True Love

My Troublesome Boyfriend






Kibum never really believed in true love. He couldn't really pinpoint the reason behind it, Kibum simply thought that it was only reasonable and realistic to not believe in the idea of loving only one person for the rest of your life. It wasn't as if his parents were divorced or separated in one way or another and so because of that he would think that love wasn't everlasting. Instead it was the complete opposite. Kibum's parents were and are a happily married couple for over eighteen years now. Surely they would have the usual 'couple arguments' and when Kibum was born they occasionally had disagreements on what school he should go to or whether his friends were the right kind of people that he should be hanging around with. However even through the arguments, the love between the two was still very evident and even more so when Kibum's little sister, Sulli was born. 


It wasn't like Kibum didn't believe in the notion of love, it was just that he had no faith in the kind of love that they showed in the movies. The kind where love is shown to succeed through everything. The kind of love that is shown to be the only thing that a person needs in their life. Kibum didn't want it so that he would be dependent on love, he wanted to rely on himself and the person that he would be stood next to in life. Kibum always felt that love wasn't really the most important thing in a relationship, that wasn't to say that love shouldn't play any role in bringing two people together. 


If asked whether he loves his family Kibum wouldn't have a second of hesitation before answering, yes. Kibum loved his family but he would go on to explain that it wasn't the same as when you fall in love with a stranger. His love for his family was, to Kibum, something unavoidable, something he had no say in. It wasn't even something that he would think about or question, it was like the answer was and always will be there and so no one ever had to speak about it. He didn't feel like he had to express to his family that he loved them because they already knew, just as how Kibum knew that his family loved him. And that's why Kibum would say that he had never in his life uttered those three words to anyone. 


The fact that Kibum didn't believe in true love only meant that he wished he did. It was all too complicating for Kibum. On one hand he had no faith in the concept but on the other Kibum hoped with everything he had that he was wrong. The thought of having someone there for him, other than his family, was something that Kibum dreamed about night after night. In his dreams Kibum would feel calm and happy standing beside the person he felt deep down he could trust and and have faith in. The only problems with his dreams was that there was no face to the individual in his dreams. The person would always appear as a blank face. Truthfully it did kind of depress Kibum, all the waiting and anticipation that was involved in finding out who was going to fill the empty place was nerve wrecking. 


Kibum's childhood friend, Kim Jonghyun had the exact opposite kind of thinking. At around the age of 8, when Kibum and Jonghyun would just lie on the recently cut grass in the park, Jonghyun would tell Kibum stories about how he would meet his 'destined one'. Jonghyun, unlike Kibum had faith in the idea of true love and to some extent he believed that there was only one person out there for you. Kibum would often make fun of Jonghyun's 'childish' thoughts, especially since the boy was only 8 and he would talk about 'true love'. 


However differentiating in views didn't push the boys apart, instead it somehow made them closer. Kibum would look at Jonghyun as someone who gave him hope. Hearing Jonghyun talk about having the perfect family in the future, Kibum would look at his friend with the both a look of admiration and envy. Kibum could sit and listen to Jonghyun's voice all day long. Just by the sound of his voice Kibum felt at peace. Kibum felt like he didn't even need to pay attention to what Jonghyun was saying but just by staring at the elder boy, intently watching his facial expressions and the way how his lips would form every word, Kibum knew from that moment that he had maybe found his first love and hopefully, only love. 


uality wasn't something that Kibum payed much attention to. He found himself to be accepting of all kind of people, no matter what their uality. That's why when he first began having romantic thoughts about his best friend, a part of him was grateful that his heart had chosen a person like Jonghyun. The other part of him, the rational part, would constantly remind him of the fact that Jonghyun only saw him as his best friend. 


"What are you thinking about?" 15 year old Kibum turned to his left where he was met with the sight of his boyfriend Jonghyun. Both boys were currently seated on the couch in the youngers home cuddled up next to each other. After a long day at school the couple enjoyed the few moments were they could simply just enjoy the others presence beside them. 


Kibum titled his head slightly and leaned that short distance forward until his lips met with Jonghyun's and whispered "nothing" against the elders lips, before leaning his head back against Jonghyun's chest. Even though the kiss could only be described as a simple peck and secretly Jonghyun would have wished for more but the fact that Kibum was the one who kissed him and not the other way around, it was enough to satisfy Jonghyun, for now. 


It was crazy to think about how much their relationship had changed but then again hadn't really changed at all. After years of panicking and hurting over the fact that Jonghyun would never like him in that way, there were absolutely no words to describe how relieved and happy Kibum felt on the day that Jonghyun had so surprisingly and impulsively kissed him. Never had Kibum even considered the idea of Jonghyun liking him back and he was so sure of the fact that they would forever remain just best friends. 


Ever since Jonghyun had sprung that kiss on Kibum it was obvious to say that the status of their relationship had changed dramatically. Somehow knowing that Jonghyun had similar feelings, Kibum found it that much easier to confess to the elder. And even though Kibum was only 13 and Jonghyun 14 at the time, the couples parents had no objections to their relationship. The parents had over the years watched how close their sons were, seeing them literally stick together since they were only toddlers. It would have been a real shame to separate them. And their parents knew that they would rather be accepting of the relationship than to see both the boys devastated.


Growing up in a society where homouality wasn't openly talked about or even accepted most of the times, Kibum and Jonghyun had a rather rough time with coming out at school. The problem wasn't only the other students or teachers but the couple had to be aware of the student's parents also. At times even Kibum felt like they couldn't last through all the hateful comments and stares but Jonghyun never failed to give him the small glint of hope whenever the older would utter the simple words, 'things will get better". And surprisingly Jonghyun was right. Students began to really notice the couple and realised that Kibum and Jonghyun had something that they would never dare to ruin. Other students, those who still didn't approve learnt to simply ignore the couple. After months of watching how their relationship only grew stronger, the students became tired of bothering them. 


Although Kibum and Jonghyun would have liked it so the whole school accepted their relationship, they learned to be happy with what they had. They found that in reality the acceptance of their family and friends was really all they needed in the end. That and of course the excited squeals that they would hear whenever they walked past the girls at school, screaming about how cute they were, never failed to put a smile on Kibum's face. Jonghyun, at the beginning would get happy about how they had their own 'fanclub' in school but after a while the screaming and squeals grew a little annoying for the elder, but he was grateful towards the girls for making his boyfriend happy.


Now, two years later, Kibum felt confident in the fact that he was ready to tell Jonghyun that he loved him. For the past two years Kibum saw the look of rejection and disappointment on Jonghyun's face whenever the elder would tell him that he loved him but each time never hearing the younger return the feelings. Kibum was sure that Jonghyun knew that the younger loved him, that much was clear to everyone, however there was just something about actually verbally confessing it to the other.


Kibum realised a long time ago that there was no questioning what he felt towards the elder but whenever it came to expressing those feelings, Kibum would feel at a loss for words. It was crazy really because there were three specific words that said everything, in three simple words he could express exactly how he felt and more, yet he found it hard to do. He honestly didn't know what was wrong with him and he knew that the longer he made Jonghyun wait the more he would have to see the sad smile on his boyfriends face whenever he said that he 'wasn't ready yet'. 


However everything was different know, Kibum was finally ready to say those three words, 'i love you'. He was ready to see Jonghyun's reaction when he would suddenly express everything that he felt about the elder. Kibum knew that the day Jonghyun wore the brightest smile on his face, he, himself will be the happiest person on the world. 


"hey boy's it's time for Jonghyun to go home, it's getting pretty late and it's a school night" 


Kibum turned his head to send his mother a small smile with an 'okay' and watched how his mother headed up the stairs to her bedroom. Sulli was already asleep in her own room. Being a ten year old and having to spend nine hours in school really tired the little girl out. Having to get up at seven everyday and then be in school from eight till four, it was only expected for her to be in bed by eight in the evening. However Kibum and Jonghyun were in their teenage years. It was a time for kids to go to bed late, wake up late and then complain all day about being tired. It never really did make any sense to the adults, but what they didn't understand is that going to bed extremely late was like the thing to do when your a teenager. 


The younger turned to his boyfriend when he heard the elder sigh and chuckled when he saw the look on Jonghyun's face. It was a look telling, no pleading the other to let him stay over. Kibum just simply shook his head and stood up to walk Jonghyun to the door. Jonghyun got up with a huff and walked the few steps to the front door. The front door opened right into the living room so all Jonghyun had to do was simply walk around the sofa. With a groan he put his shoes on and turned around to stare at Kibum with the classic pouty face. His puppy eyes grew larger in size and his bottom lip jutted out ever so slightly and overall Jonghyun looked like and abandoned puppy, who had been kicked out by his owners and into the cold, wet streets. 


Kibum walked over to his boyfriend and swung his arms around the taller boy's neck, "aaww puppy, don't look at me like that", even though the younger's tone was rather playful you could still hear the slight sadness in his voice. 


"well what am i supposed to look like, happy?, my boyfriend's kicking me out of his house-"


"yah, I'm not kicking you out, my mum basically said that you had to leave" Kibum cut him off, because Jonghyun should know that if it were up to Kibum, he would still consider it to be too early for his boyfriend to leave. 


Jonghyun pulled his boyfriend closer to him by wrapped his arms around Kibum's waist. Kibum could feel heat rushing to his face all at once whenever he was this close to the elder. The way that Jonghyun would gaze straight into his eyes, Kibum swore his breathing would suddenly stop.  "why don't you ask your mum if I can stay over?" 


"It's a school night, there's no way she would allow that" Jonghyun would always feel a shiver run down his spine when Kibum's hot breath would hit his lips. The thing that Jonghyun loved the most about their faces being so close together was that whenever one of them spoke the movements of their lips would occasionally cause their lips to brush against each other. 


Kibum felt how Jonghyun leaned his forehead against his own, another one of the elders ways to bring them closer to each other. "How about you ask if you can stay over at mine?", the elder mumbled.


"Me, stay overnight at my boyfriends empty apartment?, out of the question" Kibum looked at Jonghyun with a raised eyebrow and look that spoke 'are you serious?'. It was safe to say that Kibum and Jonghyun hadn't really taken the big step in their relationship when it came to be physical with each other. Jonghyun, being sixteen and all would be lying if he said that he hadn't occasionally thought about it or dreamt about the idea of being that physically close to Kibum. However he knew for definite that Kibum wasn't ready and that's why he never tried anything with the younger. 


Jonghyun noticed how Kibum would still hesitate to just be so physically close to him, with clothes on. Every time Jonghyun would slide his hand under Kibum's shirt to have some skin-on-skin contact while they would be making out, Kibum would suddenly jerk back away from the elder. The look of hesitation and slight fear always hurt Jonghyun. On one hand he didn't want to push his boyfriend into doing something that he would regret but on the other hand over the past two years Kibum had really grown into his looks. To say that the boy was beautiful was to Jonghyun an understatement. The elder thought of Kibum to be the prettiest boy he had ever seen and that he was even prettier that all the girls at their school. 


Jonghyun wasn't actually the only one who thought so though. Many boys at school, who weren't necessarily gay or anything, thought that Kibum was in fact a very pretty boy and maybe too pretty to be a boy. This however only made Jonghyun more possessive over his boyfriend, not that Kibum minded how the elder would get easily jealous. Jonghyun figured that because Kibum was only fifteen that he may actually be still too young for them to take that step forward in their relationship and to be honest the elder didn't mind at all that he would have to wait. 


"I don't wanna go home" Jonghyun whined while burying his face in the crook of Kibum's neck. 


"you know, there might still be a way for you to stay over without my mum knowing" 


Jonghyun looked at Kibum with a shocked look, "Is Kibum, the good boy who always listens to what his parents tell him to do, better known as the perfect son telling me right now to go against his own mother and sneak back into the house just so he could sleep with his boyfriend in the same bed" the elder couldn't help speaking in a mocking tone. 


However that only resulted in getting a slap on the back of his head and a very cold "shut up!". Jonghyun stood there with a defeated look while using his one hand to rub at the sore area on his head. "your the one that said you didn't want to go home" at this Jonghyun could only sheepishly nod and smile at the fact that his boyfriend was actually doing this for him. 


"So i guess i'll just climb in through your window yeah?" 


"wait!" Kibum grabbed onto Jonghyun's arm right before the elder was able to step outside the house. After seeing Jonghyun's questioning look, the younger continued "wait outside for about 5 mins before coming up okay, just to make sure that my mum doesn't see anything" 


"oh okay" Jonghyun grinned at the younger before quickly pulling the boy close to him again. Kibum felt his heart beating faster and faster every time Jonghyun leant in that much closer. The moment their lips touched, Jonghyun felt the younger's long eyelashed slightly against his cheek when the boy's eyes closed. Jonghyun sighed into the kiss. Everytime they kissed Jonghyun swore the simply touch would relax him instantly to the point where he felt like he was on cloud nine. 


Kibum tightly gripped onto the elder's shirt as Jonghyun titled his head to deepen the kiss. The moment when Jonghyun's wet muscle slipped in between the youngers parted lips, Kibum would suddenly feel dizzy and his legs would slightly shake. Not trusting his legs to hold him up any longer, Kibum wrapped his arms around Jonghyun's neck to lean on the taller male. And the fact that the elder was tightly holding onto the boy around the waist helped Kibum in keeping his balance.


After Jonghyun had walked out of the house, only to stop by the big tree that was so conveniently standing right outside Kibum's bedroom window, Kibum shut off the lights in the living room and made his way upstairs. Once he reached his bedroom door with his hand on the handle he heard his mother call out to him. He whispered a curse before turning around and facing his mother with a smile. 


"Has Jonghyun gone home?" Mrs Kim looked at her son with a stern expression. She was well aware of the fact that her son's boyfriend would often sneak up into Kibum's room through the window at night when they thought that Kibum's parents were asleep.  Mrs Kim didn't have anything against Jonghyun, it was the exact opposite actually. She couldn't imagine anyone better than Jonghyun to be with her son. Over the years she, along with her husband had witnessed how happy Jonghyun made their son and so she was eternally grateful towards Jonghyun for staying with Kibum. However the only problem was that, like any parent she was worried about how serious Kibum and Jonghyun were about each other and so didn't exactly like the idea about her son getting physically serious with his boyfriend. 


Over the two years Mrs Kim had watched how close Jonghyun and Kibum were, physically. She would watch how closely they would cuddle with each other and truthfully Mrs Kim would always try to make sure that the boys were never in a room alone. She always tried to make it so that either her or her husband was in the room with them or that Kibum's little sister was with them. However when his son's boyfriend would sneak into his bedroom at night, what choice did she have but to just leave it. Mrs Kim trusted her son though, she believed that Kibum would be smart when it came to making the decision whether he was ready or not and she only hoped that he would speak to her first before making that decision. 


"yeah mum, he just left" 


"okay, well goodnight Kibum" She walked over to Kibum and placed a soft kiss on the top of her son's head. After Kibum replied with a short 'goodnight' Mrs Kim made her way back to her bedroom. Kibum sighed in relief when she didn't question him any further and walked into his room and shut the door behind him. 


Once he stepped into the room he almost screamed when he saw someone outside his window but then let out a sigh when he realised that it was his boyfriend. He quickly walked over the window and opened it to let the boy in. "yah you scared me".


Jonghyun quietly landed on the ground and looked at Kibum with confusion, "how did i scare you? you knew i was coming up" 


Kibum just shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the closet to pull out some clothes for the elder. The younger handed Jonghyun a pair of joggers and a tank top that was big for him. After giving the clothes to Jonghyun, Kibum sat on his bed facing the wall while his boyfriend changed. Jonghyun watched how Kibum sat on the bed with his back facing him. He actually found it really cute how Kibum would suddenly get so shy when it came to changing in front of each other but deep inside he slightly wished that Kibum would watch him change.


As erse as that sounded, it was the truth. For about a year and a half now Jonghyun began focusing on his body. Recently he even started going to the gym when he had time. And honestly after all this time and hard labour Jonghyun wanted to show his body off to his boyfriend. He wanted to see Kibum's eyes glaze over with lust when he would lay eyes on his boyfriend's well built body. 


After changing he kneeled down on the bed behind Kibum and rested his chin on the youngers shoulder and placed a kiss on Kibum's cheek. He heard his boyfriend let out a rather girly giggle when he kissed him on the cheek and had to grin at the beautiful sound. "you done?" When Jonghyun gave him a simple nod in return he stated that he was going to change also. 


Jonghyun lay on the bed on his back, carefully watching the youngers every movements and times when Kibum had his back to him because he was getting his clothes out of the closet, Jonghyun couldn't help but keep his gaze on the younger's for more that what could be called as just a glance. However when Kibum turned back around, the elder had to quickly move his eyes back up to Kibum's face. 


"umm...don't look" Kibum mumbled in a low voice, all the while keeping his gaze on the floor. Kibum deeply hated how he felt so shy around the elder. It wasn't supposed to be like that he thought. He thought that because Jonghyun was his boyfriend and he loved him that he should be able to at least freely change in front of him but that wasn't the case at all. Kibum never felt so shy and embarrassed in his life than he did when he was with Jonghyun. However he was always thankful that Jonghyun wouldn't ever question him about it and would instead, just like now, turn around with a smile. 


After Kibum changed, he lay behind Jonghyun and wrapped his thin arms around the waist so that he was hugging him from behind. "Thank you" he whispered against his boyfriend's back. Jonghyun instantly smiled when he felt Kibum hug him from behind. He held onto one of Kibum's hands that were laying on his stomach and because he didn't want to ruin the quiet atmosphere, he whispered a "your welcome". 




Mr Kim had just arrived back from a hard and long day at work. After locking the doors of the car he made his way inside the house while holding a briefcase with one hand and losening his tie with the other. Once he reached the door he faintly noticed slight movement above him and when he looked up he recognised his son's boyfriend climbing into Kibum's bedroom window and later saw his son closing the window. Chuckling to himself whilst shaking his head he walked into the house and as quietly as he could he made his way into his and his wife's bedroom upstairs. He was surprised to his wife still awake and sitting in bed, reading a book. 


Mr Kim always thought that his wife looked adorable whenever she wore her reading glasses and her hair would be messily tied back in a bun. He smiled at the sight in front of him. After greeting his wife, who also had a smile on her face after seeing that her husband had returned home safely, he placed his briefcase beside the side of the bed and straight away began changing into his nightwear. Besides wanting to see his family again, the only other thing that motivated Mr Kim to rush back home after work was to change out of his work clothes. Wearing the work clothes felt like he was back to wearing his school uniform and he could remember how much he detested wearing the school uniform. 


As soon as he had changed, he climbed into the warm bed and placed a kiss on his wife's cheek. "I saw Jonghyun climbing into Kibum's bedroom when I was walking in". 


"Kibum" He heard his wife groan and before he knew it, Mrs Kim lifted the blankets as a move to get out of bed but before she could Mr Kim placed a hand on his wife's arm to stop him. 


Mrs Kim looked back at her husband with an annoyed expression because right now all she wanted to do was march into Kibum's bedroom and send Jonghyun home. "come on yoebo, let them be".


"But I told Kibum specifically that Jonghyun should go home, he shouldn't be staying over, it's a school night!" Mr Kim looked at Mrs Kim with an understanding expression because honestly he did understand how his wife felt. He wasn't completely comfortable with the idea of his son's boyfriend sneaking into his bedroom at night to stay over, however he trusted Kibum and most importantly he trusted Jonghyun.


"We both trust our son right?" after he got a nod from his wife he continued, "and we both trust Jonghyun right?" and then after another nod, "so we have nothing to worry about, let them be yoebo, they're young and they're in love" and that was all it took for Mrs Kim to let out a defeated sigh because she knew that her husband was right and lay back down in bed after putting her book away. 


Mrs Kim felt a lot more reassured after listening to her husbands words and she really felt like the luckiest woman in the world to have someone like him beside her. She couldn't ask for a more perfect husband and she really couldn't ask for a better family than the one she had right now. 








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Chapter 2: wait was sulli joking author-nim?
hi^^ pls update soon!
Chapter 2: that's a jawdroping (?) moment when read the last sentence about sulli want jongkey to break
i mean wtf, i thought that she just want to make days back like they used to have

don't say that sulli will develop feeling towards jonghyun as the story goes.. *sighs*
Chapter 2: I hope kim sibling will be close again..
But sulli don't do that her oppa & jjong...
Don't break my jongkey~~~
I know jjong will have other way to solve sulli's problem^^
Chapter 2: SULLI WHAT THE ?!
I mean I understand thats she's feeling left out but thats too much to ask for!

Gosh .... aaah I cant wait for the next chapter >.<
kara224 #6
Chapter 2: Flippin cliff hanger. I really want to know wat happens next :) update soon pleeeeeaaaase
Chapter 2: Omg talk about leaving it at a cliff hanger O.O please don't break up with Key though XD I get the tissues ready in case ><
mangafrick #8
Chapter 2: Interesting curious next update please
mangafrick #9
Chapter 1: Update more please
kara224 #10
i wish u could update soon :)