Jonghyun had come to Kibum’s straight after school but when Kibum had to leave shortly after to go to a dentist appointment with his mother, Jonghyun was left alone to wait for him. While he waited Jonghyun seated himself on the couch in the living room with the TV and various snacks laying around him. When he heard footsteps coming down the stairs Jonghyun turned around to see over the back of the couch and noticed Sulli standing at the bottom of the staircase, staring blankly at him. For some time the two just stared at each other without saying a single word. Jonghyun hesitantly lifted up the big packet of crisps in his hand, “do you want some?” he asked carefully.


As Sulli slowly walked around the couch until she was standing in front of Jonghyun, the elder gulped not knowing what was going to happen. When she took the bag out of his hands and sat down on the couch beside him, Jonghyun let out a sigh of relief and turned the channel to a more 10 year old appropriate show. They began watching a particularly funny cartoon, one that Jonghyun knew Sulli really liked to watch so when something funny happened Jonghyun looked at the young girl beside him with a smile when he heard her laugh hysterically. He picked up another bag of crisps from the coffee table in front of him and just enjoyed watching the show with Sulli.







When Kibum returned home from the dentist with his mother he had expected to see Jonghyun lazing about on the couch with food in his hand and watching TV but he didn’t expect to see Sulli sitting beside him. Both mother and son stood at the door in shock as they watched Jonghyun and Sulli swap crisp packets naturally whilst keeping their eye on the TV screen in front of them. Both of them had their feet up on the coffee table, something that Mrs Kim would never allow and if it wasn’t for being in shock at that moment she would have told both of them off. A smile broke out on her face when she watched her daughter laugh at something that happened on the screen. It had been a week since she had heard that beautiful laugh and a week for Mrs Kim was way too long.


Not wanting to disturb the two Mrs Kim quietly closed the front door and walked over to the kitchen in silence wanting to make a start on dinner. Kibum on the other hand continued to just stand there observing the two people on the couch. In a way he was happy that Sulli had gone back to smiling and laughing like normal, he loved to see his little sister so happy even if it was just because of a kids show. However another part of him was a little jealous that it was Jonghyun who was sitting on the couch beside her instead of him. But he didn’t want to think about it too much and instead just walked over to the couch and sat down on the other side of Sulli.


When Sulli felt someone sit beside her, she turned to see Kibum looking at her with a blank face but when he simply turned to look at the TV Sulli smiled to herself and turned her concentration back to the TV. Kibum grinned to himself when he noticed the small smile on his sisters face from the corner of his eye and when he turned to look at her again he instead made eye-contact with Jonghyun who smiled lovingly back at him.


Even though Kibum knew that everything wasn’t going to magically go back to normal just because Sulli was smiling and laughing again but he knew that it was a start and for now he was just thankful that he could sit on the couch with his sister and boyfriend and watch TV peacefully while sharing food.








The next day Kibum was over at Jonghyun’s house for a change, Jonghyun had literally begged Mrs Kim to let the younger stay the night while Kibum just stood on the side watching how his mother kept repeatedly shaking her head and said that she would pick him up from Jonghyun’s at eight. The elder couldn’t do anything but just accept that and enjoy the time that he had to be alone with his boyfriend.


After quickly having something to eat Jonghyun and Kibum were now laying on the elder’s bed just enjoying each other’s presence whilst listening to the music that was playing from Jonghyun’s iPod. Jonghyun loved these moments the most, when he could just hold Kibum’s body close to his own. Both boys were currently lying on their sides with Kibum’s back pressed against Jonghyun’s chest. Kibum didn’t know how to describe it but having the elder’s arm wrapped around him tightly as it was at that moment made the younger feel warm and safe.


Kibum turned around in Jonghyun’s arms so that he was now facing the elder. For a while he watched his boyfriend’s peaceful face as his eyes were closed. Kibum knew how much Jonghyun cared about him and because of that he couldn’t be happier to be with someone like Jonghyun. He considered himself to be so lucky to have the elder by his side. The only thing that troubled Kibum though was that he wished for Jonghyun to have everything he wanted but the younger knew that the one thing Jonghyun wanted and needed was a proper family and that was the only thing he couldn’t give Jonghyun. Kibum hated that.


Jonghyun was such a good boy, despite the trouble he caused at school, Jonghyun was truly a great person who cared a lot and maybe a little too much about the people around him. The elder was the type of person that would get attached to people easily and that’s why even towards his friends and classmates Jonghyun always looked out for them even if they didn’t do the same for him. It was because of the type of person that Jonghyun was that made Kibum want to become the perfect boyfriend for him. He didn’t want to let Jonghyun down or make the elder regret ever falling for him.


Jonghyun sensed someone staring at him and peeked open one eye to see Kibum looking at him with a shy smile. The elder chuckled softly and placed a kiss on the younger’s forehead before moving down to kiss the tip of Kibum’s nose but just as he was going to kiss Kibum’s lips Jonghyun moved away. Kibum opened his eyes and gave Jonghyun a look of confusion as to why he stopped but when the elder just cheekily grinned in return, Kibum sighed and cupped Jonghyun’s face with his hands and gently placed his lips on the elder’s. The younger didn’t understand why Jonghyun enjoyed it so much when Kibum kissed him instead of it being the other way around but he still did it because he loved to see that big warm smile on his boyfriend’s face.


“Jonghyun?” Kibum whispered not wanting to ruin the quiet atmosphere. When he heard Jonghyun reply with a ‘yeah’ he continued, “Could you maybe talk to Sulli for me?”


Jonghyun looked at Kibum with a confused look, “why do you want me to talk to her?”


“Well, because yesterday she willingly went and sat down next to you, I don’t know maybe she can talk to you about what’s bothering her because you did used to play with her the most when she was younger”


“I don’t know Kibum” Jonghyun sighed, “I guess I could try” the elder couldn’t resist the pleading eyes that Kibum was showing him. Honestly Jonghyun wasn’t sure if he could actually do what Kibum had asked of him, the elder had never really been someone who was good at serious conversations. He tried to avoid them as much as possible. Also he thought that talking to Sulli should be something that either Kibum or his parents should do rather than himself. Kibum was right in saying that he used to be really close to the young girl but it had been quite some time since the last time he actually had a conversation with Sulli.








After arriving back from school and actually being dragged by his boyfriend into the house and up the stairs until he was standing in front of the door to Sulli’s bedroom, Jonghyun figured that it would be better to just get it over and done with. After forcing Kibum to go and wait downstairs because he thought that it would be easier to speak to the girl without having his brother’s ear pressed against the door, the elder nervously lifted a fist to knock on the door. Soon a soft ‘come in’ could be heard from the other side of the door and Jonghyun sighed in relief that she actually responded, it was a start.


Hesitantly he opened the door and stepped into the room that had walls covered in a light shade of pink. Honestly when Jonghyun had first met Kibum he had expected the younger’s room to be of this sort of colour rather than the dark blue that it was currently painted in. Jonghyun smiled softly as he walked further into the room and watched as Sulli was currently very concentrated on placing her dolls neatly into size order on the floor.


“Hey Sulli” Jonghyun smiled brightly when the little girl looked up at him with a shy smile. The elder moved forward to sit in front of the younger, “what are you doing?”




“Look Sulli your brother wanted me to speak to you, you know to see if you’re okay. Kibum’s really worried about you, so are your parents…I’m worried about you too-“


“You are?” Sulli looked up at Jonghyun with a shocked look.


Jonghyun stared at Sulli, confused as to why she would ever think that the boy wasn’t worried about her, “of course I am, I care about you Sulli and not just because your my boyfriend’s little sister, remember we were really close friends before I even started dating Kibum so if there’s something bothering you then of course I want to know about it and I want to help you”


Sulli couldn’t hide the fact that she was happy by Jonghyun’s words, “you want to help me?”


“Yes, I’ll do anything I can to help you Sulli because I honestly care about you”


“Then…break up with Kibum”








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Chapter 2: wait was sulli joking author-nim?
hi^^ pls update soon!
Chapter 2: that's a jawdroping (?) moment when read the last sentence about sulli want jongkey to break
i mean wtf, i thought that she just want to make days back like they used to have

don't say that sulli will develop feeling towards jonghyun as the story goes.. *sighs*
Chapter 2: I hope kim sibling will be close again..
But sulli don't do that her oppa & jjong...
Don't break my jongkey~~~
I know jjong will have other way to solve sulli's problem^^
Chapter 2: SULLI WHAT THE ?!
I mean I understand thats she's feeling left out but thats too much to ask for!

Gosh .... aaah I cant wait for the next chapter >.<
kara224 #6
Chapter 2: Flippin cliff hanger. I really want to know wat happens next :) update soon pleeeeeaaaase
Chapter 2: Omg talk about leaving it at a cliff hanger O.O please don't break up with Key though XD I get the tissues ready in case ><
mangafrick #8
Chapter 2: Interesting curious next update please
mangafrick #9
Chapter 1: Update more please
kara224 #10
i wish u could update soon :)